Monday, November 24, 2014

"Post # 179 "Who, Really, is God?"

Who is God? Really! Who or What is God? Is God who God is, or is God who we make God out to be? Can we know that which we call, God? Can we name God and call God....God? When we say that God is in our lives, is that God the Reality or is that God that which we have determined God to be? Didn't the word 'god' come from ancient personifications of nature and the need to appease that which was feared? Do we not still try to appease that same fear? Basically, that fear is the fear of the unknown. Is not the fear of God, basically, the fear of the unknown? After all, God is the author of life and the controller of death. Was not that need to appease the unknown, the root of what we think of as worship? Is not worship a form of appeasement meant to soften God, to make God approachable, to form a relationship with God to do what? be our servant, to provide for us and grant our wishes, to give us power beyond our own finite power, to give us the power of God? Does not worship give us the right to the Name of our God, to be the God we claim and possess as our own even to leading us into battle ...and of course, to winning the war so we can fight in that God's name???  and make this God responsible for declaring war? And what about the other side, that side we are waring and fighting against, somehow they seem to be claiming the power of the same God, and are fighting, as we are, in that same God's Name under the same God's banner and for the same God's purpose.......Is this God, Reality, or is this God the God we have created? Its like we not only desire to become God but that we desire to become the God we have created. Our God seems to have all the same goals we do.,, in fact, seems to have the same characteristics.....seems to want what we want and to reject what we reject. This God we have created seems to have the same thoughts as we do that seem to concentrate on war, on 'besting'. on competition and winning everything at any cost, including, throughout history, more than billions and billions of lives. Something just is not adding up. If on the other hand we say that God is a God of Love, that God is a God of things really do not add up. The God of love would never admonish killing and torture, would never admonish competition that says 'I am better than you and I am going to prove it.' We would never see the God of Love and Life at sport competitions or any of the events that call forth worship.....worship of all the gods we have created, to whom we do homage, under whose banners we claim to march and begin wars for and die for. It just does not make sense...this God we have raised and then,  in God's own Name, thrown into the dirt as we march on over slain victims, killed to honor and obey our God.

We seek perfection. We seek God's Perfection. Its in our genetic make-up. Perfection is what we determine perfection to be and the definition is not always the same to everyone. To become perfect, to become God, for God and perfection are the same, we need to determine the qualities that we see Perfection made up of. Because we see God as all-powerful, power is the quality we seek to become Perfect, to become God. This need to be powerful, the most powerful,.... to be beyond the power of creation, to the power of God. Here we see that Perfection and God are the same thing. And in desiring Perfection, we desire to become God. There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. The desire is meant to be hidden and denied. No one will admit to wanting to become God. What would people think? It is safer to admit to wanting to be perfect. In fact, this seeking for perfection has been turned into an asset and training begins very early in life. Training to be Perfect is our life. Its our culture. Its what we do. Its who we are. So who is God? What is God? Is there a Real God or just the God we have created? Does Reality have or need a God? Reality is Reality. We can't name it or change it or possess it. It is just there if we allow if to be. And if we do not allow it to be nothing is changed. Reality still Is...just not for us. Its just a matter of Choice, really.

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