Monday, January 2, 2017

Post #289 "Cause Becomes God"

Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness Choosing creates Beginning and Ending.
Consciousness Chooses to Cause effect.
 Consciousness Choosing effects Cause.
Consciousness Chooses to Cause effect that begins,
 unfolds, and ends as it began,
in Nothingness.
Consciousness Choosing effects Cause, effects Process.
Process Creates Division.
Process Is Division.
Creation is the Process of Division through Time, Place, and Matter.
Time, Place, and Matter; ------all a Process of Division.
Division defines Creation.
Creation is a process of Division.
Creation Begins and Ends,
in Nothingness
In Choice, the Cause of the Choice, Causes the Choice.
Consciousness Chooses because of Cause.
So what is the purpose of the Choice?
  What is the Dream and Desire of the Choice?
,,,,,The Dream and Desire of the Choice is expressed in the Cause.
The Cause...that which brought about the Choice of  Consciousness to effect a process,
that begins, only to end,
in the realization of the Dream and Desire.
The Cause then, is to effect a process that begins from a point of Non-existence and moves to
a final point of existence,
thereby causing 'What Is Not to Become 'What Is'.

What happens to the Dream during the process of its effecting?
What Causes the Dream?
What happens to Consciousness in effecting a Dream?------
Consciousness experiences the Cause.
Consciousness, because of the 'Process of Division', continues creating,
 as creating is Choosing in Process.
The process of Creating continues dividing down until all just fades into oblivion.

Somehow religion and science think that each can interfere with this Process.
Religion and science break down creation into segments of Time, Place, and Matter.
Each determined to 'Become' Reality out of a Beginning of  'Nothingness'.
Each baffled by a Beginning of Nothingness,
Each baffled by Reality.
Religion creating a reality in Time, Place ,
and Matter.
Science creating its reality from formulas and test tubes.
Reality has no Cause.
Reality IS. 

Consciousness Dreams, Chooses and Creates and Dreams, Chooses, and Creates------.
What Consciousness Dreams of Becoming is the Cause of Choosing and Creating.
It is the Cause of Consciousness, that determines Consciousness, in the first place,
in the first tick of Time, and in every speck of Matter, to Choose.  
The Cause of the Dream and the Choice is 'Other',
'Other' than Self.
'Other' does not exist in Consciousness.
'Other' does not exist in Consciousness as 'Singular Other of Reality'.
So the Cause Becomes the Choice to create 'Other' out of Self.
This Cause is to bring about the fulfillment of the Dream 'to Become'.
However, Creation is the Process of Division.
This means that the Dream cannot be as Dreamt by the Self of Consciousness.
The Cause can only come about through Division,
through the dichotomy of Self and Other.
The Cause can only come about as the fractured and divided struggle against it-Self.
The Cause must shield the Dream from its ending.
The Cause must protect the Dream from the Observation of that of Reality.
The Cause presents the unfolding of the Dream through the Perception of Creation
rather than the Observation of Reality.
The Dream will be Perceived as the Dream of Becoming a Perception of the Self
of Consciousness Perceived by the 'Other' created out of it-Self,
that is what it is only through its own Perceptions.
It is the Cause that gives a Perceived reality to Creation.
So that Creation Perceives it-Self as 'real' and not as the Dream it is.
Creation is the Dream of Consciousness to Become what it is not.
What Creation is Not, is 'Real'.
Creation is Not Reality.
So Creation Dreams of Becoming Real.
Creation pretends it-Self, Reality.
The Choices made by Consciousness in Creation are made in the pretense of Reality.
Creation is not Real because Creation is not Caused by Entity.
Creation cannot accomplish Entity not matter what it Dreams of Becoming Entity.
Creation is not Real because Creation is not Caused by Infiniteness.
Creation cannot accomplish Immortality no matter how it Dreams of Becoming
But the Dream is there.
The Dream is the Cause for Creation, in the first place.
What is Perceived as Reality Is Not Reality!
Creation is Not Reality!
But Creation Dreams Creation is Real.
Humanity Dreams Creation is Real.
What does Consciousness Cause to unfold its Dream of Becoming Reality?
Consciousness Causes a Self-fulfilling drama, a Self-fulfilling Dream, to Unfold that through
this drama, that through this ritual, that through this mythological remembrance,
 a Reality of Reality may unfold that Creation becomes its Dream.
The Cause must remove for it-Self the barriers of Creation that remove Creation from Reality
through its own Choice.
It is this Choice that holds Creation within its own created boundaries of Non-reality. 
The Cause of the Dream, the Cause of the Choice is 'Otherness'.
Consciousness blocked the 'Other' of Reality and so lost Reality.
Consciousness through Creation Perceives Otherness by creating otherness out of
its perceptions of not only Otherness of Reality but also out of it-Self.
Self blocked otherness from its Awareness and so blocked the Entity and
the Infiniteness of Reality.
In this Choice, Consciousness also blocked the Reality of it-Self as Singular
Self of Reality.

