Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Post # 360, " Inside the Self", 2018"

That part of Consciousness that Chooses 'to Become' rather than 'To Be',
Chooses the Unality of Self in Creation
 over the Duality of Singular Self and Singular Other in Reality.
Creation is the Mortal Image of Immortal Reality.
  Image cannot sustain it-Self.
Self is the Unality, Self is the Image of Reality, played out in Creation.
 Self is the Image of the Duality of Self and Other in Singularity.
Choosing Unality Obliterates the 'Other', by seeking Reality within the 'Self,'
and within the Self, alone.
But the Self Exists in the Duality of Existence, so seeks Duality within itself
as the Self experiences frustration at denying its Dual nature.
The Self seeks to replace Other through its Perception of it-Self as Duality,
recreating the Self as Duality by Creating Other out of the Unality of Self,
The Creating Self Divides itself into Duality by Imaging itself as Reality.
The Creating Self Divides itSelf into Divided Other by Imaging the Imaging of image itself.
Creation, as the Process of Division, cannot stop itself from Dividing itself down to Nothingness,
nor can Humanity.

In history, this Unality of Self, is represented in the Self, to the Self, as Holiness, as God,
and is equally represented to the Self, in the Other-than-Self as Evil, and as Satanic.
The Self of Consciousness Perceives Good and Evil within itself,
because it is struggling to survive.
The Self Names that of Self as Good
 and Names that of Other-than-Self as Evil,
thereby allowing Humanity to Compete, to De-humanize, to take the Land by force,
to take the Land through misrepresentation of Chosen-ness, and to make and enforce Self-profiting
Laws upon those it has enslaved in the Name of the God-of-Self, the Creator.
To survive is for the Self to struggle against some 'Other' and win the battle by defeating Other.
The Self of Consciousness Creates Evil to be that 'other' that must be overcome and eliminated.
Evil represents Mortality/Death that is the basic enemy of Creation as a means to eliminate Mortality from itself.
Evil must be destroyed that Mortality will be Destroyed.
The Perception is that when all Evil is removed, the Self will be Immortal.
By trying to destroy Evil, Humanity Becomes Evil, Creates more Evil, until Humanity itself,
destroys itself.

If that Duality of Existence is denied through Choice of Consciousness,
 Unality results.
Non-reality results.
Image results.
Due to the Process of Division that determines Creation,
Unality cannot sustain itself and continually breaks itself down to its Ending.
In Unality there is no Entity.
Without Entity, there is no Immortality.
Even though the Collective Choice is the Unality of a Whole, Duality of Existence cannot be denied.
 and expresses itself in further Division.
 The Whole of the Collective Self continually breaks itself down into the parts and pieces that
make up the Collective Consciousness
For example:   In Humanity,
Humanity cannot sustain itself as Humanity but breaks itself down into Human, Sub-human,
and Non-Human,
into male and female,
 and from there into race, creed, nationality, tribe, union, into team, and on and on,
----all Divisions of a Humanity that cannot sustain itself and cannot stop the Process of Division,
that causes the loss of Entity and Immortality

The Unality of Self is in the Whole of the Collective Consciousness that is made up
of parts of it-Self, that has Divided, and redivided, and redivided,
 until we are where we are today
------Parts and pieces of agitated Human substance that Chooses and re chooses to remove
Reality by Annihilation of all that is Other,
thereby breaking farther and farther down into oblivion,
seeking the Immortality that is the Reality of Self and Other in Singularity.
These parts are the Individual Cells of Consciousness that form a Whole that continually
Divide down into cycles of Life and Death.
This Process of Division is the unfolding of Creation.
The Dream of the Collective, of the Whole, to Become,
is the same Dream of the Individual cell,------to Become,
causing similar cells to amass against non related or 'Other' cells.
The goal is Becoming Reality because Reality is Immortality.
There is Death only in Image.

Humanity interprets this as:
what cannot be made or accessed into Self,
must be destroyed.
And this is the pattern of History.
Its all about Immortality.
Its all about who will Survive.
Its all about who CAN survive.
Survival is all about Competition
 to determine who can amass more Power more quickly,
with which to wipe out all threat,
 that is not Self or Possessed by Self.

Humanity wants to find Reality within its own Created reality.
Humanity seeks Reality within it-self.
Humanity seeks Reality through religion.
Humanity seeks Reality through science.
Religion seeks Reality in itself.
Science seeks Reality in itself.
Religion has Created its own self-serving reality and lives within this reality.
Science seeks Reality within its own Created Reality.
Religion Creates Civilization.
The Laws of Religion are the Laws of Civilization.
History is all about gathering together in families, in tribes, in clans, in city-states,
in all the devices of civilization
to protect Self and Self's Possessions
while destroying all that is Other-than-Self,
by depriving Other of Land and resources, by accessing all Other's means of Survival.
---to reducing Other to sub-human status through enslaving them as sacrifice,
as tribute to Self''s God.

The overall picture of History is complex,
-------a constant shifting of balances of Power.
of expanding and contracting spheres of influence of Power,
determined through Wealth and the Identity of 'Chosen-ness'.
-----of Power over Power through rapidly changing allegiances and alliances as
Power vies with Power for supremacy and sovereignty.
Within this context, the Self emerges.
Knowing only One Self will Survive,
All 'Other' is being annihilated.

