Friday, July 13, 2018

Post #371 "Seeking Survival, 2018"

Because of the Duality of Existence, Consciousness has Choice.
Consciousness Choosing is Duality of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chooses to Exist in the Reality of Existence
or to Exist in its own Created Existence.
Existing in a Created Existence means Existing in Dreaming.
Consciousness can Choose to not Choose, meaning Choosing 'To Be'.
---To Exist in the Reality of Existence.
The Self of Consciousness Existing in Reality says:
"I Choose not to Create".
"I Choose To Be".
"As I Choose To Be,
I AM."

Consciousness can Choose to 'BECOME---'
Consciousness Dreams-----
"What if I?----"
"If I Choose to Become, rather than To Be?------"
"What would I Become?-----"
"What Exists besides my-Self?"
Does anything Exist besides my-Self?
'I Choose that NOTHING Exists besides my-Self".
"NOTHING Becomes my Non-reality".

Because Reality Exists, 'NOTHING' Becomes a Choice of Existence.
In the Dream, Nothing Becomes the reality.
In the Dream, Creation becomes the Non-reality
and 'NOTHING' Exists.
In Nothingness, Creation and all about Creation Exists,
 but only in the Dream of Becoming.
Yet, what could Exist besides my-Self?
If I Exist within my-Self, anything not my-Self must be in my-Self.
This Non-part of my-Self Exists to help me Exist.
This Non-part is for sacrifice for my Survival.
If I Create a powerful, sovereign, supreme God, I can
sacrifice/transfer this Mortality unto the Non-part of my-Self.

As Choice Divides Consciousness into the Self of Consciousness of Reality
and into the Self of the Consciousness of Non-reality, meaning Creation,
the Dream is the Dream only of the Self of Non-reality,
----the Self of Creation.
The Self of Creation is Image as Dream.
Images Begin and Images End,
so Creation Begins and Ends.
Creation, thus, is the Process of Division, as is all that is Created.
The Self of Consciousness enters the Process of Division and cannot stop Dividing,
 until there Exists 'Nothing' left to Divide.

The Self of Consciousness Divides into many parts and pieces of it-Self.
 These parts and pieces of Consciousness are parts and pieces of the Whole of Consciousness
that have potential to be Entity.
Through Choice, however, these parts and pieces have Become only bits of a Whole
that cannot restrain from Dividing into smaller and smaller segments.
Entity is unable to Divide.
There are no parts and pieces in Entity.
Entity Exists only in Reality.

Loss of Immortality results from loss of Entity.
What cannot Exist as Entity Creates Mortality through Dividing it-Self again and again,
each part and each piece Beginning and Ending,
throughout all the levels and layers of history.
And, as such, telling the Human Story of Who we are,
of What we do,
of What we have and What we will Become.

The Self of Consciousness of Reality Exists,
In Reality there is no Beginning and no ending,
and thus, this Self IS.
In 'Is' there Is no Beginning.
There Is no Ending.
This Self of Reality is Consciousness of Reality.
This Self of Consciousness is Aware of What IS.
This Self Observes What Is.
This Self Observes Reality and does not Perceive in Dreams,
-------what it could Become.

To the Self Choosing Reality, the answer to 'What Exists besides my-Self?"
Is------"Other Exists besides my-Self."
"I am Aware of Self AND I am Aware of Other.
"I Exist in Singularity, meaning in Entity and Immortality because Other than my-Self
is Aware of my Existence.
This Other is Entity in Immortality, as Is Self.
This Singular Other Observes that I Am.
This Singular Other Witnesses my-Self in my Selfness.
This Other gives voice in Validation to Who I Am and that I Am in the Reality
of Existence.
 I, in turn, Observe, Witness, and Validate the Singular Entity of Other in the Reality
of Existence.
The Reality of Existence is Entity of Singular Self and Entity of Singular Other
in Immortality.

To the Self Choosing to Create,
there is no 'Other besides my-Self.
"I am One."
"Only I Exist."
"I am Consciousness."
"I am Human."
"My nature is Duality because Existence is Duality
and so I, my-Self, Divide."

We Exist from Emotion and from Choice, meaning Feeling or Reasoning
Feeling and Reasoning define the reaction of Consciousness to its Choosing.
The Choice of Consciousness to Create as not occurring in Created Time but in
Creating Time Exists with no Beginning or no Ending but as a yet undivided Wholeness
in the potential of its Powers of Division.
The Dream Created Time and so the Dream Exists in Timelessness.
The Dream does not Know beginning or ending .
The Dream is Aware only of its Purpose.

The Dream is the Dream of the Creation of a Self that Exists in the totality of
Existence within it-self having consumed all not Self into Self thereby Creating
a Perception of an engorged Self in the totality of Power, Superiority,
and Supremacy.
This Dream, as Time begins to tick, unfolds into the Drama of Creation.
We feel.
We React to the feeling.
We Dream,
We Plan, meaning we begin to Think, to Reason.
Mortality results through Division.
We Fear we may not Survive
These are the tools in Creating.

