Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Post #304 "Is Sin Real or is Sin Created?"

Could Sin exist in Reality?
Could Sin Exist in the Reality of Self in Singularity
and in the Reality of Other in Singularity?
---as in Singularity of Self and Other Being the Reality of Reality?
---Considering that The Singularity of Self and Other Exists as Entity.
---Considering that Entity Exists as Immortality.
Entity being Immortality, as Singular existence of Self in Self-ness and Other in Other-ness
does not abide Division.
There is no Division in Entity.
There is no Division in Immortality.
So the question is---
Could Sin Exist in an Existence of Entity and Immortality?
The answer that seems logical is that Sin,
 existing in Entity and in Immortality,
is not the Truth of Reality. 
So then, where does Sin Exist?
If Sin does not Exist in Reality,
 Sin must exist in Creation.
If Sin Exists in Creation,
--then would it not follow that Sin must be Created?

As Creation has Ending would not the Energies of Creation
be directed to survival and not condemnation through the Creation of Sin?
 Would it not follow that the Creation of Sin must be centered in survival of one part
or one piece of Consciousness over the other or others?
Would survival of the Self not take precedent over survival of that which is not Self
or involved in Self?
Does not the Self of Consciousness seek Power over,
seek Control of,
the Collective?

Would this not, then, be about the threat of Other and Otherness?
If Sin is involved in survival,
sin must be created for the purpose of removing
and creating an 'other' out of Self,
for the Collective has collectively Chosen to block the Singular Other
of Reality. 
Self-of-self competes with Other-of-self for the title of 'Ruler Over All'.
---The Ultimate and Absolute Survivor
(Keep in mind that all this is contained in the Self of Consciousness).
Sin seemingly must have to do with eliminating all threat of Self to Self survival.
Here it becomes obvious that the Self is also Dichotomy.
There is the 'Good' Self and there is the 'Bad' Self.
Religion names 'Good' as Sacred and 'Bad' as Sin and Evil.
Religion Personifies 'Sacred' and 'Sin'
into God and Satan.

The good Self condemns the bad self through its own personal determination
to rid itself of any possible influence of its Mortal Fragility.
The Self-of-self of Consciousness,
Perceives itself as capable of achieving Immortality,
 through its Creation of its Image of itself.
This Image is projected on itself to 'Become' that which is 'Beyond',
to Become that which is 'Vaster' than,
and that which cannot be Comprehended.
Kind'a sounds like God, doesn't it!

Religion does not seem to understand that when God is not 'Beyond',
but is contained inside,
 when God, to be God  cannot be contained behind created walls,
God cannot be Named ,
that God can be Possessed,
That cannot be Known
and Identified through created history----
If so, God ceases to be God,
and Humanity and God Become One.
So Humanity Creates its God, its Gods, for every part and piece of the
Collective Consciousness in its Possession,
in its Identity,
and especially, in the Law it makes in its God's Name.

Is this what Sin is all about?
Whose God is the God that is more powerful than all 'other' Gods.
That through religion,
 Humanity can earn Salvation?
If humanity ceases to exist through dehumanizing,
then is this Salvation?
Does not dehumanizing take from humanity its Right to be Saved?
Is dehumanized humanity not non-humanity,
and does not non-humanity not qualify for Salvation?
What if there were no such thing as Sin?
Then would there be a purpose for religion?
If humanity can be Saved,
then would this not bring about the threat
  of Other to the survival of Self?

Does that imply that what can be placed in a category of Sin can be
'legally' removed.
Legally meaning no one is able to protest or disagree with under Law.
Whose Law?
Who could make and enforce such a Law?
The 'Some One' would be the Possessor of great Power.
---Great Power coming from Possession and Ownership
 that deprives the Essence of Human-ness
and reduces humanity to Sub-human and Non-human status,
thereby making it easy and legally official to have the degraded removed,
---to commit them to non-survival,
 meaning deserving of Elimination.

Sin is the excuse for seeking to destroy all that is not Self.
Sin is the excuse for seeking to destroy all that is reduced to 'other-ness'.
As humanity, as creation, enters the process of Division,
humanity seeks Division.
Division is what Creation Does.
Competition is Division in Action.
Humanity seeks to Compete,
as humanity's survival is threatened in an existence of Beginnings and Endings.

To Compete is to Divide to determine Superiority from Inferiority,
and Worthiness from Unworthiness,
And through Superiority,
to determine the Right to Supreme Authority
It is only Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute Authority that can reduce all other and all other-ness
to the 'unworthiness' to survive.
The Supreme status,
thereby giving unquestionable and unchallengeable Righteousness,
condemning all that is not of and for Self
 to Obliteration by claiming the Essence of Otherness
 as transferable to the Self.
Self thereby surviving through Possession of Other.

This Division then personifies as the 'Superior' against the 'Unworthy'.
The 'Superior' then creates Law with which to incriminate that considered
as 'unworthy' to survive.
The Superior now Perceives itself as responsible to remove all 'unworthiness',
and creates labels of distinctions between layers and levels of Divisions.
----thereby bringing into existence classification and Identification Created to determine
the human-ness of humanity from the sub-human to the non-human.

Does Sin Exist in Reality?
Is Sin Created?
 Is Sin the Creation of an excuse?
 Is Sin Created for the purpose of Controlling All of Creation?
Is Sin Created for the purpose of Controlling All of Humanity?
Is Sin Existent in Reality?
Is Sin existent in Reality in the Singularity of Self in Entity and Immortality
and in the Singularity of Other in Entity and in Immortality?
Is 'Sin' Created?

 Is Sin Created to Identify Self from Other?
Is Sin Created to Identify Self from Other that Other
 may be removed?
Is Sin Created that Other may be removed from being any threat to the survival of the Self?
Is religion Created for the survival of Self through the removal of Other?
Is religion Created to feed off of the Human Dream for Immortality?
Is religion Created to feed off the Human Dream for Immortality
 with the intention of using an Intangible product
 to gain economic Control over Humanity
through Possession of All Wealth,
ALL Resources and
All People?
thereby securing, for the Self and the Self-ness of religion---Immortality.
Is the gimmick the sale of Salvation?

The history of religion in Creation seems to play on Humanity's Dream for Immortality.
History certainly indicates religion to be a Power that defines and codifies
Self from Other.

Certainly defining and codifying the first Division of Humanity as Male and Female,
the Division that continues Dividing Humanity down into all the possible classifications
and breakdowns of the Self into Self and 'Other-than-self',
until the world of today has broken down to the
point of disappearing altogether.
As according to religion and science,
 "until it just fades away".


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