Saturday, December 10, 2016

Post #286 "The Thirst for Power"

"The Thirst for Power"
The Root
The root of the quest for power in humanity, in humanity's history, is found in the Division
of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chooses.
Choosing is the Action of Consciousness.
Because Consciousness Chooses,
Consciousness Divides.
Consciousness Divides it-Self.
What Consciousness Chooses lies within it-Self.
The only Choices available to Consciousness are Reality and Non-reality,
as Existence is the Dichotomy of Reality and Non-reality.
What Exists also does not Exist,
Therefore Existence is the reality of Reality and of Non-reality.
Existence exists and Non-existence exists. 

 Reality and Non-reality exist within Consciousness.
therefore Dividing Consciousness through its ability to Choose Individually
and Collectively.
There is Collective Choice and there is Individual Choice.
Each individual cell of Consciousness Chooses to be a part of Consciousness as Collective
or to not be a part of the Collective, but as Individual.
Each cell of the Collective Consciousness Divides it-Self as does the Whole,
as Division is within Consciousness and within each cell of the Collective,
The Division of the Collective and the cells results in the Creation of
Self and Other within the Self.

Self Divided is self-of-self and is other-of-self.
This division creates loss of self,
for Creation, as Existence, as Consciousness, is Dichotomy.
This division creates loss of Essence of Self.

Loss defines Creation.
Creation represents Loss.
Creation is the Existence of Non-reality, which is the existence of the Loss
of Entity and Infiniteness.
Creation does not have Entity nor is Infinite.
So Creation Dreams of what it has Chosen to remove.
Humanity Dreams of what it has Chosen to remove.
Creation and Humanity Dream of the loss of Entity and Infiniteness.
Creation and Humanity Feel the loss of Entity and Infiniteness,
and that Feeling is Primal Fear.
Creation and Humanity Dream of the loss of Entity and Infinity through the Self and
what the Self Is Not.

Consciousness experiences Reality through its Dream 'to Become'.
The Dream, however, is only the Perception.
 Dreaming 'to Become' is the realization and longing for 'what Is Not'. 
The Dream was to contain Entity and Infiniteness within it-Self.
But because Entity and Infiniteness are properties of Reality,
and the Collective Consciousness and Creation are Non-reality,
the transference of these properties did not occur.
The result was image.
An Image transferred,
but the Image was not and is not, the Reality.
 The image remains the Dream.
History is the Story of the search for what did not come about,
for the transference that did not occur,
for the Dream that remains, is just an Image in a Dream.
History interprets this loss as a loss of Power.
The loss implies impotence, and vulnerability.
And so history seeks the lost Essence of the Entity and Infiniteness in it-Self,
and humanity tortures, abuses, kills and slaughters itself in the frantic quest of
the Reality it cannot bring about through its Choice to Become that which it Is Not.

The cells of the Collective Consciousness Compete with each other,
 and thereby, diminish each other and the Whole of Consciousness,
 in the quest for Power.
We frantically search for the Ultimate in Power to survive our Choice which causes
us to divides our-selves, over and over again.
We frantically search for the Ultimate Power to comfort our fears of impotence
 and vulnerability.
We frantically search for the Ultimate Power because we are people of Competition.
Competitors want it All.
Its a desperate fight, for we see survival as a fight to get 'to the top',
what ever that top may be.
The fight for survival depends on Essence and Essence depends on Selfness,
and Selfness depends on Otherness.

The self of Creation cannot be Aware of it-Self in Selfness or survive because the Self
cannot know Selfness or Be Selfness
without Otherness.
Otherness calls us into Selfness.
Otherness calls us into Selfness through the Observation of our Selfness
Singular Selfness in Reality with Singular Otherness is the Essence of Selfness.
The Essence of Singular Selfness is Entity.
Entity is Infinite. 
The more one struggles, not only to preserve one's own essence, but to access,
through any means, the essence of Creation,
the essence of other-than-self,
humanity diminishes it-Self as it diminishes the other-of-self within it-Self.
Seeking to take over the Essence of the cells, of All the cells, diminishes creation,
as Creation is the whole of its cells of Consciousness.
Consciousness, as Creation, is a Whole----
Neither is Entity but each is the sum total of its parts and pieces.
Parts and pieces do not constitute Entity
To seek to dominate, to take power over, as in Consciousness, as in Creation,
creates destructive havoc in the Whole,
but such is the story of Creation,
such is the story of who we are.

