Thursday, March 30, 2017

Post #305 "The Self"

 Self is One.
The Observing Self emerges from the Collective Consciousness as One.
The Perceiving Self exists in the Collective Consciousness as One Self that has
Divided itself down into many parts and pieces of it-Self that give rebirth to it-Self
as One, in each part and piece.
At each level and layer, the parts and pieces become smaller and smalled,
coming closer and closer to just fading away.

Self exists within the Whole of itself, the Collective, as parts and pieces of itself.
Self Exists for the purpose of Saving self from Mortality.
Self Dreams Entity.
Self Dreams Immortality.
Self seeks Entity.
Self seekd Immortality,
knowing the Entity and Immortality Exist 'Beyond' Itself,
and 'Beyond' its Created Existence.

Yet, Self's created Non-reality is division of the Self into a Collective of many
parts and pieces,
All of it Self,
All within it-Self
These parts and pieces have broken apart,
through the Process of Division,
that is the mark of Creation.
Self Dreams itself Entity.
Self Dreams itself Immortality
Self Dreams of Salvation from Division and Mortality,
--- for Self.

It is not possible for the Perceiving Consciousness to act and Perceive beyond
the Self.
This is the Choice of Consciousness--- to block Reality by Creating Existence
within itself,
 and outside the Singularity of Self and the Singularity of Other.
Self and Other being the Essence of Reality.
When the percepting Self of Consciousness removes Reality, the
Duality of the Entity of Self and the Entity of Other is blocked.
The Choice contradicts the Duality of existence and Non-existence.
This causes great chaos,
as the contradiction creates Mortality.
The Choice of Reality, as Image, cannot sustain it-self.
The Self of Consciousness, that has negated Reality, is totally oblivious of
to the point that 'other' and 'otherness'
is completely constructed out of Self's Awareness of Self.
Self needs Other to be Self.
So to the Self-of-Self,
'that which seems to impair or interfere with Perfection, 
with Self's pursuit of the accumulation of Power to survival,
becomes self's 'other'.
Self is driven to its own sense of Perfection,
which it expresses in the qualities
with which Self describes itself in a 'beyond' sense of its own Creation.
Self has a sense that Creation is flawed,
particularily through Self's Perception of Mortality.
Because Self Perceives Mortality,
Self Perceives Immortality as opposite its own Perceptions of Mortality.
Self therefore, Creates over and over again,
its own perceived Existence in Creation.
Through Personal and Collective Choice, Self Creates through Perception
and then Dreams a 'Beyond' experience of the Perception,
 by reversing that which threatens,
 into a Perception of that which Saves.

Being Saved from,
as in salvation,
assumes a quality of Perfection that must exist 'Beyond' Creation.
That which Consciousness Perceives as 'Beyond' Creation is arrived at by creating
an inversion and a distortion of that which is a threat to Self's survival.
When Self Perceives something within itself that threatens survival for itself,
Self inverts that Perception,
 and through that Perception, throgh that part of Self,
becomes 'Other'.
That self can eliminate from itself all that holds it in the imperfection
of Creation.
In other words, the Self of Consciousness Fears its own Created Existence,
and Dreams Its escape.
Unable to escape, Consciousness Divides itself into the Duality
of Reality and Non-reality,
all within itself.
As Creation Divides itself into Dualities of;
Light and Darkness,
Land and Water,
As Humanity Divides itself into the Duality of Male and Female,
all within itself.

That what is Perceived as Reality Exists as Non-reality.
This Non-reality becomes created reality to Consciousness
as Consciousness Exists in the Reality or Non-reality it has Chosen.
Consciousness accepts the Image,
the distorted and inverted Image as its Truth and its Reality.
 Self Perceives or Self Images its Perception of Entity and Immortality.
 The Perception made up of its Perceptions of the Division of Wholeness and Mortality.
The Self Images its created reality according to the inversion of what it experiences in its
own Creation
that Exists only within itself.
These Images are then projected onto the 'Substance',
onto the Matter of Creation,
the matter of its own Creation,
 and Becomes for the Self, the Created reality of its mirror-image
This is the 'stuff' of who and what Humanity is and of how
Humanity functions or non-functions
 in telling and reading its
story in history.
This is about how the Self seeks survival in itself,
while attempting to project itself beyond its own Creation.

This is about Humanity creating its Image of the 'Beyond' of itself,
from the stored memory,
inverted and distorted,
 of the Singular Other of Reality
 as the projected Image
that Humanity Named and Humanity Possessed,
 that Image that Humanity Created to claim Power 'Beyond' itself,
existing only in its Dreams of 'Becoming',
that it would Become Entity,
and through Entity,
Become Immortal.


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