Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Post #355, "Scientifically Speaking--", 2018"

Non-existence begins at point zero,
only to shrink back to point zero.
As Time never leaves its point of departure,
Time is unable to fulfill itself.
Time, therefore, never achieves its Dream,
locked into the Process of Becoming.
Always Becoming, never winning the Dream of Being.
Consciousness, in the action of Choosing, is Movement, is Energy.
This Energy, in Created Time, reflects the Image of Reality, through the Existence of 'Nothingness, onto the Created Space, the Place of Creation.
As Creation is Reflection, as Creation is Image, all that is considered as Matter, as Substance,
is no more than Movement, is never more than Energy.

The energy of Choosing doubles back on itself in the Process of Division,
disguised as 'Becoming', because Becoming can never achieve Being without loosing it-Self
as 'Becoming'.
Movement is the result of the energy of Consciousness Choosing,
Choosing is the action of Consciousness.
Consciousness Creates Energy through Choosing.
Consciousness Choosing in the Dichotomy of Existence, sets off Creation.
An important note:
Consciousness Choosing means that Consciousness Chooses to Choose
or Chooses Not to Choose!
Consciousness Choosing 'Not to Choose', is the Consciousness of Reality.
Consciousness thus is able to Choose Existence in Reality or
to Choose Existence in Non-reality.

Consciousness Existing in Non-reality CREATES.
Consciousness Existing in Non-reality, Creates all that we experience as our reality.
But, our reality is not Reality, but is an Image that is debated and disagreed over,
because we Perceive what is Created, what is Image, as Reality.
And so there is confusion and disagreement when physicists are not even sure what their
theories say.
New theory after new theory has been formulated when the theories already formulated
are not understood.
The search for the grand unification is underlying the revisitation, by philosophers and physicists,
of the very foundations of science itself.
Those Choosing to Create,
those Choosing Consciousness of Creation,
live within their Creation entirely oblivious to the Existence of Reality.
To those so Choosing, their reality is what they Create!
Unfulfilled Choosing cannot exist without destroying itself.
Therefore Choosing does not endure the Image it produces.
Zero plus zero equals zero.

Self of Consciousness cannot Exist as Oneness of Self in Creation,
and yet Self is One.
All of Creation Exists as One.
Yet this One has a Duality of intention;
to Exist as One,
through Division.
-----to Expand through Assimilation of it-Self, as One in Oneness,
and to finalize, through Contraction, of it Self by removing what is Perceived as Other,
occurring within the Self.
Basically that which sustains and promotes Self is Perceived as Self-within-Self,
that which is threat to Self is Perceived as Other infesting the Self,
thereby necessitating its removal and destruction.
After Self destroys Other-than-Self,
out of it-Self,
In Duality, Self destroys Self.----the Other Self.
In Duality, One destroys One.-----the Other One.
One cannot Exist in Oneness in the Duality of Existence,
without Creating and then, Destroying Other.

In Creation there is no real Existence of Other,
but only Image Existence of Other.
So basically, Non-Existence or Creation,
Exists through Expansion and Assimilation of the Self.
Expansion and Assimilation begins as Time begins to tick
and ends when Time ceases movement.
Expansion comes down to movement that Accelerates to a point
and then Decelerates and contracts to a final point.
This comes down to the Non-existence of Existence as point to point.
Point to Point is a straight line that eliminates any in-between Movement.
A straight line shows no life.
A straight line shows no Movement.

It is movement that is the basis of Creation.
As the Action of Creation is Choosing,
Choosing is the basic action of Creation.
Consciousness Chooses, Consciousness Moves.
The process of Consciousness Choosing is the Energy that Creates out of the
Dream of Consciousness to Become.
The Dreaming provides the reflections that are Perceived by Consciousness
from stored Memory of Reality.

These reflections are the distorted and inverted reflections of Dreaming that will make its
presence known in Created Time in the interaction of movement and memory,
thereby producing a Process of Division that Assimilates from point One, expands,
freneticizes, divides until the memory extinguishes itself, looses energy and fades into
Non-existence from which it began.
The more movement, the more vivid the image, the sooner the Image wears itself out.
In Reality, never having Existed at all.
The line between the two points is movement, is the interaction with the Reality
of Nothing.
Its existence,----only a blip of movement, on the screen of Reality.
All worlds, all galaxies, all cosmoses---------only fleeting blips
to what is Real.
---just mist and fleeting shadows.
What is Real is 'Not' and can-Not be Created.

The point of Beginning to the point of Ending is a straight line Creating Nothingness.
It is the relationship of the two points that Creates.
The points do not Exist in themselves.
It is the interaction between the points that brings about what we know as Creation.
The two points are Perceived as Reality.
The two points are Perceived as Reality only by that of likeness to the points
through assimilation.
Only Non-reality Perceives Non-reality as Reality.
Non-reality is reality to it-Self.
If the points represent Consciousness, these points will Create points from the Whole
that are cells of the Self of Consciousness.
What lies between the two points is the action of Creation Creating.
What lies between the two points is the Existence of Nothingness
Consequently, Beginning equals Nothing and Ending equals Nothing.
The Whole of Nothing and Nothing is the Existence of Nothingness.
Beginning is Nothing without Ending and Ending is Nothing without Beginning.

We Perceive through our Dream of 'Becoming'.
We Perceive Collectively and we Perceive Individually.
Consequently, there is the Self of the Collective Consciousness,
and there is the Self of the Individual Consciousness.
Consciousness, as Created and as Creator, is Duality as is all Existence.
Each Consciousness, Collectively and Individually, seeks Other as Other is
necessary for Survival of Self.

We all, Collectively, have the same Dream of 'Becoming'.
'Dream of Becoming' is basically from Awareness of Mortality.
From Awareness of Mortality comes Fear of Mortality.
From Awareness and subsequent Fear, comes Dream of Survival.
The Dream of Becoming is the Dream of surviving Mortality.
Survival means to change Mortality into Immortality,
Survival means Self 'Becoming' what Self Is Not.
Consciousness has Choice because Consciousness is Duality
Consciousness Chooses 'To Be' or 'To Become'.
Choosing 'Being' is Choosing Reality.
Choosing Reality is Choosing Immortality.
Choosing 'Becoming' is Creating.
Creating eliminates the Singular Other from Existence
thereby departing Reality for the Created Existence of Non-reality,
Non-reality, again, is Creation.
As Creation has Beginning,
Creation has Ending.

The Creating Self is not Immortal because of Choosing to eliminate the Singular Other of
Reality from Existence, thereby eliminating Reality.
Immortality is the Essence of Entity of Singularity of Self and Other.
All Creation Dreams of 'Becoming' Immortal,
of moving from one point to another, and yet the points are the same.
What lies between birth and death is Perceived as the Process of change,
but obviously change has not occurred.
The Dream of Humanity is to find Immortality, as through science, or
to achieve Immortality, as through religion, as a Whole---Collectively,
or as Individual Self.
The Dream is expressed in Creation in the ever 'looking forward' or
'looking ahead' to a Time of Perfection, which is finding or achieving
We use terms such as 'Peace', or Prosperity, or even the transformation of Humanity and the World,
-----the longing for what we have Chosen to remove.
The Fear of what we have Chosen to 'BECOME'.

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