Sunday, January 14, 2018

Post #356, "Do We Exist?, 2018"

(Post #356 Is picking up where Post #355 left off)

Consciousness in the Duality of Existence,
Exists as the Collective Self.
Consciousness also Exists as the Individual Self, as Cell of the Whole.
Humanity Dreams Collectively.
Humanity Dreams Individually.
We Dream Collectively and we Dream Individually.
Dreaming is not Observing 'What Is',
but is Perceiving what 'Is Not', but 'What Could Become'. 
Dreaming is Perceiving within the walls of the Self.
Perceiving is Dreaming entirely within the Self by blocking what is 'Other-than-Self'.

Being that Existence is Duality and that Consciousness is Duality,
the Dream of the Self of Consciousness is the Dream of Duality
yearning to Become Entity.
In its Dream, Consciousness Divides itself into a Duality and Perceives itself as Duality,
 that Dreams of fulfilling it-self in the Perfection of Entity.
Entity is what Humanity Perceives as Perfection.
Humanity seeks Perfection for what is Immortality
and in seeking Perfection,
 Creates God as Personification of Perfection.
God Images the Perfection of Immortality.
Humanity confuses Entity.
Entity is Immortality.
 Humanity's concept of God as the Image of Perfection is confused with the
basic Fear of Mortality expressed in Death through Sin.
Only in Entity is Immortality.
Religion interprets this as God is One,
 and then goes on to categorize and Divide through
its Creation of Sacred versus Evil.

Immortality Exists in the Singular Self and the Singular Other of Reality.
Singularity is Entity.
Entity has no Parts and Pieces.
In Reality, Self is Entity.
In Reality,
Self is Immortal.
Also, in Reality, Other is Entity.
Other, in Singularity of Reality,
is Immortal.
Singular Self is Aware of Singular Other in Entity and in Immortality.
Singular Other is Aware of Singular Self in Entity and in Immortality.
Singular Self's Awareness of Singular Other as Immortal Entity,
is Reality of Other's Existence,
as is Singular Other's Awareness of Singular Self in Immortal Entity,
 is Reality of Self's Existence.
Therefore in Non-reality,
the Self of Consciousness, the Collective Self and the Individual Self,
 Creates 'Other' out of it-Self,
as Self of Creation allows only Perception of Self by Self.
This Created Self Obliterates Other, therefore the Self of Creation Divides into parts and pieces
of itself frantically attempting to Become Immortal Entity.
The Self therefore Dreams Entity which it expresses as having attained Perfection
expressed in the Duality of Existence within it-Self.

The Dreaming Self is unable to leave the walls of its Dream or to even allow itself to peer
beyond them.
The Dreaming Self can only see within it-Self and its Creation.
The Self Becomes Creator of Self's own Created Existence.
Self not only Dreams but Becomes the Dream.
Humanity thereby Exists as Dream within Self's own Creation.
Humanity seeks answers to it-self and to its Existence.
 Answers to these questions are way beyond
the limited Dream Existence.

We seek answers to questions that lie beyond and outside our Created, Dream Walls.
Science seeks answers to questions that lie beyond the Dream World it has helped to Create.
Science and religion have Created a World of Images that is so thick and so dense
it is impossible to distinguish the depth of the piles of debris.
The Creation of the Dream World is best expressed by religion.
Religion Creates the Process of Division that will bring about the Creation of Wealth,
and through Wealth establishes Division of Elite from Vulnerable,
and through Dreams of Superiority, and Sovereignty to
Dreams of  total control through total submission.
----from Economic Slavery to World Domination.

Throughout history we have sought and continue to seek answers as to 'who we are',
and to 'what is our purpose', and to 'why are we the way we are',
and we even seek to understand the Dream make-up of what we have Created.
Science seeks and strives to understand what we have Created,
in other words, to understand the World, the Universe, the Cosmos,
we live in without understanding
that it has been and is our own Dream.

As we Exist in our Created, Dream World, we have no idea that our reality is Non-reality.
We have no idea that we are not even Aware that Reality Exists.
We, of Consciousness are only Aware that anything we have ever Dreamed has Become our Created Non-reality and is Reality to us!
We live in our Self-created Non-reality,
and we do not know if there is a way out.
Science, along with religion, attempts to explain and give meaning to the Dream Created
by the Choice of Consciousness.
Religion has shaped the Dream to enables Existence itself to have many layers and levels,
all designed to ensure survival for the few against the many through through special Election,
thereby ensuring elimination of the 'Other',
for survival has been made to be selective.
Religion has Created 'Good' and Evil' to describe Chosen-ness,
thereby Creating the 'Self' who survives and the 'Other' who will be sacrificed.

The Self of Creation seeks survival from Mortality by making itself larger and more powerful
to provide a Power pool for selection of the Finest, the Fittest,------the Chosen.
Selective pools are contrasted by Elimination pools.
Elimination Pools are pools of fodder that are stripped of Humanity and are left behind as sub-human and as non-human, those vulnerable that are sacrificed for the benefit of the Elect  
These form a great cesspool of evidence,
 that the great are great only because there exists the opposite,
----the 'Other' than Great, the 'Other' than Self.
Interestingly, as history moves along, the cesspool grows wider and deeper each passing day,
and the 'Elite' seem to be headed in the opposite direction-- Becoming fewer,
and fewer and fewer, until----------------------One remains?

