Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post #213, "Me, Myself, & I/God"

Is it possible to find someone----anyone, who does not worship God, god, or gods?
In the search for Reality, this question must be asked.
And, eventually, is not the answer-----that God is found deep within the center of
one's self?
It seems, in other words, that oneself is a worshipper who, therefore, worships the
God that dwells within oneself, therefore becoming a worshipper of the worshipped,
-----Becoming the worshipper of Self, or of Self within Self.
As worship is that which determines our God, one can only assume that this view
assigns Godship to oneself.
----that the dream and desire of Consciousness is to Become God.

But What is or Who is----God?
It seems this is the hidden question of history and secretly lurks behind every
controversy, every scene of chaos, every division, and every war.
 If this question were easily answered, chaos in all forms could be avoided.
Yet, if God lives within the center of a person, how could that person not know
Who God is.
How could that person not know who Self is
---------and that God and Self are One?

Some how, this feels like a nervous answer.
Let's check it out-----
The Choice of Consciousness, at the First Cause of the Awareness of Consciousness to
Self and to the Other, is Observation of Self and Other or Perception of Self and Other.
The Choice of Observation is Choosing To Be.
The Choice of Perception is To Become.
In the Choice of Perception, as Becoming, Consciousness/humanity,
does not accept 'Being' but chooses to enter a state of Becoming which denies
'what is' for a state of 'what isn't'.
That state of Becoming is what is hoped for or dreamed of,
 thereby creating and entering Time that 'what isn't' may occur within Time.
This creation of Time therefore needs a beginning and an ending,
the ending occuring, of course, at the fulfillment of the dream----
which is the dream Becoming the Reality.
This dream is made possible by tranferring the dream to within itself.
In the dream, Reality Becomes God.
In the dream, Reality, (no longer Reality but now as Non-reality), exists
within Consciousness, and as Consciousness, Becomes,  its own God and the
Creator of its own non-real, imaged, environment.
So that in the dream, Self is God, because without the Singulaity/the Other
of Reality, there is only the Self of Consciousness.

As each cell of Consciousness possess the dream, each cell of Consciousness
sees itself as God, with God and in God.
Somehow God Becomes larger within the Collective Consciousness as the
Collective which holds within itself the God of each cell.
Each of its cells form its whole, which is the sum total of its parts.

So the Choice comes down to Reality, Reality being Observation of Self and Other,
or to Non-reality, being Perception of Self within the Collective Consciousness.
This Perception thereby divides Self into 'itselfness' and its 'otherness', by attempting
to contain or to obliterate Reality by creating Reality within itself.
Reality cannot be created, therefore God is created within Consciousness itself to
replace Reality.
God is the created image of Reality.
God therefore inherits the characteristics and personna of that which created him,
-----the Collective Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness is the God of Creation, as Awareness, that which instigates
Choice, is outside of Creation.
--------as Awareness is outside the Biblical Genesis story of Creation.
--------as Awareness is outside the Big Bang theory of science.

When the Collective Consciousness chooses to Become, the very act of Becoming
 becomes process that demands beginning and ending.
Thus creation is a process, a process of division, as creation is created of cells
that constantly break apart and reform over and over again.
The Collective Consciousness dreams and desires To Become Reality.
This means replacing Reality within itself.
This means transference of the essence of Reality to Non-reality of and to creation,
thereby obliterating Reality.

 What Is Not Reality, cannot Become Reality,
no matter what the dream and what the desire.
Dreams and desire only create,
and only create image

Is this why, throughout history, God has been defined with characteristics
that suit humanity?
Is this the best we can do?
How could God be described as dwelling within us in terms that vastly surpass
that of the dreams of humanity for themselves?
Or, do we see these terms as descriptive of ourselves?
Interestingly, we describe the God within us in terms of royalty, in terms of
kingship, in terms of strength, in terms of Possession, in terms of Identity,
and in terms of Good as opposed to Evil, Good and Evil as in 'The Law'?

God is what we create to take the place of Reality.
God is what the Collective Consciousness creates within itself to take the place of
Reality, replacing Reality with its 'otherness', to be worshipped by its 'selfness',
thereby duplicating within itself, the Self and the Other of Reality.


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