Friday, December 5, 2014

Post #182 "Elimination of Reality"

One cannot become the other if the other still exists. In transference, the one desiring the transfer, bottom line, desires the removal of the other from the scene. There can be no transference if there are two claiming the same identity. It would be even better if the other ceased to exist. The other must be eliminated, one way or the other for a true transference. Removal of the other is mandatory. How can one claim to be the other without claiming all that makes up the identity that is desired, the identity that is envied? Identity is made up of the other's special attributes, all those attributes that initiated the desire in the first place. The desired attributes would include characteristics, possessions and all attributes. Only by the total elimination of God can one claim possession of God as one takes on the essence of the other and becomes God. How is this transference then accomplished? We all know that what is real cannot be eliminated. What is the real purpose for creation? Is the real purpose for creation the elimination of God? Is creation the act of building walls to block the presence of God, or better yet, of Reality? The walls of creation must be built that Reality will seem to be eliminated....will only SEEM to be eliminated. But the walls of creation or any other walls cannot eliminate that which truly exists in and to Reality. Its all just a sham, a pretense. lies the impetus and the means to create. What does intelligence create? We create what we desire. We create what we envy. We create to become that which we desire. We create what and when our desire is totally unreachable and unachievable and even, at a certain point in time, inconceivable. We cannot totally remove Reality. We can only hide behind the walls of our own building....the walls that remove ourselves not Reality, for Reality is. Desire cannot be inconceivable in Time, for desire begat Time as desire also begat Place and Matter. Time as place and Matter is nebulous and can be tipped upside down and downside up and inside out and outside in, the ending confused with its beginning and the beginning confused with its ending.

Creation begins with desire. Desire calls forth choice. Desire and choice are basic energies as Matter is energy. Matter is organized energy. Time and Place are organized energy. Creation is organized energy. Creation is information from the past, present, and future. Creation was created, is created, and will be created. Because energy has pattern, form, and frequency, it is information. Energy stores information, thereby confusing beginning with ending and ending with beginning. Creation is the effort and the choice of the collective consciousness and the collective unconsciousness; all consciousness supplying information, all consciousness doing what consciousness does, which is choosing

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