Sunday, December 24, 2017

Post #352, "Looking for 'Beginning', 2017"

"Where did it all Begin"?
"How did it all Begin"?
"How did God Begin"?
If God Created all things, then who Created God"?

To search for The Beginning is to limit Existence to Time.
Time is an element of Creation,
meaning Time is Created.
How can one search within Creation for the Beginning of Creation?
As Time is an element of Creation,
how can one look for 'Beginnings' in Time?
 To look for 'Beginning' is to Perceive Creation as containing all of Existence.
Creation does in no way contain Existence!

Existence is Duality of Reality and Non-reality.
Creation is Image.
Creation is not Reality.
Those searching for 'The Beginning' within religion and within science cannot 
contemplate that outside of Time there is no Beginning because it is only
Time that demands Beginning.
Where there is no Time, there is no Beginning 
and with no Beginning there is no Ending.

As Time is an element of Creation,
Time is Created out of Creation.
It is no wonder that those searching for The Beginning are unable to accept that 
Reality Exists in Entity and Immortality.
Entity and Immortality are of Existence, as opposed to Non-existence,
 that is no Beginning and no Ending.
Eternal means no Beginning.

Whether we can contemplate this at all,
is no proof that Reality in Entity and Immortality does not Exist.
There can be no Beginning or Ending to 'What Is'.
'What Is' Exists.
What Exists IS.
It is only the Image,
it is only the reflection of Reality that cannot sustain.

As the Collective Consciousness has Chosen to Create,
that of Creation has no,
absolutely no sense, or understanding, of Reality.
The Collective Consciousness reduces Reality to what it Perceives out of
and within, Creation.
Consequently, Humanity reduces all Existence to within its Perception of Reality,
thereby Creating further Image out of Image, out of Image------
Total Distortion!

In Reality the question does not Exist.
The question, 'Where is the Beginning?' does not Exist in Reality.
How could it?
In Reality there is no Beginning.
If the question is answerable, it is answerable only in the Non-reality of Creation.
And within the Non-reality of Creation, any answer will do,
as Non-reality does not Exist in Reality.
As Time does not Exist in Reality.
What Begins and what Ends is Image, is Reflection,

To look for Beginning is to look for Ending.
What Begins, Must End.
Such is the Law of Creation as Creation is the Process of Division.
The question always asked is 'Then what comes Before this---,
and this----, and this----.
The question should then include 'then what comes after this----,
and this,-----and this.

Science cannot answer questions in Reality if the questions are 
confined and limited to within Creation.
The problem is that religion and science Perceive that the answers to Humanity's
questions lie within their control,
and so religion Creates
and science Guesses,
and out of these, religion and science declare Reality.
Actually, out of these, religion and science Create.

And the questions are only asked because those questioning do not realize that
Creation is not Reality.
They do not realize that Creation is Image and that Image is not Real.
They do not realize that Image is what we Dream to Become.
And, of course, to understand 'Becoming', one must understand that Existence 
is Duality.
To understand Duality,
one must understand that Consciousness is also Duality,
proved by its nature of Choosing.

Consciousness Chooses.
Because Consciousness Chooses, Consciousness Exists in the Duality of 
 Existence is not within our boundaries of our Creation,
of which Time,
 along with Place and Substance,
make up Creation.

Those of Humanity, those of Consciousness, who have Chosen 'To Become'
rather than 'To Be',
are Creators.
Only Creation comes and goes in Existence.
Only Creators question the Beginnings of their own Creation.
Creators are those who Dream of Becoming their Dream.
Creators are those that Exist within their Dream.

Dreams build thick impenetrable walls that block Reality from view.
These walls are not the walls of Reality,
 for Reality, as Existence, knows no walls
or boundaries or limitations of any kind.
Only Creators build walls called world, galaxy, cosmos, and heaven,
to keep out all that are Other and not Self
because Self is the supreme and sovereign wall that has no Idea
of Reality,
 because Reality is Singular Self and Singular Other
in Entity
and in Immortality.
Entity and Immortality have no Beginning
and no Ending.

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