Monday, December 5, 2016

Post #285 "He Who Possess The Land"

"He who possess The Land"
The Story of  Religion and Economics
The Story of Election and Possession
Ownership and Authority

He who Possess, Rules.
He who Rules, Possess.
Ownership and Authority are about the same thing,
The Land.
The early biblical writings are about The Land---
the Possession of the Land, the Identity of those claiming Possession,
and The Law to rule The Land.
Here is the basis of Civilization.
 The Land is the image of the fulfillment of The Choice of Consciousness to Become.
He who possess The Land is Chosen.
 He who is Chosen, Possess The Land.
The action of Consciousness is Choosing.
Consciousness Chooses its Existence of "Being' or of 'Becoming'.
Consciousness Chooses either to exist in Reality or to exist symbolically in its own creation.
The Land symbolizes the Choice of Consciousness to create and exist in its own Creation.
The Creation is totally within Consciousness, that is, outside Reality.
Creation is totally within the Dream of the Collective Consciousness.
This Creation yearns and strives and yet is unable to attain its Dream
because 'what isn't' cannot Become 'what is'.
What is Non-reality cannot Become Reality.
We think we understand Reality,
but how can we understand Reality when we exist in the
Dream of Non-reality?
How can we understand an existence we do not exist in?

Consciousness Chooses as that is what Consciousness does.
Consciousness Chooses between Existence in Reality or Existence in Non-reality.
The Collective Consciousness is a Whole made up of parts, of cells, of it-self.
Those cells of Consciousness that have Chosen Reality, can and must emerge from the Collective.
These cells, these parts and pieces of Consciousness, have Chosen not to block Reality.
These cells have Chosen 'To Be'.
The stored information of Reality is available to those of Observation to access
as they emerge from the Collective Consciousness.

How apparent is this Choice for Reality or Non-reality in what we have created, in history?
The Choice for Reality or Non-reality manifests itself in Humanity's need to Possess
 We have this need to possess because of our lack of Entity.
We need to possess because we are Finite and feel our only hope of survival is in what we can
We need to possess because we feel our wealth an extension of our-Self.
Through loss of the Essence of Selfness, we seek our-Self in Possession, in Identity, and
in Authority, which divides self-of-self by creating other-of-self within Selfness
We create Identity out of wealth,
while wealth and Identity is expressed in Authority.
----Authority, dividing Self from other,
Authority,----- dividing Elite from Commonality,
that self may make and enforce The Law over all those parts and pieces of it-Self,
that are now Perceived as other-than-self.
Wealth, Identity, and Authority determine and are substituted for Essence.
The Dream to acquire Essence is the Dream of unlimited Essence.
We feel that the more Essence we can aquire, the better our chances for survival.
Any Essence that we do not Possess is Perceived as a threat to our survival.

Essence is represented in Creation as Wealth.
Wealth is represnted through Possession, Identity, and Authority,
 that expresses the Essence of Selfness that makes and identifies Self as Self, to Self,
and within Self's Creation.
This is the Self that Dreams.
To Dream is not to yearn for what one is or what one Possesses.
To Dream is to yearn for what one is not and for what one does not Possess 
The Choice of Consciousness, the Dream of Consciousness, Creation,------
comes down to a deep and unquenchable thirst for the unattainable.  
 It comes down to a search for that which can only exist as an inverted and distorted memory of a blocked Reality.
Consciousness knows loss within it-Self, 
Consciousness is Aware of what it 'Is NOT'.
Consciousness knows loss through its creation,
the creation that will end as it began,
----in Nothingness.  

Creation is not Entity.
Creation is not Infinite.
Lost Entity is lost everything.
It is lost Essence
and above all, it is lost Infinity.
It will die.

Consciousness has the Choice of 'Being' or 'Becoming'.
Putting this into Creation, the Choice Becomes how to find and possess that which
was lost through Choice.
In Choosing, Consciousness lost Entity, and lost Entity, means lost Infinity.
This begins the Story of The Land
This Story tells us who we are and what we have Become.
To Possess The Land is to Possess the Whole of Creation
The entire history of Creation and of Humanity in its Creation, is expressed in the frustration
and chaos of trying and failing to make what is the Dream, to make what is the Image,
into the Reality.

