Monday, April 3, 2017

Post #306 "Who Is Self?"

The search for Power is Competitive.
The One with the most Power is the Winner.
The Winner is the Survivor
Winning is all about Survival.
---as Competition is all about Winning.
Competition demands that the Winner is One.
Winning comes down to Oneness.

Competition Destroys all Otherness.
Competition destroys all others, that One will remain.
Only One can remain,
for Division is the action of Competition.
The One that is Winner has Divided and Destroyed
All Others and All Otherness.
The Self is One

All that threatens survival must be eliminated.
Survival becomes a tug between Power and its antithesis--Weakness,
To remove what which threatens,
Weakness must be conquered and sublimated
 into the Power of advancing Supremacy and Superiority.
---that of weakness,
being destroyed through loss of Power,
through loss of Identity.

What was once Identified, through Power, as 'not-of-self',
resided in what was considered Other as Otherness.
The Power that was 'not-of-self,'
was perceived by Self,
as threatening to the Power of Self.
Self Feared this Power of 'not-of-itself' would overcome the Power of itself
and Self, loosing Power,
would succumb to the Mortality of Creation.

Self perceived that Otherness within it-self,
 needed to be overcome,
that its Power of Otherness
would become Possession,
the Prize of Competition,
 and thereby Convert to the Power, to the Wealth of Self.

Through the Power of Possession,
the power of Identity also became Vaster,
Thereby enlarging Self Beyond it-Self
and Beyond its Selfness.
Thereby Creating Self Vaster than itself.
Thereby making Self incomprehensible to Self.
Self no longer Knew other as Other nor Self as Self
Thereby giving Self Superiority and Supremacy,
---Self claiming Ultimateness and Absoluteness.

As Self accumulates Power
through the transference of the conquered Power of that which is not of itself,
Self assumes Superiority and Supremacy,
and becomes more and more the Dream of Self,
yet looses more and more Selfness.
 All the while, the Power, the Essence of 'that which is 'other',
diminishes into 'Nothingness' and disappears
into the 'stuff' of Selfness-of-Self, the Matter of Creation,
the 'Nothingness' of the Void,
thereby negating the true Essence of Selfness to Self
 and Other.

Self Perceives Self as Power.
Self Perceives itself as 'Beyond' and Vaster' than it-self.
Self Perceives Other as Weakness.
Self Perceives Other as sub-human or as non-human.
Self, through its ability to Choose,
 contains within it-self Power and Weakness.
Self frantically seeks to rid itself of weakness,
to rid itself of imperfection,
to rid itself of Mortality.
Such is the struggle for survival----
Power over Weakness.

Hatred of Self for Weakness of Mortality.
Hatred of Self for Desiring what threats Survival.
Hatred of Self for such Weakness.
Self cannot accept it-Self because of its Perceived Weakness.
For this reason it becomes necessary to Divide the Self,
echoing the Duality that marks Existence itself.

Self Identifies Mortality in itself as 'otherness'
In other words,
that it does not belong to Self
and must be removed.

Self Dreams itself Immortal,
Self Dreams Perfection.
Self Dreams it-self Perfect.
Self Dreams it-self Perfect as God is Perfect.
Self Dreams it-self as God.
Self Dreams it-self God.
Self and God are One.

To block what weakens Self,
to remove the Weakness,
Self Creates Division as Self is of Creation
and also Divides
as in Male-female,
Male - power
Female - Weakness
Good - Bad,
Sacred - Sin / Evil
Of course, female must be removed as weakness to Male and becomes
Identified by Male as 'Bad', as Evil, as Sin.
Male has never accepted Female as Human as him-self is Human.
 and what is female,
 and what becomes female,
 also becomes a different kind of Human,
a lesser kind of Human,
---that of no Power ,
---that of no consequence.

The female,
the weakness of Male,
the bad, the evil, the sin, must be removed from Male by Male
as the threat to his survival,
as a threat to his Power of Maleness,
as a threat to his Goodness.
As a threat to his Holiness and his Sacredness.

To justify this slaughter,
To justify destroying this Mortal part,
 this Mortal piece,
Self must Perceive Self as Divided
--- that there now exists in the Self
Mortality and Immortality,

Immortality, Winning by destroying Mortality,
Mortality winning when existence is but a Dream.
Self, no longer Identified within itself
but as 'Beyond' Self into the personification
and fulfillment of its Dreams.

This Process of Division that is the Identity of Creation
is indeed a system of the division and transference of power.
This system could be visualized as a pyramid in shape,
-----wide on the bottom, at the first rung,
the first level, the first layer.
This bottom layer having the largest distribution of Power
through Possession,
through Identity,
and through The Law.

Under The Process of Division that defines Creation,
the first level Divides.
Division eliminates,
----what was once one is now two,
---what was once Self in now self-of-self and other-of-self,
meaning self Divided.

Self Divided Identifies weakness in its otherness.
This weakness that must be removed as survival is threatened.
Self Identifies weakness as other-than-self.
Self is aware of Self and names Self, Male.
Self is aware of and fears its weakness
and names its weakness names his weakness, Female.
as female threatens the Power of male to survive,
and must be removed.

Female is Loser and is removed by loss of her Essence to Male as Winner
and becomes sub-human and non-human to Human Male Dominance,
to Human Male Supremacy,
to Human Male Superiority.
And Human Male Becomes
and Absolute
in Ultimate and Absolute
that seeks to Destroy All not it-Self.

The second level of the pyramid shape is much more Powerful but much smaller.
It has Become much more Selective.
Fewer qualify as Human,
More and more are removed to sub-human
or to non-human status
to other-than-human Identity,

Again; under the Process of Division,
the pyramid shape divides.
 Self-of-self divides it-self into self-of-self and other-than-self.
but  its only through the Perception of Self,
only through the Dream of Self Becoming 'other' than what Self IS.
Self cannot Control the Division
and so cannot see the Reality of what is Destroying it-Self.

Self eliminates what it considers weakness,
because 'Weakness itself is the threat.
Self Identifies weakness economically, politically, and especially religiously
all for the Process of Division and Elimination.
Of course, Winner takes All,
 and again enlarges the Self through Division,
 on the next level,
and the next,
until there remains but

The One at the Top.
The Ultimate.
The Absolute.
The One who eliminates all Other.
The One Self that has become One with God
God Becoming Self
that Self Becomes God.


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