Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Post #230 "Answers to the Basic Questions"

Consciousness has two choices--the collective choice and the choice of the Self, the Self as
a part or a piece of the collective.
Keep in mind that the collective is a whole made up of the sum total of its parts and pieces.
We, as humanity, see our-Self as a whole but also as a part.
We see ourselves as humanity and as our self.
We make choices as humanity and as our self.
The Reason, the purpose for existence, according to the Collective Consciousness, seems to
be to bring All into Oneness, in other words, to bring All into Self----into Its-Self.
Thus the determination would be that the Basic human instinct is that  there can
only be One.
One is the whole of humanity/the Collective and whole is the whole of Self, the entire Self.
However, whole is not Entity.
Entity does not have parts and pieces.
Entity cannot contain wholeness
and wholeness, certainly, cannot contain or attain to Entity.
Entity Is.
Wholeness can only exist as a result of Choice.
Consciousness chooses.
Choice causes Division.
Choice causes the division of the whole into parts and pieces of it-Self.

As Self, Self is aware only of Self and acts and chooses out of its Self, out of its Oneness.
Yet its Oneness causes it to divide.
The very act of choosing provides the need for an alternative,
it provides the need for there to be 'other' than Self,
consequently if the 'Other' of Reality has been eliminated, 'other' can only be
from division of self by Self.
Self Creates 'other' from Self.
Self creates parts and pieces of it-Self through division.
Division seems necessary to Oneness.
These parts and pieces are Self divided against Self.
Self competes with Self.
Question: Is competition, then, the basic instinct of Consciousness, of humanity???
Is competition the basis of who we are?
Is this the reason we could not accept Reality?
Is this the Reason we could not accept the Singular Other of Reality?
Is this why we cannot accept our-Selves as Self, but created a 'future' through Time
that we could 'Become'?
'Become' What???
'Become' that which we are not?

What do we think a created 'future' can accomplish in a created pseudo-reality?
No wonder we keep searching.
The search has a desperation to it as our goals, dreams, and desires fail us.
No wonder we can't find 'IT'.
We keep searching for 'It' within out own created reality.

We cannot create Reality.
We cannot 'Become'.
We cannot 'Become' what we are not
and what we are not is 'Perfect'.
We cannot Become our own dream.
We cannot accomplish our own goal because Perfection, because Godship is the
creation of a competing Consciousness.
 Basically, this choice of Self by Self eliminates the Self and Other of Reality.
As Self within the Reality of Self and Other, Self acts and chooses out of the Reality
of Self and Other.
This Choice, therefore, is not a Choice of Division but a Choice of Observation,
of Witnesses, that Validates it-Self and Other of Reality as Infinite Entity.
Choice, which is the action of the Intelligence of Consciousness, causes division
within Consciousness.
Choice causes division within humanity
and the world humanity has created.
Consciousness breaks down, consciousness becomes segmented, Consciousness exists
as parts and pieces of itself----many selves making up a collective whole.
So does this mean that unity or even the ultimately desirable,--Entity, or in creation---
Oneness, can only be achieved through division?
Is the separation of Reality from Non-reality, the separation of Self from Other?

We have come this far in created Time to begin to realize that the Collective
Consciousness has made the choice to block Reality,
by denying the Reality of Self and the Reality of the Singular Other....,
Self and Other existing in the Entity of Self and the Entity of Other.

Here's why--------at First Cause, Consciousness is aware of Self and of Other,
the Other being the Singularity of Reality.
This is Reality---Self and Other.
Self choosing to Observe Self and Observe...... Self, as Self Is, and Other, as Other Is.
Self thereby Choosing To Be.
that in this choosing, the Singular Other of Reality, in turn, Observes Self as Self,
Witnesses Self as Self, thereby Validating Self as Self in Entity, in Infiniteness.
---at First Cause, Consciousness is aware of Self and chooses to Perceive Self
and to Perceive Other, meaning to dream of Becoming that which it Is Not,
thereby creating its own reality within Itself.
Reality cannot exist in the dream of Becoming.
Reality cannot exist as a dream, as desire.
Reality cannot exist in Becoming,
 for Reality Is.

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