In the Choice, Consciousness Divided and Divides.
Consciousness Divided into cells of itself thereby giving Choice Collectively,
 and also individually.
Most cells Chose, as the Collective, to 'Dream'
and to Create an existence outside of Reality.
Now, Reality is the Reality of the Singular Self and the Singular Other.
Self in Infinite Entity
Other in Infinte Entity.
Self Observed as Self in Selfness by Other,
that through the Observation of Other,
 Self Observes Self as Self.
Self--Witnessed as Self by Other, that through the Witness of Other,
Self Witnesses Self as Self in the Essence of total Selfness.
And that from Observation and Witness, Self Validates Itself as Itself,
in Entity of Selfness, in Totality of Infiniteness.
Creation attempts to reproduce Reality.
The problem is that the Self of Consciousness Dreams that it can duplicate this Reality
within itself.
In other words, Consciousness Dreams that it can Become the Entity and the Infiniteness
of Reality within itself,
meaning outside of the Singularity of Self and Singularity of Other of Reality.
Its efforts to Become 'what it isn't', result in Creating the Image of what it Perceives
Reality to be.
This image is not the image of Reality but is a Dream Image based on all that Consciousness
Perceives as lacking in itself
as within itself.
What is lacking is Entity and Infiniteness,
as these exist through the Observation and Witness of Singular Self
by Singular Other.
This 'Other' is what caused the Choice to be made in the first place.
The Collective cells of Consciousness Chose to exist entirely within it-Self, 
outside the Observation and Witness of the Singular Other of Reality.
The Self of Consciousness that Chose to Create cannot be Observed as Singular Self
without Other to Witness its Singularity,
that it-Self may Validate its the Entity of its Essence of Selfness.
In the observation of Other in Essence of Otherness, Self Validates Self in Selfness.
Self, as Singular Self, and Other as Singular Other,
Exist in the Reality of Reality
in Entity
as Infinite Self and Infinite Other.  
Self Dreams and Desires to Become its Perceptions.
Self Desires the Essence of Otherness to fulfill its Dream.
In Creation, Self has, and is, its Essence of its Perceived Selfness,
but Desires all that is not of it-self.
Consciousness Dreams and Desires the Essence of Otherness.
Consciousness is Aware of its brokenness and so Desires the opposite of its
selfness of a Whole made up of parts and pieces of itself.
Consciousness Desires Entity, 
Consciousness is Aware that it is born to die and so Desires the inversion of its
selfness of Finiteness.
Consciousness Desires Infiniteness.
This Dream and Desire takes Image in Creation.
Consciousness Images.
This Dream and Desire in Creation is acted out and symbolized as The Land.
---The Land representing the entirety of Creation.
According to Perception,
'The Land' symbolizes Entity and Infiniteness.
Possession of 'The Land' is the acting out of Possession of 'The Essence' 
If one can gain control of The Land,
if one can Possess The Land,
One has Become the Singular Self of the Reality of Entity and Infiniteness.
How does this inborn genetic trait of Consciousness influence humanity?
Each person, as individual cell of Consciousness,
has individual Choice.
Because each person is a cell of Consciousness, each person contains within
them-self, the whole of Consciousness,
each person belongs to and Chooses as the Collective.
Each person can also Choose to emerge from the Collective,
and exist, not in the Dream,
but in the Reality of Reality.
 This Desire is what we express in Competetiveness.
In our world, Competetiveness is highly valued and sought after.
In Reality, Competetiveness is the Desire to access the Essence of  'otherness'.
What do we Compete for?
We compete for the Essence of  of what we Perceive as 'Otherness'.
'Otherness' is what we do not have as Self-of-self.
Otherness is what we see in others, in the 'Other-of-self'.
Our human drive is the possession of the Essence of others
but within humanity the other is the other-of--self,
as Self divides into self-of-self and other-of-self.

Self-of-self competes with other-of-self.
Self Divides self for the purpose of competing
In fact, we are so caught up in the World of Competition,
that we cannot see the Reality of what it is!
This drive to Possess the Essence of what we Perceive as 'other' is recognized and
expressed in Economics.
Economics is the science of Possession.
Economics is the preservation of our own Essence, through Laws of defence,
 while seeking to take the Essence of 'others', and through Possession,
making it our own.
Like dissolving what is 'other' into self,
thereby comprising the self-of-other,
and thereby obliterating 'other'.
Religion is the means to accessing the Essence of  'otherness',
Religion justifies its actions through classifications of humanity,
according to its scale of value.
Religion determines who is human,
who is sub-human,
and who is non-human
Religion is the front for bringing Creation under domination,
for religion determines who gains and who looses Essence.
Who Rules and who obeys.
The Essence of the World Economy is just that, it is  all about who Possess the world,
for he who Possess the world, controls the World,
symbolized as The Land of The Promise.
The transcribed documentation of religion tell us that Everyone is not created equal.
Religion claims, through the ancient Right of Inheritance, exclusive Sovereignty over the World,
through itself as The Chosen and The Anointed. 
This Rule governs through possession of The Land,
through inheritance of that Possession.
to Authority,
 through Possession of the Land.
History is the story of the struggle to Possess and to Rule.
Every country, every nation fights to protect its boundaries,
all the while competing in the Dream of expansion, of Becoming The Ruling nation,
by devouring all 'other' nation's Essence,
by devouring The Land
by devouring The Land's Resources
by devouring The Land's People.
 According to religion,
by the will of God.
Religion says that God has willed and given God's own Authority to take the Essnce of
all that are not 'The Self' for the Self's use in surviving the Choice of the Collective Consciousness
to remove Reality.
Religion says that God's Authority is Inherited by the Chosen.

