Monday, January 9, 2017

Post #291 "To Divide or Not to Divide"

To enter the Process of Division is Choice.
To divide or not to Divide is Choice.
The Singular Self of Consciousness is Entity.
The Singular Self of Consciousness, as Entity, cannot Divide.
Yet, as Consciousness, the Singular Self is caught up into the Collective.
So there is in Consciousness, the Singular Self and the Collective Self.
----the undivided Self and the divided Self.

The Singular Self emerges from the Collective Consciousness at Choice.
The Singular Self can and must emerge from the Collective to be Observed as Singular Self,
that Singular Self is witnessed as Singular, and Is Singular through the Validation
of Self, as Singular Self, by it-Self, and by the Singular Other of Reality.
Self and Other of Reality must Validate the Selfness of Self and the Otherness of Other,
in the Reality of Entity and in the Reality of Immortality,
thereby Validating Selfness and Otherness in the Reality of Reality.
This Observed Self then emerges from the Collective Consciousness into the Consciousness
of Self as Singularity,
as Self of Entity,
as Self of Immortality,
into the Reality of Singular Selfness and Singular Otherness.

As the Singular Self of Consciousness emerges from the Collective Consciousness,
the Divided Self of Self emerges into its Singularity.
The Self is no longer divided against the self, consequently, one self is not subservient to the
other self, as that Self seeks Power over the dominated Self of  'Otherness'.
From here during the emergence, the struggle for Power of one self over the other self
loses existence.
The emerging Self of Singularity no longer struggles within it-Self,
forever seeking its lost parts and pieces.

 The Singular Self of Consciousness does not Dream or Desire to 'Become'.
The Singular Self therefore, does not exist within a Dream and so exists within Reality.
Existing within Reality is being Aware through Observation, rather than Awareness
through Perception.
Singularity sees through the Observation of  'what Is' rather than the Perception
of  'what Is Not'.
Observing Sees and knows Reality.
Observation is Awareness of  'what Is'.
'What Is' is Reality.

Singularity means not Dividing.
Singularity means not dependant on.
Singularity is the Completeness of Self in Selfness.
Singularity means not entering into the Process of Division that defines Creation.
The Self of Singularity does not belong in the Dream of Creation.
The Self of Singularity is not at ease in Creation and Creation is not at ease in
the presence of a Self of Singularity or a
Self of Reality.
Creation, as Dream, does not appreciate being Observed on the outside of
its Dream by that of Reality.

The Self of Reality, the Self of Singularity, begins to Observe as it Emerges from
the Collective Consciousness.
Emerging can be intimidating as one begins to feel an aloneness.
The emerging Self has a sense of not belonging,
of not being caught up in the Dream.
Emerging begins a process of being freed from the Process of Division,
 of a Collective, made up of parts and pieces of itself,
that yearns for wholeness, while in a never-ending
battle with Division.
Emerging involves a letting go of all personal opinions, formulas, philosophies, and belief systems.
Emerging means letting go of all the Gods that have been accumulated during
a lifetime.
Emerging lets go of the need to Worship and to offer homage, in all forms.
'Letting go' is something that is not possible in Creation as all Creation is caught up
in the Process of Division.

The Choice for Reality causes the release from the Divisions of Creation.
The emerging Self has made the Choice and that is all it does.
One cannot free oneself from one's Gods.
One cannot free oneself from all the accumulated and stored information of opinion,
philosophy, formulas, and belief systems.
This happens as the Self emerges
------all the accumulated Gods start coming down and losing Power when Observed by Self rather
than when Perceived.
Perception is what created Gods in the first place.
We begin to Worship when we cannot Observe 'What Is' as 'What Is'.
Worship is how Consciousness, and consequently humanity, deals with Fear.
Humanity's first reaction to Fear is Worship.
We Fear,
We hate,
  We Worship.
We fear, we hate what we fear, we worship what we hate.
Its all about survival.

Humanity, as humanity fearing survival, should never have meant to divide.
Humanity should never have divided into Male and Female
The division is a process that determines Creation
and thereby also determines Humanity
Consciousness created Humanity as Whole,
but a whole is a sum total of parts and pieces.
Humanity, as all Creation, became caught up in the Process of Division
that characterizes Creation.
Because Consciousness Dreamed of Becoming Reality,
Consciousness was not Aware of the consequences of Choice that divided
Reality from Non-reality.
Consciousness Dreamed Entity.
Consciousness Dreamed Infiniteness.
Consciousness Dreamed of removing the Singular 'Other' of Reality that
it-Self would be Reality-----the Reality of Self;
Self within Self,
Self for Self,
Self determined by Self,
Self Aware only of Self.
The Choice was basically for the removal of Other and Otherness.
Reality was to be the Awareness of Self by Self.
Of course, Self cannot be Self without 'Other' being 'Other'.
Humanity should never have divided.
Divided humanity was the first step toward death through division.
Humanity should never have divided through the Law.
The Law was the second step that brought humanity closer to Death
through Division.

Humanity Divided,
into Male and Female.
Humanity Divided,
into Civilization and Wilderness.

Humanity Divided,
Male took Essence from Female.
Male took life from Female.
Male made Law over Female.

Humanity Divided,
Civilization took Essence from Wilderness,
Civilization took life from Wilderness,
Civilization made Law over Wilderness

Humanity Divided,
Male has Power over Female.
Female faces Extinction.
Civilization has Power over Wilderness,
Wilderness faces Extinction.

Male has Power
Civilization has Power.
Civilized Male has Power,
yet Civilized Male destroys Civilized Male for the
Ultimate Power of One.

How will Civilized Male 'Become God',
Become the 'Oneness',
when all else has 'Become Extinct'?
and there is no-one left to Worship him into God-ship?

Both religion and science (faith and reason) admit to an ending that is understood by
religion as a prediction,
"heaven and earth will pass away----(Mark13:31)
and by science as an observation
of the break-down of atoms into smaller and smaller subatomic particles until finally
losing all definition, also just pass away.

cited from Post #3 "The Creation of Creation" from this blog,
"Beier Unfolds Reality"

The Collective Consciousness is geared to destroy itself------
through the Process of Division.
Its how we think of 'Self' and 'Other'.
The fine line between Self and Other moves back and forth,
dependent on what Self needs to 'Become Self'.
Actually, has humanity ever determined where self ends and other begins?
Self accumulates Essence to 'Become' its Dream.
All the while depleting the Essence of Other.
Here is the confusion; what we desire, we feel is ours,
and when what we desired becomes ours through Possession, we feel that is
now of the Self.
To sum up,
The Essence of Self is Self.
The Essence of Other is 'Other',
 until Self desires Other.
Self desires Essence of Other.
Self sees Essence of 'Otherness' as Essence of Self.
Self assumes Possession of Essence of Otherness into Self.
thereby taking Possession, taking ownership of what was Other's.
Self absorbs Otherness into Selfness as food for Self.
  In desiring, Self determines Other's Essence to
be Self's Essence.
Self takes and absorbs what was Other into Self and
it Becomes Self.
That Essence that was Other, no longer exists as it is now Essence of Self.

Now how does the Story unfold of our history in the Desire of Land,
Land as basic to humanity's Dream and Desire of Possession, Identity, and
The Law?
Who makes The Law?
Who does the Law control?
Does the Law give Power to Male over Female?
To Civilization over Wilderness?
To Possession of The Land?
To Possession of the People of the Land?
To The Land's Resources?

To Divide or not to Divide?
Creation is the Process of Division.
Humanity is Created.
Its all just a Game to see who will survive.
God is One.


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