Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Post #184 "Christmas-Reality or Non-reality?"

Again, what is Real? Is Christmas Real? Are we celebrating what we say we are celebrating? We say we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Christ. Or are we just enjoying being with family and friends, a celebration of human love? Either way, Christmas seems to be about love. But is the love we celebrate, either way, religious or nonreligious, Real love? Do we know what real love is or do we know Real love as we know Reality itself, which definition has so far totally eluded scientists and physicists?

Let's return to the religious definition of Christmas because this is the root, no matter how we feel or how we celebrate. Religion celebrates the birth of a baby boy in Bethlehem, as the Christ, as the Son of God. In other words, religion celebrates that God became man, That Jesus through his birth became humanity, that God, through human birth, became humanity, that God willing, out of love, entered our world and became one like us. But it doesn't end here? Does not religion go on to assume that we, in a sense, trade places with God? That as God becomes one of us, we become one with God?..........that we become God!!!??? Is this not the basis of who we think and believe we are? In our striving for Perfection are we not striving to replace God by assuming God's characteristics, by assuming God's persona, by assuming God's Perfection? What is perfection anyway but becoming God? After all, God and Perfection are One, as God is One.

So looking again at Christmas not a celebration of our ability to assume and expect, of ourselves and of each other--- Perfection? Is not then, Christmas a celebration of our accomplishment of attaining the fulfillment of our dreams, our desires, and, yes, our choice? Is not Christmas the celebration of humanity becoming One with God...of becoming God ?

Is this, then, Reality or non-reality? Can intelligence, can humanity, become God? Can what is image become what is Real? Of course not! Reality is Reality. Non-reality is non-reality. This is the proof of the Reality of non-reality, of the Reality of Nothingness. If we live within our own image, the image we have created, we cannot see or perceive in any way that which lies beyond our vision , beyond our senses, beyond our rationality, and way beyond anything we could ever dream, desire, or chose to be.

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