Recorded history groups humanity according to likeness and differences,
according to Self and Other.
Land is settled accordingly.
The Land forms Classes through ownership,
Who will possess Who?
Tribes are formed and city states are settled.
Civilization defies Wilderness.
Each group of Self defines all Other groups as less than them-Selves,
as less than Human.
Each group raises its gods and its God to represent and define who they are
and what they stand for.
Each God is Created as Ultimate Power.
Wars are constantly fought, not between each Division,
 but between each God.
Which God will destroy all Other Gods?
For that God's People will inherit All that that God has taken over from all of Creation.
That One, Unal God will bequeath One Unal Land to One Unal People
that will Divide it-Self down to ONE
in total Unality.
For God Is ONE.

That One God
empowers those who claim ownership over All Land and All that is on and of The Land.
God is made Supreme and Sovereign that no Other God can survive
to bequeath Land to all that are Other and not Self
Each group draws defining lines determining Self's Place and 'Other's Place.
Humanity Possesses and is Possessed.
There is trading, raiding and incessant military campaigning.
All about the Land
the Land's resources,
and the Land's People.
Who owns the Land and who is owned because of the Land.
Whose God is more Powerful,
because the most Powerful God Owns the Land.

Creation, as Image, Perceives in distortion and even inverts its Perceptions.
But Creation's Perception of the means to attaining Immortality is Power.
While Observation would show that Power is the energy of Division,
Humanity Perceives Power as the opposite.
Humanity Perceives that Power is the key to Immortality!

Creation is about Power.
Humanity is about Power.
Power also reduces to Imaged Dualism which is in Reality, Unalism,
-------the Ultimate Power of ONE.
Power in Creation Divides Creation into Power and Weakness
So Power in Self Divides into Power and Weakness in Self,
To Become Powerful, Humanity, Collectively and individually, Divides its Self into
the Unality of Power and the Unality of Weakness.
Continuing the Process of Division, the Self of Humanity, the Self of Consciousness,
determines to bring the Duality of Power and Weakness into Unality by Power
overcoming Weakness that Consumes the Power Essence of weakness
into, upon conversion, into amassing more and more Power through
Creating Weakness as food for its Selfness.
Power turns all that suggests Duality into Unality.
Power is centered in Unality.
Who has Power to annihilate all that is not the Self.
Self will Annihilate all that is not Self.
In the End, only One can remain.

We exist in the Duality of Existence.
Humanity Chooses, as Collective, to Annihilate what we Perceive as Other
and Otherness.
Yet Humanity needs Power to Survive.
Humanity Non-exists in Mortality but Dreams of Existing in Immortality.
Collective Consciousness of Humanity has Chosen and Chooses to Exist solely
within it-Self, meaning within its own Creation.
The Consciousness of Humanity also Chooses Individually.
These Individual Cells of the Collective Choose not to Choose but to Exist in the
Reality of Singular Self and Singular Other.
These will emerge from the Collective and be Observed and Witnessed as Self
by The Singular Other, therefore Exist in Entity of Self i Immortality.

The Consciousness of Self---Humanity,
Creates, and Fears its Creation.
Existence that was Duality of Entity and Immortality,
is Existence within the confines of the Self.
Self Fearing loss of Immortality becomes focused on Survival.
Self Creates Other-than-Self as the means to gaining Immortality,
 for Existence in Unality is Process,
and the Process begins with Life and ends with Death.
Self Creates Other out of it-Self to provide the substance with which to earn Immortality.
Self needs Power!
At least, this is Self's Perception and Self's Perception is of the distorted and inverted
Dreams and Imaging that results attempting To Become whatever Self IS NOT.
 Humanity's Fear of Mortality is its fear of all Self has Created.
As Creation is Process of Division, the Self of Consciousness Perceives Division all around it-Self.
Creation Divides down into segments of Time that continue the Process of Division in Beginning
and in Ending.
The Process of Division multiplies in the forms and substances of Earth and World
that includes Humanity.

Humanity also Divides down into parts and pieces of itself.
Each part and piece are a threat to the survival of the Self of each and every other part and piece.
Each part and piece claims parts and pieces of Creation that are essential to survival,
to the accumulation of Power.
Some parts have more Power, Humanity included, than other parts through assimilation and through annihilation.
The thing about the Process of Division is that it Divides down to One.
and that one is the Ultimate Unality. But also at One, at total Unality,
All Ends
Basically, this Oneness, this ultimate Unality, is the goal of the Dream and Desire of Consciousness To Become.
Humanity Perceives Perfection in Oneness.
Humanity Perceives Survival in Oneness.
The Preservation instinct Perceives all that is not Self as threat'
so that the Self will reduce itself that there can be no possible Other,
but in the process will destroy itself.
In history, Humanity formed into tribes and clans for the sake of survival,
not of the group, but for the sake of Self.
Self sought out other-than-Self for Self protection.
Tribes and clans formed federations to gather Power to out-power other-than-Self.
Land was the basic need for Power because from Land came the Land's resources,
and, mostly, the Land's people.
In the Ancient World, Land was available for those with the Power.
Land was Power.
Those with Land were powerful

God is Power.
Power is God.
The Unal Self of Power has defeated all Other Gods.

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