Friday, August 18, 2017

Post #323 "The Power of Survival"

Consciousness is Aware of Reality.
Consciousness is Aware of Non-reality.
Consciousness is Aware that its action is Choosing.
Consciousness Chooses Reality or Non-reality.
Consciousness has Choice because of the Duality of Existence.
Consciousness Chooses.
Choosing Divides.
Consciousness, expressing the Duality of Existence, breaks down into parts and pieces of itself.
Consciousness, as Collective has Choice.
Each part and each piece, as a cell of the Collective, has Choice.

 Consciousness, through Choosing, Creates The Process of Division which is activated by the Energy of Choosing,
The Process continues,
Choosing and Dividing until no more parts and pieces of the Collective remain.
Thus, the history of Humanity continues the Duality of Existence, through
Choice, as the Process of Division.
Each level, each layer of history is the unfolding of the Choices of Consciousness,
 from birth to Death Collectively,
from the Birth to the Death of each part and each piece.
Thus----the Creation of Time.
Thus the Creation of Birth and Death.

The reaction of Consciousness to the break-down of Division is Fear.
The reaction of Consciousness to Mortality is Fear.
The energy of Fear is Divisive.
Divisive is destructive.
The energy of Fear Divides the Self that 'Other' may be Created.
'Other' is Created as Mortal in the place of the Self,
that Self, through sacrifice of 'Other', Becomes Immortal.
Immortal is not Existent in Non-reality and so Becomes the Dream
of Becoming.
Consciousness is thus set up to represent Birth and Death within it-Self.
That as Consciousness Creates Death, as in Mortality,
within it-Self,
Consciousness Perceives that it can also Create Life, as in Immortality,
within it-Self.
Through Creation of Life and Death, Immortality and Mortality, within itself,
Consciousness, unable to stop the Process of Division, Divides into Good and Evil,
into Male and Female, etc.,
all expressions of the basic Division of Immortality and Mortality,
Reality and Non-reality.

So Humanity Creates Other from Self that a part or a piece may be sacrificed in the place of the Self.
-----that if one part dies another part lives.
Humanity thus competes for the position of Self and Other, all within the Collective Self,
and within the individual Self that breaks itself down in its internal Chaos,
as its Choice brings about its destruction through Division.
The Self, in all levels of Selfness, the Collective Self, the Individual Self, all Fear the Choice that
cancels out Reality and thus cancels out Immortality.
The Self Fears Mortality.
The Self always seeks Immortality.
The Self of Creation can only Perceive Immortality.
The Perception is in a Dream existence.

The Self always Creates an 'Other-than-itself' out of itself to be sacrificed in its place.
The Self, consequently always Creates itself as it Perceives itself,
as 'beyond', as 'vaster', as 'incomprehensible',
as superior, as supreme, as Chosen, as Sovereign,
even to the extreme of Perceiving Self as inheriting the 'Right of Rule'.
Consciousness can claim Self as Self and as Being Self, only by the fact that the Other exists that
the Self can Identify itself to its Self.
Self Creates Other that Self can be 'beyond', that Self can be 'Vaster', that Self can be
'incomprehensible' to 'Something' beyond the Self of Other.
It is only through the Other that Self can Dream of Becoming.
Other must remain Other for Self to attain Godhood.
Self cannot Become its God without Other becoming the dichotomy of its God.
As the Self-of-Self and the Other-of-Self exist in the Self,
the Self is made up of a Duality of Other.
Self is made up of a Dichotomy of Other and Otherness.
'Other' is therefore, Good and Bad, Holy and Evil.
Self Chooses to eliminate or to access.
Either way, Other is to be sacrificed.
Either way, the Essence of Other is Perceived as of as outside of Consciousness,
as being deprived of or a losing the ability of Choice.
Other is deprived of Choice by what Self Perceives it to Be.
'Other Is', that 'Self can Become'.
Self Chooses.
'Other' is Victim to the Choice of Self.
Self accesses the Power of 'Other' as 'Other' loses the Right to Choose.
The Right to Choose is dependent on the loss of Other's Right to Choose.
In history,
those claiming the Right to Rule
depend on the loss of the Right to Choose by those forced into 'Otherness'.

