Thursday, October 26, 2017

Post #338 "Time, 2017"

Is Time Reality or Non-reality?
Time is not readily measured nor easily put in test tubes 
and so remains as nebulous as Matter/Substance,
which science has proved, does not exist in the universe or in all of Creation.
In quantum mechanics, physicists have realized that Time is not an Observable,
meaning we cannot Observe Time passing.

As scientists were shocked to discover that previous assertions of a decelerating universe 
were completely inaccurate,
they will be shocked to learn that the movement of Time determines the speed and the direction
in which the universe moves.
---that as Time accelerates, the speed of the universe accelerates,
If Time moved backwards, the universe would decelerate.
Time, as we know it, moves forward to its end,
speeds up,
thereby becoming of shorter duration.
Minutes, days, weeks, and years, are spinning faster and faster to a close.
In the pseudo-reality of Non-reality, Time is moving faster and lives are actually moving
more quickly and are passing at an accelerated speed from generation to generation.

A life span of, say 76 years is passing faster now than a life span of, say 35 years, several
generations ago.
It follows then, that the farther back in history,
the slower the movement of Time, the slower the acceleration of the universe,
and the longer people lived because the increments of Time moved slower.
Non-reality, as image of reality, becomes less and less distorted as we move backwards in
Time because Image reflects the Image preceding it.
Image reflects Image, reflects Image,
each a further distortion of the Reality that Non-reality seeks to replace.

It seems evident from this that levels of Time, levels of Non-reality occur.
As we measure Time in minutes, days , weeks, years, generations,
increments as levels or layers become apparent.
Each level is farther away from the reality that was sought to be Imaged
as each level can only reflect the level preceding it.
Each Image thus becomes a further distortion until nothing at all can be found
that resembles Reality.
At each level the imprinted memory becomes fainter and the Image continues breaking
down or Dividing down into smaller and smaller pieces until nothing remains that resembles or
can be identified in any way with Reality.

An interesting example of this may be that of a tel.
A tel is identified by Webster as an ancient mound in the Middle East composed
of remains of successive settlements.
Visiting Jericho of Israel/Palestine several times, I had the opportunity to Observe
and ponder a tel that has been under excavation for over 60 years by archaeologists.
The tel was the size of a small mountain that has been sliced vertically showing many
levels, each level representing a past settlement or civilization, as the mound held
within it over 9000 years of humanity's efforts to build their Dreams,
to escape to their own Created reality.
Over 9000 years ago a wall was built,
 and then walls,
out of the wilderness surrounding Jericho.
The walls were built by cementing together huge stones with mortar,
made from the bitumen of the soil and mixed with water from the River Jordan.

The wall became walls.
Walls became a settlement.
The settlement became settlements.
Settlements became cities.
Each wall represented a city.
Each city representing a civilization.

The first level, that first settlement, was destroyed.
After a time a second settlement was built on top of the remains of the huge
stone walls of the earlier attempts.
The second settlement was larger than the first and was also destroyed.
It followed-------the pattern of building followed by destruction,
of life to death,
at first of settlements and then of cities.
The pattern repeated itself, over and over again,
until all that is left today is a mountain of buried cities
covered with silt and vegetation
and archaeologist's attempts to tell the story of an area that represents all of
--All, just layers and levels of Non-reality piled on top of each other,
getting farther and farther away,
level by level and layer by layer,
from any grasp of Truth at all.
For what is Truth anyway,
if not Reality?

Time is a primary element of Creation.
Time moves Non-reality farther and farther away from the Truth of Reality
as the parts and pieces of Consciousness continue Choosing to Create.
Creation is a Process of Division.
Division moves with Time, faster and faster to Oblivion.

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