Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Post #194, "Application of 'Reality Breakdown'"

Every dichotomy of Creation, including Creation itself, is born in the perception of Consciousness
to Reality; to the Singularity of Reality.
In other words, in the perception of Self to Other.
Any relationships that we form are in reality the breaking away from the whole.
What we perceive as coming together or as forming is coming apart from the whole,
is a breaking away from the whole.
Please keep in mind that 'whole' here is formed from its bits and pieces.
It is not Entity as Entity is not a sum of bits and pieces.
The Collective Consciousness continually breaks away and reforms itself from bits and pieces of itself.
This is what creates death, as creation is a process of atoms continually breaking apart into smaller and smaller sub-atomic particles.
These sub-atomic particles are bits and pieces of itself. 
As the breakdown of atoms into sub-atomic particles diminish the particles until they just fade away,
so too, creation and humanity subdivide down into smaller particles until creation,
 including humanity, also just fade away.
We use words such as death, erosion, destruction, war, and abomination to describe this process of
division, for that is what Creation is......a process of division.
A process of division is identified as having beginning and comes to an end
as it is born of the perception of the Collective Consciousness of itself to itself
and to the Singularity of Reality.
The process of division is born of the choice made collectively by the Collective Consciousness to
perceive itself and to perceive Other.
We might do well to question if our death and the death of creation is resulting from our choice to
Perceive rather than to Observe Self and Other.
Is Perception the desire to absorb, to eat, to consume Other into Self, thereby admitting to the existence of Self and no Other?

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