We use strategy to accomplish this Dream of Becoming what we are Not.
The strategy, therefore, is a strategy of great secrecy.
The strategy must rely on deceit,
----the pretense of who one is and what one is doing,
---the pretense of appearing to form a Whole, while in reality, manipulating for the
destruction of the Whole.
We cannot appear as we are, only as we Dream to appear.
We must keep up the front.
We fear being found out.
We fear those who have Chosen 'To Be' for they Observe.
If they Observe, they will know us for what we Are and not
for what we Dream of Becoming.
We pretend to unite while we really Dream of creating our oneness through Division
of the Collective Consciousness, of Collective Humanity in a Collective Creation,
in a Collective Dream of Becoming.

How do we amass Power? 
The strategy is to divide and conquer---
the manifestation of the Choice of Consciousness to obliterate Reality and
Create Existence out of 'Nothingness'.
The strategy is to group cells together forming a Collective,
 by transferring the essence of all into the essence of one representative.
That one rises, because of the collected Essence, to beyondness, to vastness, to incomprehensibleness,
 creating fear in those outside the collection of like cells,
creating fear in all of those who have lost or given Essence to the One.

To create Power, to challenge, to compete and win,
Power must be created that will be Perceived as Beyond, as vast, as incomprehensible.
This Power must appear to surpass all other Power.
This Power of beyondness, vastness, and incomprehensibleness assumes 'ultimateness',
as in Sacred, Holy, Blest, Supreme, as All Powerful, All Knowing, All Mighty,
------totally unlimited Power that threatens to assume all other Power into it-Self.  
 -----as All exists within it-self.
All Becomes One in this unutterable Presence.

Consciousness creates God out of it-self through Worship of its oneness,
through Worship of Power
God Becomes Man, as Man Becomes God.
Religion brings All into Oneness as science brings All into interconnectedness,
each a front for Economic Domination through basic efforts
 to Create Entity and Immortality.
Religion and science do not seem to be aware that existence is Dichotomy.
Religion and science therefore, perceive that One from many rises to beyondness,
to vastness, to incomprehensibleness,
to sacredness,
to holiness,
to blessedness,
To God,
the Image of Humanity.
The Name of God Becomes the means to attaining Power,
as All is done in the Name of the Created God,
the Sacrificial Lamb,
----to Attaining All the Essence within the collective Self,
that no Other may survive.
The masses, the commonality, are in fear and trembling as One is Worshipped and
Becomes Sacred through the
created many,
that through Worship, of the other-than-self, the God of Self rises out of the Dream..

The Singular Other of Reality,
that Observes the Singular Self of Reality into its Essence of Selfness,
and Witnesses to the Self's Entity that the Self may Validate its Infiniteness
in the reality of Reality,
-----this Singular Other is Entity and is Infinite.
This Singular Other has no need to challenge and compete to win what is not of itself,
---has no need of Worship,
---has no need of wealth,
or Identity,
and has no need to impose Laws
For what Is, IS
and has no need To Become.

Humanity puts its life into the context of God and Self,
with  the idea that God Becomes Humanity as Humanity becomes God.
We practice and perform, knowingly or not, many rites that play this out
As Consciousness creates God,
God is whatever humanity worships.

We Worship many Gods.
We try to look like the God we Worship.
We dress like our God,
We do our hair like our God,
We wear our God's colors and insignias,
We build walls around our God to show our Power
over, even our God.
We surround ourselves with God memorabilia.
We join clubs and organizations in our God's Name.
We identify with our God.
We belong to our God and our God belongs to us.
God Becomes Humanity
Humanity may Become God.


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