Consciousness fears this loss.
Consciousness fears the loss of Entity.
Consciousness fears the loss of Immortality.
Consciousness Dreaming is Consciousness pretending.
In the Dream Consciousness, as Humanity, perceives it-Self as Becoming Entity
and as Becoming Immortal so Consciousness Created Entity and Creates Immortality
Humanity acts out the drama of the fulfillment of its potential to attaining Entity
and therefore, Immortality 
The Cause is to 'Become'.
'To Become' is to admit to what 'Is Not'.
'What is not' cannot be changed into 'what is'.
So, Somehow 'what is Not' must be exchanged with 'what Is';
to create a Beginning,
to create a process,
that will effect the Cause.
The Choice to effect the Dream into Reality is exchange,
exchange, as in transference.
Consciousness cannot create Reality, so Reality must be negated that the Self of
Consciousness can Become that which has been negated.
The Self of Consciousness Obliterates the Singular Other of Reality that the Essence of
Otherness can be absorbed by the Self of Consciousness,
 that Self and Other exist in Consciousness as Self-of-self and as Other-of-Self,
thereby Creating within Self---Reality.
But, as we know, Reality IS.
Reality cannot be Created.

The Self of Consciousness Becomes Aware of its created Non-reality while blocking Reality.
Consciousness exchanges Reality for Non-reality.
Consciousness exchanges Reality for Nothingness.
Reality, for the Creating Self of Consciousness, is Non-reality.
As the creating Self of Consciousness is Aware only of its own created reality,
this created reality is its reality.
Non-reality is real to the Consciousness of Creation.
The Consciousness of Creation is Aware only of Creation.
The individual Self of Consciousness, the Singular Self of Reality as Observed by the
Singular Other of Reality,
remains in Observation of and by the Singular Other of Reality,
while emerging from the Collective Consciousness.
Creation is the effect that will bring about the 'Transference' of 'Something' into

In history, humanity as humanity and humanity as self struggles with its existence
in Creation.
Humanity, as humanity, and self, as self of humanity, is not comfortable or satisfied with the
 existence it has Created,
and has a confused and vague sense that there is 'other' existence.
The very fact that humanity is not Entity is evident in that there is humanity at all.
Entity is Entity.
Humanity is division that cannot stop dividing.
Humanity as division divides down into male and female,
 and from there into the innumerable categories of humanity.
The observable fact that all ends,
in all possible aspects of creation,
 certainly does not spell out Immortality.
All Creation is Finite.
All Creation will End.

We do not need to be convinced.
These are observable facts.
Consequently, we also feel certain that because we do not know Entity,
Entity Exists!
Consequently. we feel certain that because we die,
Immortality Exists!
We know of 'What Is'
from what we know of  'What Is Not'.
We Know that 'What Is Not' Exists.
Mortality Exists!
"Nothingness' Exists!
The Reality of Non-reality Exists!

FEAR is the expression of our awareness of 'What Is Not'.
We Fear what we know we 'are Not'.
And we act out of that Fear.
Our history is our struggle to fight the very Cause we yearn for.
We yearn for Entity,
and we torture, abuse, and kill.
We yearn for Immortality,
and we torture, abuse, and kill.
Then we give birth that we may continue,
 to torture, abuse, and kill,
---all in more Divided Time in more Divided Places, and with more Divided Matter
into more inventive and potent ways,
 to torture, abuse, and kill.

The Cause to survival that humanity comes up with in all the divisions of Creation is expressed
as Power.
Recorded history begins with accounts of survival through Power.
History will also end as centralized Power dies and fades away.
Humanity finds Power;
 in Possession,
in Identity,
and in Authority.
The front for the struggle to amass wealth, to assume Identity, and to access Authority,
is religion.
Religion begins the struggle through division.
Religion divides humanity into Male and Female.
Religion creates Power by creating weakness.
Female is created weakness.
Female is created weak that Male can be strong.
There is no Power without weakness
because Power feeds off weakness through siphoning Essence
This affects both male and female for it leaves Female weak while empowering Male.
Both are changed as is the Self of Consciousness changed when Self divides Self
to provide Essence of Otherness through its created Self.
Self becomes depleted and seeks Essence that it may live while the 'other'
is annihilated.

Religion divides humanity into God camps.
There are stronger Gods and weaker Gods.
Stronger Gods are empowered by the Essence of weaker Gods.
Humanity struggles for the most Power from the Most God.
Humanity competes with each other through their God.
Whose God is most Powerful?
Which God is Creator God?
Why is One God more Powerful that a zillion Gods?

Humanity divides under its Gods.
Whose God is most Powerful to destroy all other Gods that the Sons of that God
may inherit all that God Possesses as Possession is Power?
And then, which son is the most powerful to inherit before all other sons,
as Inheritance is selective.
Does this process bring about Reality?
Is this Reality?
And, of course, the greatest question of all----
and who is the most Powerful son of the most powerful God?
Is it the Son with the Ultimate Authority?
And how will that ultimate Authority be expressed----?
In Worship of the most powerful son or in Worship of the most powerful God?
---and is there any difference at all?
So will that Ultimate Authority be expressed in Worship, in Religion,
in Science,
or in control of the World Economy?
For here is Possession,
here is Identity,
and here is Authority.

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