Sunday, November 17, 2013

Post # 20 "The Plan"

Note: These posts are an introduction to my book that is planned to be out at the end of the year entitled "Becoming God.....Beyond Religion and Science".

Also......Thank you for reading these posts and for allowing me to share my thoughts.

Barbara Beier

So....God and Perfection are One. Humanity desires Perfection. Humanity desires to become God. It certainly seems that the world is on a quest for Perfection. Of course, perfection has many definitions and categories. How does this come about? By what process does humanity hope and plan to achieve Perfection? By what process does humanity hope and plan to become God? What does one have to do? Where does one go to find a plan? Who or what holds the plan? Who determines the process or who holds the strategy?

We must know: "Can anyone achieve pefection? Can anyone become God?" Is Godship limited to any one group; as in race or culture or denomination or sex or whatever? If God is One, there must be selection; so who is selected? Looks like the desire to become God, of becoming The Perfection is causing a big mess! Surely this would cause great freneticism as in hatred, war, and violence. The list would be endless. But who holds the answers? Who holds the strategy? Who holds the secrets? Where is the plan? Are there directions; perhaps a blueprint, a college degree-for Godship? We have noted, that the process of division that defines Creation brings about death. Comparitively, we have noted that the result of the failure to attain Perfection also creates death. Its all one and the same.....  the striving for Perfection results in death as also death results through Creation's process of division. How can Death and Perfection be reconciled? Is Perfection only achievable in an after-life that becomes reachable only through mortal death?

Is Perfection, then, only achieved through division; body from soul condemned to death, soul divided from body designed for immortality? What of Intellect, that human faculty which Chooses? Is the Intellect affected by or formed by division? Is the Intellect a property of the body or is the Intellect a property of the soul? From this it seems logical to assume that the state of attaining Perfection and being Perfection certainly does not imply division but implies entity and means above all else, unity of body and soul. Perfection implies freedom from death, bodily death and spiritual death, hence, Immortality. Yet, in actuality, the desiring and actual striving to attain the state of Perfection results in division. Because we strive to 'Become Perfect' we must first realize that we are imperfect and move on from there.

Becoming Perfect is a process. Becoming God is a process. Because we see our imperfections, we strive for perfection. Perfection and Godhood are therefore processes, as is Creation itself, as opposed to inherent characteristics. Humanity greatly desires the Immortality of Perfection/Godhood. Humanity frantically seeks to prolong mortal life and has forever sought the 'fountain of youth', however humanity is not really content with only improving and prolonging mortal life. Prolonging mortal life is but a step in the process to achieving the ultimate goal. This yearning for Immortality is the yearning for Perfection, for Godliness. 

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