Thursday, August 3, 2017

Post #321 "Fear"

Fear is the reaction of Consciousness to the Choice of Existence in Non-reality.
Fear is the result of the Choice to remove Reality from Consciousness.
The Choice to Exist in Non-reality is the Choice to Exist within the confines of the 
Self of Consciousness.
The Choice to Exist in Non-reality is the Choice to remove 'Other'
and all 'Otherness' from the Existence of the Self.
To compensate for this Choice, the Self of Consciousness creates the replication
of the Choice scenario, but totally within it-self,
thereby continuing the Duality of Existence expressed in the Duality of Self and Other,
but as Duality within the Self.
Self continues the process of Division within itself.
Self Divides.
Humanity Divides
In other words,
the Choice to create Existence within the Self of Consciousness Divides the Self
into a representative Duality of Self and Other created totally out of the Self.
This created Self-of-Self and Other of Self is inverted and distorted Image of the
Singular Self and Singular Other of Reality.
Thereby the Image of the Singular Self of Reality, in Creation, in Inversion,
is the Self-of-Self of Non-reality.
Thereby the Image of the Singular Other of Reality is, in Creation, in Inversion,
the Other-of-Self of Non-reality. 

In a sense,
the Self of Consciousness, divides itself, 
into a cell-like Images, representative of the reality of Reality,
within itself and within each part and each piece of itself as it divides down,
----not only of Mortality,
 but also of the accelerating Process of Division that rushes Mortality to completion.
The Self of Consciousness Perceives Reality within itself,
 Due to the Process of Division,
Reality is also Perceived in each cell of itself as the Self Divides.
The pieces just get smaller.

The Energy of the Self of Consciousness is the frenetic Energy of Pre-Creation.
That Pre-Creation that is the Dream-state of the Choice, Perceives Reality as inside the
confines of the Divided Self of Consciousness.
---that Divided Consciousness that Dreamed and then Created,
-----that divided elemental particles into the stuff of Creation,
that through Fear of Mortality, annhilated again and again,
the Observation of the Reality of Reality
until only the Dream remains.
The frenetic Energy of Pre-Creation issues from the Self of Consciousness,
because Pre-Creation exists in the Self of Consciousness.
The Energy of Pre-Creation Exists in its Fear
The Self of Consciousness contains the elemental elements of Creation,
Created under the Divisive Pressure of the stress
of the Choosing of Consciousness to remove Reality.
The Self of Consciousness is Powered by Energy of Non-reality.
In Creation, this Energy translates into a frenetic quest for Power.
In Humanity, this translates as a struggle and a fight for the Energy, for the Power,
with which to overcome Mortality,
 and attain Immortality.
In humanity this Power quest is best expressed in religion
and then, in science,
for each has the same determination------

The Self of Consciousness seeks Power over the circumstances of Choice by encasing
the Choice totally within itself,
-----for Survival is Perceived as Survival for the Self.
Even group survival is for the purpose of seeking Survival for the sake of the Self,
-----first individually and then as the Whole,
-----as the Collective, only when the Collective serves the Individual Self, the Individual Cell.

In Creation, the Collective Self Divides down, until One, only One,
through the Process of Division, remains.
Thereby this Collective Self of Consciousness Divides itself,
that itself, in itself,
 may represent the unlimitable, evasive, sense of Existence, 
 that as duality may be more apprehended, controlled, and over-powered,
and thereby less threatening to survival of Self in the Chaos of a Pre-Creation
that never attains its Dream of
----as if that were possible

In summation: Consciousness attempts to approach Reality through Division.
Consciousness Perceives Reality by annihilating Reality as Reality,
Consciousness perceives Reality from within itself.
 Consciousness tries to reduce Reality into a cell of Perceived Reality
that it may be easier to apprehend, easier to digest.
Consciousness attempts to fit Reality into it-Self,
thereby making itself Real.
----trying to make itself Real by making Reality non-existent as Reality.

Consciousness reduces Reality through elimination of the Singular Other
and then creates 'other' out of itself that the 'other-of-self' may be conquered through
itself. by itself, and in itself,
 that 'Other' may be devoured or absorbed,
 thereby ensuring that the engorged Self acquires the Power/the Essence
of 'otherness' making itself vaster and beyond itself,
---creating further Dreams of itself in the Perfection of the attainment of Full Power.
through Wealth, Identity, and the Right to Rule,
---Dreaming itself into Immortality.
---creating further Dreams of itself, in Perfection, Creating a 'beyond' itself Existence.
Creation is only limited if the Dream is limited.
Through Dreaming, Consciousness can create multi-dimensional Existences
that will never be realized as Reality, because they do not exist in Reality.
These Dreams, these Existences have beginning,
 and what begins----ends.