So if God Chooses who will live and who will die
and passes on the Authority
Only when ALL Essence is in the Self can the Self find Peace.
This was and is the motivation for Consciousness.
Knowledge of this fact, resets the entire scene of the purpose of Creation.
Consciousness fears the Essence of Otherness
Consciousness fears the Essence of Otherness and pursues Other for the Essence
of Otherness that it may devour that Otherness into itself, thereby destroying Other
by Becoming Other.
This scenario changes completely the scenario set by religion and science.
This scenario is set by the stored information of Reality that lies outside of Creation,
In this scenario of Observation,
the Choice is to either Observe this information or to Perceive this information
that is the Awareness of the transfer of one into many,
 that One rises to beyondness,
thereby that One Becomes 'The Worshipped' by the created Many,
that through this Oneness,
this created entity, this created singularity, will fulfill the Dream of Consciousness

And so we Create hierarchy.
We create the so-called pyramid of Hierarchy---
the bottom to top effect.
The lower level always for the purpose of feeding the level above.
The lower level always sacrificed for the purpose of supplying its Essence to those of the
level above.
The outcome is most predictable.
Only One can remain.
The Many sacrificed for the One.

Does religion not label this One as God?
Is this how and where the word 'God' came about?
God needs Worship to be God.
The One at the top of the pyramid must also demand Worship.
Worship demands Worshippers.
Worshippers provide the Worship to Create the One at the top,
----the One that Possess all the Essence of survival.
Selfness in Reality is Singular Infinite Entity Observed in Selfness by the Singular Other
Selfness in Creation is a cell within a Whole that transfers into many that One rises to
beyondness throught the Worship of the created many
If religion, which is most certainly hierarchial, has One at the top,
is this One not top Authority?
------acting in God's Name and in God's place,
---as God on earth in Creation
---as God in heaven in Creation.
---as The God of Creation.

God Becomes humanity,
that humanity Becomes God,
------all unfolding in the, now, divine One.
The top of the pyramid.
The Self of Consciousness,
no 'Other' remains.

Consciousness divides into cells that exist in reality and into cells that exist in
Religion divides humanity into 'believers' and into non-believers
that exist within its borders and exist outside its borders.
Those outside the borders are considered as 'other', as heritec, infidel, as enemy.
These classifications are created to justify the need for feeling entitled to their Essence.
As their Essence is transfered, those of 'otherness' disappear and what was 'other' is now 'self'.
These non-cells, these non-selves, now namelessly serve,
 that One cell may rise to 'beyondness',
through the Worship of the created and nameless many.
Observation and Perception tell the same story,
one from Awareness of Reality and one from within the Dream of 'Becoming'.

The stories of religion were always stories of Economy.
Religion was built on trading,
on buying and selling,
by any and all means.
Civilization is the story of Commerce,
of ownership and wealth.
Basically it is the story of the Division of Consciousness and the lost Essence
of Selfness,
of blocked Reality.
It is the story of The Land.
He who possesses The Land, possesses God and God's Authority
through Inheritance,
through Choseness,
through Title,
through Possession.
As long as One God could be proved,
as One Land could be proved,
as owned by One of Sonship,
Worshipped by the many nameless and faceless 'others'
of no worth and no Essence.

Reality is the Reality of the Siingular Self and the Singular Other.
The Entity of the Infinite Self
The Entity of the Infinite Other.
The Singular Other as the Singular Self exits in the Reality of Existence.
The Other is Entity
Entity is not in need of Worship,
Entity does not need prayer or sacrifice.
Infinite Entity is not Law Maker and Enforcer.
Entity does not threaten or make promises.
Infinite Entity is not encountered in Creation,
Here, only the Image exists.

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