Self of Consciousness Creates Evil that it-Self can attain Godship.
The more Good can Become Good depends on how Evil, Evil can Become Evil,
for one is sacrificed to provide its 'Other' Self the Energy, the Power, to move beyond its
To move Beyond Selfness means to move beyond 'Otherness'.
Humanity Divides itself that what Perceives itself as Good
must Create it-self also as Evil,
and that what Perceives itself as Evil
must Create it-self also as Good.
Existence is Duality.
Existence is also Dichotomy.

The first Division of Humanity Creating Good and Evil is the Creation of the
Feminine from the Masculine.
The Feminine from the Masculine is Created, Dividing Humanity, complying to the
Duality of Existence.
The Division of Humanity Creates Good and Evil,
-----Creates the Holy and Creates Sin.
The Feminine is Created to represent, to Become Evil,
 that the Masculine can Become Good, can Become God according to its Perception of
Good and Evil.
The Masculine must therefore, remove the Other,
meaning the Masculine must therefore remove the Feminine,
that the Goodness of the Masculine is not contaminated by the Evil of the Feminine.
This, in history, is why the Feminine is excluded from what is Masculine,
as in religion.

Yet the Masculine cannot Become Masculine unless through the Otherness of the
The Feminine must be Evil to the Masculine, for the Masculine to Become
fully its Self in its Selfness.
The Feminine is therefore an-'other' that has no value as human in Humanity,
but as the necessary Evil that allows the Dream of Becoming God.
The Perception of Good can only be attained through a Perception of Evil.
Without Evil there is no such thing as Good.
The Perception of God as personification can only be attained through the Perception of a
personification of Evil.
Humanity Creates Evil in Duality to Personification of Good as God,
and Personification of Evil as Satanic in the Created 'Others' of Humanity.
This finds expression throughout history in perceptions such as witchcraft, as heresy, as
sinner, as infidel, and as in all forms of victimization.
All Self seeking to Become, to the utmost degree, the Dichotomy of the most profoundly
expressed Good and Godliness, and if this is not able to be Chosen, to the most profoundly
expressed Evil and Vileness.

Because Good and Evil have been Created, the Consciousness of Humanity seeks the Ultimate,
that 'beyond' itself.
Creating the Ultimate creates Divisions of 'ordinary' from status beyond ordinary that challenges
the Dream world.
Creating Ultimate Good demands the Creation of Ultimate Evil,
that Ultimate Good can be Identified to its Self.
That Ultimate Good can be Identified because Self has Identified Ultimate Other,
that Self can Become its Dream,
that through Ultimate Evil, Self can claim its Right to Ultimate Good and
thereby to Immortality.

In striving to move beyond and above itself, Self violates the Self, as again the Self Divides itself
to accommodate Perception and Projection of the Self as Perceived.
The Self projects its Dream image.
When Self Projects the Image of It-self as Ultimate,
Self Divides again from Self,
 that Self can Create Self and Other in Ultimate expressions of its Selfness.
Self sets its 'Other' apart from its Self that Self can Worship the 'Other-than-Self into
Existence as 'God'.
That Self Divides again from Self,
 and sets its Other apart that Other-than-Self can Worship itself into Existence as God,
 and therefore, Immortal.
It seems from this that what humanity most Identifies with God and Desires from God
 is Immortality.

The Division continues, and to sustain the Created God, Self again Divides into God/God's Chosen
and God's sustainers, the common masses needing to be saved-----
those that Worship to appease the guilt that they have been assigned through Otherness by the loss of their Right to Choose.
The Worshiped and the Worshiping.
Division Creating Power.
The Divisions of Humanity Creating Power.
In every layer, in every level of the process of Division, Power transfers. That which gains Power is Perceived as Good.
To justify the act of accessing another's Energy, another's Power,
Self Perceives what it Desires as not a part of it-self but 'other'- than-itself.
What is not a part of the Self, is Other.
Other is Perceived by the Self as Evil, as Sin,
that destroying Other is Perceived as 'Good and justifies removing evil.
Self, by destroying 'Other' is therefore Identified as Good and deserving of Other's Possessions.
If Other can be determined as of no value, there is no fault in destroying it.
Basically then, Other is Created to be Destroyed,
to be sacrificed,
that the Self can survive.
This is the story of Created Life.
So writes the True history of Humanity in Creation.