In Creation, Humanity does not Observe 'What Is' as 'What Is',
but breaks 'What Is' down into parts and pieces that 'What Is' Becomes as Humanity Perceives,
thereby destroying Reality for itself.
Humanity lies within the tiny parts and pieces Consciousness has broken itself into,
 in an attempt to absorb Reality into it-self,
 thereby giving Self control over 'What Is'.
In a sense, the Divided Self seeks the Power of Reality but does not realize that
Power, in itself,
is Divisive.
The Divided Consciousness is unable to 'See', to Observe, and so Pretends.
This Self seeks to become Reality by devouring Reality.
If Self can create the Other within itself, it can devour the Other and
the Other's Otherness,
thereby 'Other' and 'Otherness' is transferred into 'Self' and 'Selfness'.
This transference alters Self as Self,
as it also alters the Observation of Other to the Perception of the Self of Creation.
The Singular Self and the Singular Other of Reality, of course, are totally unaffected
by the transference as Singularity Exists in Reality
In the transference, the Essence of 'Selfness' enlarges and empowers it-self
having fed on the Power of the 'Other' while the Essence of Otherness diminishes to the point of
having been drained of its Essence, of its Power to Survive.      

The answer to the question of what determines the Choice of Consciousness to Divide down
into Non-existent Existences lies in the Timelessness of its Dreams to 'Become'.
When the Choice of Consciousness suspends its-Self over the abyss of the Chaos
of Nothingness and Mortality,
the reaction is Fear.
Self cannot save Self and so looks to Other as the source of saving Power for itself.
Self Oppressing Other-of-self for survival,
Perceives the Power of Other as Saving Power for itself
or as Threatening Power against itself.
If the Power of Other is Saving Power, Self seeks to access the Power to itself,
through some act of joining, of grouping, of sharing, of bonding----.
If the Power of Other is perceived as Threatening to Self's own Power,
Self will seek to destroy Other, thereby accessing the Power of Other to itself,
through killing, enslaving, oppressing, warring against-----.

Self of Divided Consciousness experiences Fear.
The Self reacts to Fear.
The Self sacrifices Other to appease the gods of Fear.
Self sacrifices Other to appease the gods of Mortality.
Other is sacrificed to absorb the Fear of Mortality.
Other will be destroyed.
No matter the Choice, Other as Other will be Destroyed
Self will destroy Other, for Self makes Other responsible for the Fear.

How does the Self of Creation react to Fear?
1) Self will take Essence for Survival from Other.
2) Self will destroy Other that Other does not threaten Self's Power, Self's Essence.
Either way, the result is the ultimate destruction of Other.
Either Choice provides Power from Other to Self.
All Choice involves and comes from 'Other'.

Power is accessed through absorption or elimination.
Each applies to Other-of-Self,
-----to 'otherness'.
Self perceives that it will 'become' the fulfillment of its Dream through Power
that is drained or transferred from its 'otherness' to its 'selfness'.
For this to occur, Self, basically hates this 'other' part of itself.
Self blames this 'other' part of itself as the cause of its loss of Immortality.
Self Perceives that its 'other' stands between itself and the Perfection in Immortality it seeks.

In Creation,
---there is the Existence of Religion.
---there is the Existence of Science.
---there is the Existence of Reality,
stored in memory,
and accessed through the spoken Word.

Religion is a Whole made up of the sum total of its many parts.
Religion, as a Whole is made up of Self and Other-than-self that continually,
throughout history Divides down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself,
each piece, each part, representing either Created Self or Created Other,
because, Creation cannot escape the Duality of Existence.
Religion cannot escape the Duality of Existence.
The Process of Division continues Dividing throughout Created Time until
all vanishes in the Void of Nothingness.

The Self of Religion looks to its 'other-than-self for Power of Survival,
 and from the need to Create for itself and in itself a
'vastness', a 'beyondness',
a 'incomprehensibleness'
for Power beyond itself
and beyond the confines of Creation.
Religion destroys 'otherness' that 'otherness' may be transferred into the Self,
until no 'other' remains,
-----as Consciousness Chooses to remove the Singular Otherness of Reality,
-----that only Self remains.
-----that only Self may move beyond itself into the Dream of Perfection.
Therefore, Other-than-Self, brings Self-of-Self, to its Dream of Perfection through
its assigned purpose of Adoration----the Creation of its God.

