Thursday, February 2, 2017

Post #294 "Beyond Creation"

Ultimate Power is expressed in Authority.
 Authority is expressed in Identity.
 Identity is expressed in Possession.
In Creation,
we are Identified by what we Possess.
And what we do is determined by who we are.
and who we are determines if we are Law makers or if we are under The Law,
for the purpose of The Law is to keep the masses in Order.
The Law creates division of elite from vulnerable.
The Law determines 'good' from 'bad' and
Sacred from Sin.
The Law rewards and The Law condemns.
The Law separates Wilderness from Civilization.
 The Law is a system of Division.
We are all subjected to a legal system called Civilization.
Civilization is determined and governed by the Ultimate Power of Creation.
This power of Creation is 'beyond', is 'vaster than', and is 'incomprehendable'.
Or so we Perceive----.

 Actually, for Power to be 'beyond', to be 'vaster than', and to be 'incomprehendable' to
Creation is to be exactly that, beyond, vaster, and not knowable to Creation,
to not be of Creation
Consciousness Dreams of Power, beyond, vaster than, and incomprehendable, to What?
The answer is -----to it-Self.
Does this mean then, that this sought after, dreamed after Power is outside of
Creation, is outside of the Self-----outside of It-Self?
Does the Self Dream of the Power of that which is not it-Self,
but is 'Other'? 
Consciousness Dreams of Becoming,
Consciousness Dreams of Becoming What?
Obviously, what Consciousness Dreams is not within It-Self.

Consciousness Dreaming means Consciousness is Aware of its Finiteness,
of its Mortality.
Because Consciousness Dreams, Creation Dreams, of Becoming that which it is not.
Consciousness Dreams beyond what Creation is.
Consciousness Dreams vaster than Creation is.
Consciousness Dreams that which is incomprehendable to what Creation is able
to Comprehend.
The Dream is Entity and through Entity-----Immortality.
All the struggles of Creation, through its Time, Place and Substance are this Dream
of Immortality.
Consciousness knows what it is Not through what it Is.
Consciousness knows through its action of Creation that because Creation Begins and Ends,
Existence also hold the opposite as Existence is Dichotomy.
Because Existence is Dichotomy, the pattern that governs Creation is also Dichotomy.
Basically we must determine our Existence as Existing or Non-existing.
If Creation is Existence, then outside of Creation there is no Existence.
If Creation is Non-existence, then there is Existence outside of Creation.
 Creation is about survival.
Do we exist within Creation
or do we Non-exist within Creation?
Where does Existence lie?
If Ultimate Power is sought to fulfill the Dream of Immortality,
where does one seek the Ultimate Power to overcome and Possess
Our story, our history of humanity attempting to survive Creation must
be the attempt to overcome Creation
by seeking and claiming Power that is beyond Creation,
by seeking and claiming Power that is vaster than Creation,
by seeking and claiming Power that is incomprehensible to Creation,
-----that Creation cannot overcome it,
that Creation is controlled by it,
that Creation acknowledges its Oneness through Worship.
and here lies:
Ultimate Power is expressed in Authority
Authority is expressed in Identity,
and Identity is expressed in Possession.
The Dream of Immortality can only be fulfilled in Entity.
But how is Entity defined?
Is the political pyramid of bottom up Authority, Entity?
Is the method of humanity to achieve Power through Competition contributing
to Entity?
Is the struggle for Power the way to fulfill the Dream of Entity?
Is Entity not Singularity?
Is the Singular Self not Entity onto it-Self?
and is the Singular Other not Entity onto it-Self?
And does not the Singular Entity of Self and the Singular Entity of Other
not determine Reality from Non-reality?
Why do we think that the accumulation of Power will fulfill the Dream
of Entity?
Why do we think that Ultimate Authority will bring about
Dream on.
We seek Power beyond Creation.
We seek Power that is vaster than Creation.
We seek the incomprehendable that we may not be comprehended as to who we really are,
and as to what we really do.
We Identify our-Self by who and what we seek.
And for this we seek Ultimate Authority but we only find that we are parts and
pieces of a Whole that is determined to destroy all that it may attain the 'Oneness'
of Human survival, the top of the pyramid,
until the realization that the top is a lonely place,
and Consciousness  cannot determine if it is Aware of Existence or of Non-existence.

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