Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Post #343, "Is God Perfect? 2017"

What is Perfection?
Is Perfection the accomplishment of the total removal of Other and Otherness?
Is Perfection the total immersion of Self-in-Self,
when the Other-of-Self has finally been conquered and defeated?
If so, then the final accomplishment of the Dream of Perfection will be One Self
Existing as One in Supreme and absolute Oneness.
And that Oneness would be Worshiped by Self as there would be no remaining 
Other to Worship.
Can Self Worship Self and not Create God?
And if so, is this God?
Is God, God,
or is God our idea of God?
Is God our Image, our Perception, of our-Self?
Can Self Create Oneness out of it-Self?
Would Humanity not find it easier to Worship Self than to Worship God?
What if God is not Self,
but is Other?

Is true Worship not found in sport arenas, on stages, in films, in malls, in substance abuse,..........
-----because we Identity with that which we Worship?
So is Perfection that state of Oneness?
Are we Humans in Oneness with God?
and as we annihilate all Other and Otherness?

This could get complicated, as God is that Oneness that is called into Godship 
through Worship.
This brings up another question;
Is God, God because of Worship?
or does 'that which is Worshiped' become God?
Is God the Self in Oneness of Self?
Is God the Wholeness that contains within it-Self all the broken
parts and pieces of it-Self?
Or could God possibly be Other, as in Other-than-Self?
Is 'God' the Image in Creation of the Singular Other of Reality?
 is God the Image of the Singular Self of Reality?

If Self seeking Perfection, must remove all that is not of itself,
as Foreign, as Alien, as Gnostic, as Pagan,
as Heretic, as Demonic,  as Female, as Satanic,
than exactly what remains?
Would not purging of all Otherness of Self not also remove Self as Self?

There is great confusion about Self and Other-than-Self.
Self's Consciousness is Self Conscious.
Self's Consciousness is Self Conscience because it is not from any source
but the Self.
Yet the Dreams and Desires of Self have everything to do with Other.
Without Other, could Self even Dream of Perfection?
If Perfection is a Dream,
 then Perfection must be a Process that begins with the Dream
and ends in the Actuality.

Other, as Existence itself, is Duality.
Other Exists in Reality in Singularity of Entity of Otherness.
In the Singular Other of Reality there is no Division,
there are no parts and pieces of Other.
because Other Exists in Reality,
Other is Entity,
Other Exists in Immortality.
Self of Creation is not Self of Reality in Entity and in Immortality.
Self of Creation has Obliterated Other from its Created Existence.
This Self therefore, has no knowledge of Other.
This Self cannot define Other.
This Self cannot control Other.
This Self cannot even comprehend Other.
This Self, this Self of Creation's definition of Other or otherness,
is that Other is not Self.
If and when Self attempts to define, control, comprehend, Other,
Self Perceives Other as the 'Other' side of itself,
Self Creates Other as the Opposite Image of it-SELF.
This opposite Image of it-Self provides the Process in which Self accomplishes
its Dream of Becoming.
The Process to Becoming is the removal of Other and Otherness from it-Self.
The Perception is that all that prevents Self from fulfilling the Dream is Other.

So when Consciousness, in Duality,
Exists in Reality or Chooses to Create in an Existence of Becoming,
either Exists in Reality in the Singularity of Self and Other,
or Chooses to annihilate Other and Create its own Existence within it-Self
as Existence IS Self and Other,
Existence can only be within Self as there is no alternative.

In Creation, the Self cannot Observe it-Self, as there is no Other from which
to define Self.
Self can only Perceive it-Self in a Dream-like Existence that has distanced itself
from the Reality of Existence.
This Self of Creation experiences Existence as a Dream that lacks Reality.
This Self Fears its Created Existence.
It craves, it yearns for what it does not have.
This self Creates, Creates, and Creates even more by Dreaming and Desiring what
it is not.
This Self cannot identify it-Self or its Dreams and Desires.
 This Self Exists in a world of Image.

The Dream is identified in an Imaged word.
The Imaged word is Perfection,
"if we can Become 'this' by 'doing that', we will Become Perfect",
and when we are Perfect we will no longer Divide down in the parts and pieces
of our contrived and fantasized Wholeness.
 Yet, we do Divide.
and that is why we die.
We are unable to achieve Entity.
Yet Entity does seem to be that state of Perfection,
that state of Becoming God.
And, of course, we know that.
Deep down, we know that.

Can the search for Perfection die?
Does the word 'Perfection' allow for that which does not last?
---that runs its cycle and then dies?
Of course, anything in Creation,
which is everything, becomes old and out-dated.
Out-dated is when the state of Perfection is elusive,
when the state of Perfection fails,
 when the desire for Perfection no longer gives hope that it can
overcome Death.
Out-datedness is when the state of Perfection fails and must be reinvented again,
as often as necessary.
What fails to achieve Perfection becomes old and out-dated,
thus it must be destroyed to make room for the 'new' and 'latest'.
The Process of failed Perfection thereby Creates Death.
Death calls forth the need to recreate
and then repeats itself over and over again throughout all the cycles of history.
The cycles begin with birth.
The attempt to achieve Perfection fails.
The old and out-dated is replaces by the new
--through Death.
The plan is to replace the old with new and improved models,
meaning mechanical models in a mechanical world,
through all the levels of history,
thereby lessening the effects of Death until Death is eventually defeated.
This supposes that each successive level is a further step to Perfection over
the one before.
But, as noted at an earlier post, the succeeding levels become more blurred and
broken as each moves farther and farther away into the accumulating brokenness,
debris, and lies of history.
Each upcoming generation Perceives it-Self as more Perfect,
as the generation that will conquer Death,
thereby achieving Perfection, thereby achieving Godship.
But it is not so,
as each generation becomes more broken,
moving farther into the 'Nothingness' of Non-reality.
Thus results the false idea of Humanity approaching super status of Perfection
overcoming Death, through advancements from mechanical brains to an increasingly
mechanical world seeking mechanical answers to mechanical questions.....
until the question is finally asked-----
What is Real?

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