Thursday, November 26, 2015

Post #195, "Breakdown of Reality Continued"

If Reality is perceived rather than Observed, Reality no longer exists.
What exists is only an impression of Reality that has now created the state of Non-reality.
If a person is Perceived rather than Observed, that real person no longer exists.
What exists is a Perception of the person.
If everyone who relates to or encounters that person does not Observe that person for who that person is but Perceives that one as they desire that one to be........what becomes of that person?
And what of that person's perception of self?
How does that one perceive self?
What happens to relationships when the perception of self clashes with the perception of others of one's own self?
Can Self exist to Self as Self outside of the Perception of others?
It would seem that the end result may be a breaking down of that person as Self into the Self one Perceives Self to become and certainly leads to chaos in regards to relationships to others.

Where does Perception begin?
What about religion's First Cause-----the Creation of Creation by the God of Creation?
Is this Observation or Perception?
It obviously could hardly be Observation.
The Genesis Creation story is Perception and the Perception is the Perception of a person or a people that had a reason for telling the story as it is told, and then retold and told again throughout history, each people, each generation adapting the Story to their own Perceptions of themselves, to history, and to their relations to Others. 
All Perceptions. 
No Observation!
How could there be Observation when the Collective Consciousness Chose to Perceive itself and to Perceive the Singularity of Reality?
The Perception removed Reality from Consciousness as that part of Consciousness that chose to Perceive, Chose to Become rather than To Be. 
Consciousness Chose to Become the Reality. 
Consciousness sought to devour, to consume Reality that Reality would Become what Consciousness Perceived it to be;
Perceived it to become and not accept Reality as Reality but as an extension of itself.
Reality exists! 
Creation is just not aware of it. 

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