Saturday, October 21, 2017

Post #336 "The Generation of Energy. 2017"

Who could ever ever know that this Place known as Creation evolved from the Energy
of Consciousness Choosing.
Because of the ability to Choose, Consciousness Energized.
In Choosing, Consciousness Moved.
Consciousness moved because the action of Choosing Divided Consciousness
Consciousness Divided it-self according to Choice,
 according to Collective Choice, and then,
according to individual Choice of each cell of the Whole of Consciousness.
Consciousness Chose between Reality and Creation. 
This Process of Consciousness in action, of Consciousness Moving, 
is the movement of Division.
In Choosing, Consciousness moves.   
Consequently the reacting movement of Choosing,
--The movement of Dividing, is the Movement of what we know as Energy.
This Energy is Energy of Division, the Energy of Consciousness Acting or Moving,
through Choice.
Through Choice, Consciousness Moves,
Choice is movement.
The Duality of Consciousness Choosing is basis of the concept of Energy.

Consciousness Chooses 'Being' or 'Non-being'.
meaning that Consciousness can 'BE' as Consciousness 'IS' or Consciousness 
can Move (can Energize) as in 'Not Being' or as in 'Becoming',
as in 'what it Is Not'.
'To Be' does not require Energy or Movement.
Energy does not Exist in Reality.
'To Become' requires Energy, 'To Become' requires Movement 
Movement requires points to Move 'from' and points to move 'to'.
Movement requires movement from a beginning to an ending.
This movement begins with birth and ends with death.
This movement Created Birth, but more impressively,
Created Death
Therefore, Movement, therefore Energy, Creates the basic Element of Time,
that along with the basic Elements of Place and Matter,
Create Creation.
Time brings about Birth,
Time brings about Death.
Energy is Energy of Life.
Energy is Energy of Death.

Consciousness Choosing, means Consciousness determines 'Being' from 'Non-being'.
meaning Consciousness determines Reality from Non-reality.
Consciousness Divides itself on Choice, for Becoming .
Therefore Consciousness of Being and Consciousness of Becoming
 are Duality,
----the Duality of Consciousness.

The Duality of Consciousness, reflecting the Duality of Existence,
  Chooses To Be or To Becoming 
and acts out that Choice.
In Consciousness Becoming,
Consciousness Chooses, Consciousness moves, Consciousness Activates,
into the action 'of Becoming'
'Consciousness of Becoming', in Choosing, Divides,--- 'what it Is Not' from 'what Is'.
The Action of Moving demands Process.
Consciousness chooses, Consciousness moves, Consciousness
activates itself,
Energizes itself,
into Becoming 'what It Is Not'.

In Consciousness of Being,
the Non-action of Non-becoming of Non-moving is 'Being'
There is no Process in 'Being',
There is no movement from a point of beginning to a point of ending.
Therefore in Consciousness 'Being', there is no Division.
Where there is no Division,
there is no beginning, there is no ending.
Where there is no beginning and no Ending,
there is no Death.
There is no Mortality.
There is no Energy.

The Consciousness of 'Becoming' therefore initiates action.
 It is this Action that moves from a point of beginning to a point of ending.
This movement has purpose.
The purpose of movement is of 'Not 'Being',
The purpose of movement is Action.
'Action' cannot just 'Be'.
'Action'/Energy suggests Progression.
Progression is a 'Becoming'.
Consciousness will 'Be' or
Consciousness will 'Become'
The Choice is for the Collective Consciousness that includes here, the Collective Unconsciousness'
or the Individual Cell of Consciousness that is every human being that is 'Aware'.
This movement of Choosing,
therefore, establishes the Elements that bring about Creation,
 through movement, through the Energy of Choosing. 

 Consciousness also has purpose of 'Being',
Meaning that Consciousness of 'Being' is what Consciousness Is.
Meaning that Consciousness of Being Exists in 'non-changing', non-moving,
Consciousness IS and Exists in the Reality of the Singularity of Self and of the
Singularity of Other.
Singularity means that Self is totally Self in the Self of Selfness and that
Other is totally Other in Other of Otherness.
Singularity means that Singular Self is Entity of Self with no parts or pieces of it-Self
and that Singular Other is Entity of Other with no parts and pieces of its Otherness.
Singular Self and Singular Other, each as Entity, have Immortality. 

What is Creation anyway, but Division?
Division was and is the function of Creation.
Division was and is the beginning event  in the Process of Creation.
Creation is the Process of Division.
Creation came about through Division.
Creation is only the Image of that which is Entity.

What is really known about Energy?
As Existence is Duality,
as Consciousness is Duality,
so it follows that the movement, that the Energy, of Consciousness is Duality.
The Energy that formed and forms Creation is Duality.
Creation is a Process.
Creation is a Process of Division,
meaning, that in reality, Creation constantly Divides itself down,
 until no more remains.
Life to Death.
Science says, Positive to Negative.
Positive, as birth.
Negative as in Death,
Death, until no more remains.
The movement from Life to Death,
from Positive to Negative,
signifies the futility of Choosing to activate a Dream that only can Exist in Non-existence.
It signifies that the End, that Death occurs, when Negative Energy overtakes Positive.
Positive Energy struggles against negative Energy to Exist as when Creation ends
there is no more Energy.
or when Energy ceases, because movement ceases, and there is no more Creation.
It is quite obvious that Energy Creates Time,
Energy Creates Place,
Energy Creates Matter.
When Time begins breaking down, its Creative, Positive Energy becomes frenetic
and basically, hastens its ending as the parts and pieces become smaller and smaller.
This break-down to the end can be compared to Negative, as Negative takes over
Consciousness of Choice to Become as Consciousness becomes frenetic when
it goes from Perception to reluctant Observation that what Exists as Non-reality
cannot Become Reality.
Choice will play out.

What Energies are involved in or even make up Human Consciousness?
Is it possible that earlier times in history saw human Consciousness more able to access other forms and degrees of Awareness than we know today and that the ability has faded through
Choice or even has been purposely hidden.
How much Truth must be hidden beneath the huge pile of debris accumulated through
all the layers and levels of history.
How much positive energy lay beneath the rubble of destruction of so much that is not
Truth, so much abuse, so much torture, so much mental anguish,-------all
Energy of destruction.
We struggle against it,
 yet we Create more negative energy than we Create positive energy.
Our Powers of Death are much stronger than our Powers of Life.
We can all sense, we can all feel, the frenetic struggles of Choice for Life over Death,
yet Creation, as Existence itself, is Duality.
Energy brings about Creation,-------the Duality of Energy, the Duality of Creation.
The Duality of Humanity,
the Duality that continually breaks down, over and over again.
all Energy fighting Energy,
------nation against nation,
religion against religion neighbor against neighbor,
team against team,
 into the negative Energy of Oblivion

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