How Self desires or rejects the Other-of-itself, depends on how the Self Perceives
what threatens its Survival.
Does Self need to absorb or to eliminate its 'otherness'?
Does Self need Other to Worship Self and Condemn itself as Other?
How does Self Create Good from Bad
and Rich from Poor
Ruler from Ruled,
Saint from Sinner
Holy from Evil----
What is beneficial for Self?
What enables Self to Survive?
How is Mortality replaced with Immortality?

Actually Self devours its own Self for Energy to Survive its own Created Mortality.
Self devours out of envy or out of hatred.
Self devours to take on or to eliminate.
Either way is Perceived as enhancing Self's Power of Survival.
Self of Consciousness always seeks to eliminate 'other' and 'otherness'.
Religion in history illustrates the hunger for Power in total absorption of Other,
through Possession, through Identity, and through Ruling Power.

Because Science is based on Reason rather than on Faith,
Science births religion in the Created Timeline.
The reaction of Consciousness to Fear is Reason.
 Reason attempts to cope with the Fear of Mortality.
The Fear of Mortality has to be confined, to be soothed, to be sublimated.
A plan had to be formulated and enforced.
The Self of Consciousness Reasoned a plan of Survival from Mortality that focused on
the Other-of-Self.
From the Essence of Other, how could Self obtain the Power of Wealth?
From Other, how could Self obtain a supreme and unquestionable, totalitarian, Identity?
From the Essence of Other, how could Self assume a Right to Rule?

Other-of-Self was denied Reason through subservience to the Self-of-Self.
Other-than-Self was made to accept the Authority and Superiority of the Self-of-Self.
Other-than-Self was taught Faith and was forbidden Reason.

The Choice of Consciousness to Create was never, nor could have been, a Faith Experience,
because Faith is Faith in 'Something'
and until there is 'Something', to have Faith in, Faith does not Exist.
Consciousness Chose and Feared.
Consciousness found that it could Survive through Reason
Reason presented the plan.
Reason sought solution in Power.
Reason saw Power in Possession and in Identity and in the Right to Rule.
'To Rule'----by whom?-----over whom?
Now comes Faith.
Faith enables Other-of-Self to transfer its Power to it-Self.
-----Faith in who Reasoned out the Plan.
-----Faith in who has the 'Right to Rule'
-----Faith in being taught to Obey and Worship as the 'Other-of-Self',
with no 'other' value or purpose.
Faith is only required from those who have been denied the Right to Reason.
Faith determines who is Ruled.

Science illustrates the quest for Power in determination to Create Life,
thereby destroying Mortality.
Science, through Creating Life, will destroy religion eventually.
Science seeks Power in the Self-of-self.
Science seeks to eliminate the Other-than-Self of Self from Self.
Science seeks Immortality within its own Dream of Creation.
Humanity does not realize that what we see, what we feel, what we touch is not Reality.
Because what we see, feel, and touch are 'real' to us, we feel that this
Creation in which we Exist is Reality.
We sense there is a existence that is 'beyond' Creation, and yet we make that
'beyond' existence into 'something' that we can see, feel, and touch.
This need to control a 'beyond', Creates the 'beyond'.
Reality is beyond Creation
and yet, few of us can accept Reality as Reality.
We are Dreamers.
We are Creators.
We Choose to function and to Believe through our Perceptions that arise from our
obsession for Power that arise from the Fear of our own Choices..
We Create our 'beyond' that we can fit it into our Dream of what we Perceive it should be.
Our Dream of 'beyond' Creation Creates Non-reality.

And what of the Reality of Singular Other?
In transferring Singular Other onto the Self of Creation,
do we Create 'Other'?
-----that we can see, feel, and touch, name, box in, and personally possess?
-----that 'Other' into that which we need to save us
from the Mortality we have also Created?

There is religion.
There is science.
Each an expression of Humanity's Fear of Mortality.
Each striving to Create Immortality.
But, Immortality is not all about Creation.
Immortality is about Reality
We cannot Create Reality.

In Creation, there is religion
In Creation, there is science,
Reality Exists in Creation through the Word of those Choosing Reality.

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