In Reality, there is no Emotion or Logic.
Consciousness Chooses Logically and then, emotionally, Fears its Choice.
The first Emotion from which all Emotion derives is Fear of Mortality.
So the first question becomes
'How do we Survive?'
'How do we find Immortality?'
And so we plan, we look for blueprints,
We seek Wisdom and Guidance,
We seek Assurance, Comfort,
 We join-----, We sign up,
We look to Religion.
We look to Science.
We look for Leaders.
We Create God and gods.
We Create alternatives to Death:
 as Heaven, as Utopia, as Eden, as Shangri-La,
as Paradise,
 Classes are offered, and courses are designed, degrees are sought after.
People specialize, get certified, become authorized, are indoctrinated,
are selected and elected, ordained, anointed, and crowned,
-------seeking,--- and some claiming------a means of Survival.
Survival Becomes Big Business.

In fact, Survival Becomes such Big Business it is not recognizable as such.
In one way or another, everyone is seeking Survival.
The Collective Consciousness, therefore, is about Survival,
Collective Survival,
but Individual Consciousness overrides the Collective Consciousness,
and Choice of Individual Survival overrides the Collective
and in Individualism all Collectivism dissolves and gives way.
In Individual Choice the Collective proves its total inability for Entity, and Divides,
and Divides, and Divides, until loosing all definition,
 just fades away-----------------

'How do we Survive?'
Its very frustrating, we just keep Dying.
Religion seems to fall short of its Promises,
so along comes science.
Science determines that Survival lies within the individual Human Self ,
and that when achieved will bring about Immortality.

How to Survive?
Where do we look?
Where we look is key.
Humanity is so absorbed in what is Created, that Humanity cannot escape.
Humanity is trapped within the confining walls of Creation
and fools it-Self by Perceiving that it can escape when all it is doing is extending
the walls.
The walls just keep moving as the scientific expansion of the universe pushes outward.
We do not understand that what we Perceive and what we Dream is not Reality.

We look for Survival within Creation.
We have no understanding that everything about Survival we Perceive to be in Creation,
because we do not understand that we can have no Observation of Reality if we Choose
to Create.
We do not understand that in Creation we can know Nothing of Reality.
We may have a slight memory of stored information on the Awareness of our Consciousness
to the Duality of Existence,
but if we do, we distort and invert that memory because of our Duality as Human
We take Possession:
We Name.
We assign attributes and Powers.
We Create Elective-ism and Chosen-ness.
We write the Stories and Create the Histories.
We Worship Coveted power,
and we Divide,
we always Divide into myriad parts and pieces of our Consciousness,
-----until we lose all definition,
and just fade away
into the 'Nothingness' we have Created.

Mortality and Immortality is determined way, way outside of Creation and
the Creation of Time!
Religion Exists IN Creation.
Religion Exists because of Creation.
Creation does not Exist because of religion.
Of course religion attempts to penetrate Time through------
Through What?????
Creation of heaven and hell.

Religion Created heaven and hell as the attempt to escape the walls of Creation,
but only succeeded in pushing the walls back to include the Dream of Perfection and the Rule of Domination through the Creation of God.
Religion Creates the Individual Consciousness that claims the strongest plan for survival.
by reducing the Collective Consciousness through Division.
Religion Divides the Collective Consciousness into parts and pieces that will never be
Religion Divides Humanity into parts and pieces that will never allow Humanity to be Whole.

The plan of religion for Survival is Divide and Conquer.
This plan, therefore, Divides Humanity into parts and pieces of it-self
that seek Survival through elimination of all parts and pieces,
one by one, until One remains.
Survival of ONE.
The One with the best plan to eliminate all parts and pieces of it-Self
that have been Alienated from the Collective as feed for the Oneness.
This is done through amassing Humanity into a wholeness for the
purpose of Division.

The Self can Survive, only by Eliminating ALL OTHER and
When All Other and All Otherness is Eliminated, the Self will
not know it-Self,
 as there is nothing left to Observe and Identify Self as Self.
When Self loses Identity,
Self cannot recognize the Self that once Existed in its own Created Time,
in its own Created Place,
and in its own Created Substance
that broke apart under the pressures of Division into Self and Other,
 into the atoms and photons,
 and all the elementary parts and pieces that make up Creation.
All just waiting for Consciousness to Create Time to once again attempt to Create
and Create------ only for the purpose of Division.
That that Oneness of Self eliminating Other,
will Divide down to Nothing
whose only purpose is Survival of 'Nothing'
in 'Nothingness.

But the Choice did not have to be that way.
Consciousness can Choose------
Reality, meaning Singularity of Self and Other in Entity
and in Immortality
to Create!
meaning Division and Mortality.
The Choice does NOT Exist in Creation
but in the Choice of Consciousness to not Create!

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