The Creation of the Feminine/the Creation of Evil, provides the source of Energy, of Power,
for the Masculine, for The Good to Be the Masculine, for the Masculine to Be The Good,
The Feminine---The Other,
---now Divided from the Masculine,
---now the source of Evil, and the Temptation of Evil for the Masculine,
---the cause of Mortality,
for She made the Choice for the Division of Consciousness,
---She Chose Mortality,
She, the Other, Deserves Death.
He, the Self, Deserves Immortality.
She becomes Evil and deserving of Death.
She takes the blame.
In Humanity, Males that have been made 'Other' become the Feminine
and lose the Right of Consciousness to Choose.

Self therefore feeds off the Energy of Other and uses that Energy to become
'beyond' itself, to become 'vaster' than itself and to become 'incomprehensible' to itself.
Self can only surpass Self by the accumulation of Energy taken from what is not itself.
by that 'Other' which Self lessens through betrayal and the untruths of Non-reality.
Survival-----through the transference of Energy from the Death of Other to the Life of Self.
Survival-----through the loss of Other's Energy of Existence.
'Other' provides Self with the Power to seek an opiate from the Fear of Mortality and even the
Perceived outright exclusion from Mortality.

The perception in the history of Creation is that the more Power that can be accumulated,
the more Death can be delayed.
 And in the case of religion and science,
----can even be overcome.
History shows that Humanity Perceives Power of Survival to be in Wealth.
To be in 'what you have' and in 'Who you are'.
----meaning the loss to Other of 'what you have' from Other and in 'who you are',
over Other.
There must be lose to Other that there can be gain to the Self.
The thirst for Power is unquenchable
as the Fear of Death is pervasive and unstoppable
The unrelenting goal for Survival is total Possession of All Creation by a few,
that soon Divide----each Self eliminating its Other until One remains.
That One Claiming total Power.

Consciousness Fears its Choice but also Perceives its Choice as Power.
Power is Perceived as the Energy of Survival.
Power is Perceived as the ability to defeat Mortality.
Power is Perceived as Survival within the Collective.
Power is Perceived within the Self of the Collective and within the Self of the Self
within its parts and pieces.

Such is the Power of religion and of science.
 Power is Perceived within the Self of religion and within the Self of science.
---within religion as a Collective and within the individual parts/selves  making up the Collective.
---to Create the Power within the Collective Self of religion to destroy Mortality
through Faith.
---to Create the Power within the Collective Self of science to destroy Mortality
through Reason.
But more importantly, to Create the Power of the Individual Self,
the Self of the parts and pieces of religion and science, for the Survival of the Self,
---to Access Immortality in the Existence of the Dream of 'Becoming'.
But Immortality does not 'Become'.
Immortality Is.
---Immortality means having no Beginning and having no ending.

The Dream of 'Becoming' is a Dream of Process.
Process has beginning and ending.
Consciousness Fears its Choice.
 Choosing is risky,
-----some parts and some pieces will Choose as the Collective
and some will Choose as apart or a piece of the Whole.
Some will Choose Creation/Non-reality.
and some will Choose Reality.
Some will Choose the Reality of the Reality of Immortality.
 And some will Choose to Create the Dream of Immortality within the Self.
'Becoming' Immortal through  tradition is a Dream.
A Dream of Immortality is Non-reality.
As for science, Creating Immortality in a test tube is a Dream that will come about
in Non-reality,
but not in Reality.

Consciousness Fears Mortality,
Consciousness is Aware of its Fear,
-----meaning Consciousness Feels and Consciousness Knows.
 Consciousness Feels and Knows Fear.
Consciousness Feels and Consciousness Knows,
 as Collective
and as parts and pieces of the Whole.
Consciousness is Aware of its Choice to block Reality.
Consciousness is Aware of its Choice to enter the Process of Becoming Immortal
within it-Self, within its own Created reality.
Consciousness Knows and Chooses out of Knowing that it Desires to 'Become' what it has
blocked out of its Existence.
To enter Existence within the Self, Reality must be blocked.
Non-reality Exists in Non-existence as Non-existent,
 Existent only to it-Self.