Can Self and Other remain?
The Self of Creation Perceives through Dreaming of Becoming
The Self of the Collective Whole, Dreams of 'Becoming'.
The Individual Cell Dreams of 'Becoming'.
The Collective Self Perceives it-Self in the fulfillment of its Dream.
The Individual Self Perceives it-Self in the fulfillment of its Dream.
This means that neither the Collective Self nor the Individual Self is able to Observe
the Self as the Self IS

The Individual Dream is the Dream of the Individual Self.
This Dream takes precedent over the Dream of the Collective Self.
The Individual Self is the Self that most Fears Mortality of Self over Collective Mortality
by Perceiving Self as Self and Collective Self as Other
This Self Feels most vulnerable as compared to the Self of the Collective.
This Self that stands apart from the Collective, but a Cell of the Collective,
feels, as do all parts of the Collective,
vulnerable in the face of Mortality.
This Self is the most Powerful Self because it stands alone in its Fear and so
Creates as compensation and survival desperation.

Both Selves, the Self of the Collective and the Individual Self, convert back and forth
according to Perceived need from Self to the 'Other' Self.
Individual Self Perceives the Self of the Collective in Duality of Self and Other,
as Collective Self Perceives Individual Self as Other.
In other words;
An Individual person will sacrifice the group to serve its purpose,
 and the group will sacrifice the Individual for the group,
yet in this case, the group always comes
down to Individual Authority accumulated through Wealth, Identity as Chosen,
and Authority over all parts now Perceived as Other,
-----disposable from having served its purpose

This Cell Perceives Wholeness in it-Self over the Wholeness of the Collective.
This Cell Perceives the Whole of the Collective as means to its own Survival.
This Cell, as Human, will sacrifice Humanity for the sake of it-Self.
Cells of Human Consciousness seek sameness in other Cells of the Collective,
and as elementary particles seek out and gather together,
 according to likeness and similarity.
But it is the collective Self the Individual Self turns to for the tools and materials
needed for Survival by Dividing the Collective in Duality with it-Self.
The Collective becomes the supply pool from which Self Chooses Other.
-------that is, Self made Other.

Self Chooses selectively parts of the Collective to absorb, to assimilate into a larger
system of it-Self by Becoming more Self or larger Self or more Powerful Self,
by giving up the properties that distinguish them from the Self.
These 'Others' Become the Self, sharing not only innate features but, scientifically,
sharing such as mass and charge but also spatial and temporal properties,
such as the range of positions (Creation of Time and Place or Space) over and within
which they may be found.

When these Individual parts of the Collective selectively Choose to amass, they Become
entangled with each Other attempting to Become One in Self.
An Observer has no way of telling One from the Other----in this case, the
This grouping, this entangled system behaves as an Individual Whole-----
a Collective within the Collective.
At this point  in Time,from Beginning to Ending, this system as a Whole of a Part,
loses its meaning.

Creation as Process of Division in the Duality of Existence, tries to right it-Self
by Creating relations of two against the Whole.
The Collective Consciousness Divides that it will reform itself into smaller cells of it-self,
imitating (imaging) the Singular Self and Other of Reality within it-self.
Each cell, selectively, seeks out similarities in the cells of the Collective with which to
recombine to form a separate Whole,
thus proving that there is no Entity in a Whole,
which is a collection of Wholes.
Perfection is sought by combining and recombining.
Creation seeks Perfection,
Humanity seeks Perfection,
 in the search for sameness to be assimilated into the Whole of Self,
thereby beginning the Process Perceived as reversing Mortality to Immortality.

This Process manifests through accumulation of Wealth, through assimilating
the Wealth of 'The Land' into Identity of the Self,
and thus Self assuming control over all that was Other,
thereby assimilating Other into Self.
Other stripped of Self-identity.

Consciousness of Mortality selectively Combines to defeat or counteract the process of Division
-----an almost innate process of reversal,
that seeks to distort and reverse the Process of
Division by fronting as a Process of Addition.
The purpose of Image is to pretend to be the Reality.
The purpose of Image is to undo and destroy 'What Is'.
The purpose of Image is to take the place of the Reality it Envies.
Image Deceives.
Image Lies.

Self is Born that Self can Die.
We come together as Collective Consciousness that we may split apart as Individual
We bounce in and out of the Collective Consciousness always for Survival of the Self.
'Other' in Humanity is never Human as Self is Human.
'Other' is created from Self to be sacrificed for the Survival of Self.

Confusing Non-reality with Reality is how we usually conceptualize the World.
We have no idea of Observation,
which is seeing 'What IS' as 'What IS' without our Perception of how we Dream
 it to Become.
It may Become less mysterious if we try to unlearn how we usually think about the
World and set ourselves back to the very first awakening of our Awareness.
Our 'empty screen' so to speak.

Creation will arrive at the point of Ending when Self can no longer Create Other out of itself,
for Self cannot Exist without Other.
Only in Reality does the Entity,
the Immortal Entity,
of Singular Self and Singular Other,

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