Monday, February 8, 2016

Post #214, "How Belief Systems Work"

When Consciousness chooses to Perceive itself and Reality, it closes the door on Reality.
As Reality is Observed and not Perceived, Reality no longer exists for Consciousness.
Only a pseudo-reality remains within the Collective Consciousness that now claims, within
itself, the 'self' and 'other' of Reality.
The self of Consciousness divides into its 'selfness' and its 'otherness' within itself that it reproduces within itself the 'Selfness and Otherness of Reality.
This division of Consciousness kicks off the creation of Creation, Creation being a process
of division.

How does Consciousness react to its own Choice, To Become, (To Perceive) and not, To Be,
(To Observe)?
Does it have any vague recollections of Reality?
Is there any regret, especially when it is becoming obvious, throughout history, that the dream
'To Become' never materialized?
Is this where science appears in history?---trying to justify the dream, to make the dream
of Entity and Infiniteness come true?
Is this where science busies itself with equations and test tubes to find solutions
to create life and conquer death?
What does Consciousness do when the world of dreams and desire seem to be on the brink 
 of destroying itself and no where able to Become the Entity and Infiniteness of Reality?

How could Consciousness not question itself?
How could Consciousness not question its Choice? 
We are in chaos!
We live in chaos!
We are broken people.
We suffer!
We become sick!
We die!

Even questioning causes chaos, for who could bear the truth?
We could pretend, but pretending is what we do.
Creation is pretense
Creation is image.
Creation is the pseudo-image of Reality.
Creation is the inside out and upside down, reversal and distortion of Reality.
All the chaos of the abyss of Nothingness seeks expression in Creation,

Consciousness frantically seeks to calm the chaos within itself and within its creation.
We seek to calm the chaos within ourselves, our lives, and in our world.
To control the chaos, Consciousness attempts to organize and codify its thinking.
Consciousness Reasons!
Consciousness tries to control its accelerating process of division
Reason is Consciousness's attempt to stop and step back and away from its
nature of division and chaos caused by its loss of Entity and Infiniteness,
the very Entity and Infiniteness it desperately seeks to take from Reality.
Reason is Consciousness's best attempt at imitating Reality,
Reason devises systems to bring itself under control, to try and appease
its chaos and slow down it divisiveness, its constant attempts to destroy itself.
Consciousness devises, through its ability to Reason, systems of organization.
As Nature is organized into systems of Time, Place, and Matter.
Humanity is organized into systems of Belief, belief that what we dream, we will
Our Belief systems are many and varied
Every system defines itself in terms of what it believes will control the chaos
and bring about the basic dream and desire to Become Reality/to
Become its image---To Become God.
Each system, therefore, is built around God,
around God and all the interpretations of God,
be it: Reason, King, Pope, Bishop, President, Sports, Sex, Glamor, Wealth, Lover
----the list is endless for our God is What we Worship.

Each Belief System has God, has its God----for God is One
Each God has a Belief System.
God Worships the System that believes and the System Worships its God.
The system is the System of its God.
And God is the God of the System.
God and the System are One
It all comes down to Worship for Worship is the action that Perceives, gives
Witness to, and validates God as God.
 Systems then, must design and enforce the Worship that brings about the presence
of God into the system and the system into the presence of God.
Belief Systems are what we tell ourselves to calm the chaos that we may have made the
wrong choice in choosing the Image over the Reality.
We create Belief Systems to help us cope with the stresses of our broken lives
caught up in creation's process of division.
Consciousness struggles to make sense out of its Choice to Perceive.
Perception causes confusion.
Confusion causes chaos.
Chaos is the abyss of Nothingness

(to be continued Post #215)


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