 There is no possibility for Faith in the pre-existence of Creation.
 Choosing is through Reason.
Faith does not Choose.
Faith accepts.
Faith is dependent.
Faith leans upon.
Faith is reaction.
Choosing, accepting, depending upon, leaning upon, reaction,
All because of Reason.
The action of Choosing cannot possibly be through a Non-existent Faith
that Exists in the Dream of 'becoming'.
There is no Faith in Choosing, as Faith  can only follow Reason.
Faith is what is handed down.
Faith derives from.
Faith is not an initiative.
Faith is Faith in information that has already been presented by Reason.
Faith exists through Reason.
Faith cannot exist through Faith.
Reason establishes what in Creation is known as Fact.
What facts survive and what Facts are discarded?
Faith is the by-product of a Reasoned Plan of Survival,
----a Reasoned Plan to Becoming Immortal.
----a plan to bring the Power of Survival to parts or pieces of the Whole by
Sacrificing the Whole.

Consciousness Perceives, which means to think within the Self,
When Consciousness Perceives and seeks to Comprehend its Fear,
Consciousness Plans, Dreams, meaning Consciousness Reasons.
Consciousness Reasons how to overcome that which threatens it's Survival.
Consciousness Dreams,
then Thinks, then Rationalizes,
and in Thinking, Plans how to Become 'What It Is Not,
How to Become Immortal.
Consciousness Creates to 'Become' Immortal.
To 'Become' what it Is Not.
Faith is Belief.
Before Creation, how could Faith Exist?
Consciousness sets the scene in which it Dreams and Perceives the
Transformation from Mortality to Immortality will take place.
Because Consciousness Divides,
 Consciousness Creates.
In Creation,-----
Because Creation Dies,
Creation Creates.

Consciousness Creates to make itself vaster,
more formidable,
more present,
more threatening,
to make itself superior to,
sovereign to,
empirical to, 
to Create itself against the pre-creation forces of elimination.
Consciousness struggles to Become what it is Not.
The Self of Consciousness Is the Self of Mortality,
that struggles to Become the Self of Immortality.
Consciousness, through Reason, seeks to make it-Self Powerful.
The Self of the Consciousness of Creation seeks Power.
What Chaos as each part and each piece seeks the Power of Survival,
------seeks Immortality. 
What frustration!
--- as way down deep, Consciousness knows it cannot survive within it-Self
Within it-self, Consciousness seeks Other,
as without Other, Self cannot be Self.
Without Other, Self is doomed to Non-reality as there is no Other to Observe Self
as Self IS
----to Witness to Self as Self,
that Self may Validate for it-Self, its Selfness.
It's all in the Choice.
Without Other, Self Perceives Self as Self Dreams of Becoming.
----Self Witnesses to Self as Self Dreams of Becoming,
Without Observation of Self as Self,
Self cannot Validate Self in its Selfness.
It's all in the Choice.

To not be able to Choose is to be Void of Life.
Yet, Consciousness provides the ability or maybe, the Right, to Choose.
So that whatever prevents Consciousness the Right as Consciousness, to Choose 
causes Death.
Causing another's Death is Perceived in Creation as a way to accumulate Power 
taken from an Other.
Accessing an-Other's Power into the Self further breaks down the Self as it is made up
more of Other-than-Self and Less of Self-of-Self.

Humanity is confused between Existence in Creation and Existence in Reality.
Religion and science are about Existence in Creation even though there
may be a projection into a 'beyond'.
Projection into a 'beyond' Creation comes from and cannot escape the
Created reality of Dreams and the search for the Power of Survival.
----the Power to reach 'beyond' while in the Created Self of Creation.
----within the Self,
the Created Self,
the Self-of-Self within the Self
and the Self that breaks apart over and over again until 'Nothing'
more remains

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