Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Post #173 "Behind Walls"

Just what is the purpose and function of walls? What is the basic intention behind building walls? Do walls keep in or do walls keep out? What about the walls of religion and science? What are the walls that determine the parameters of religion and science? What are the walls that determine religion and science's ethics and moral codes? What are those walls that confine by 'keeping in' and confine by'"keeping out' of religion and science? Are there other walls, besides the walls of religion and science that slice off what lies beyond their own parameters....those 'other' walls that keep in and keep out? Is it possible that in all situations of life on earth, humans build walls? Do these walls that define marked off areas fit into one of these two categories of religion and science or is it possible there may be a third or even a fourth category?

Is wall building an inherent , trickle-down characteristic, then, of humanity,  as division is an inherent faculty of creation, division in both cases bringing about Time, place, and Matter? Can we assume that Time, Place, and Matter are the basic foundation walls of creation built by humanity, and as well through the collective consciousness? What about those walls , constructed through the limitations of Time, located through the limitations of Place, and hidden and smothered through the limitations of Matter...those walls behind which each concept of division seeks its own existence? Is it possible that the walls of creation are the walls of the human intellect, those walls of unquestioning Faith and the walls of empowering Reason?

Does religion need and promote these walls? Does religion need the parameters of Time, Place, and Matter? Does science need and promote these walls? Does science need the parameters of Time, place, and Matter? Are these walls beneficial or destructive to creation, particularly to humanity and to the planet that keeps and sustains life as we know it? Is humanity, and what the human intellect has created, beneficial or destructive to its own purpose and determination?

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