Saturday, November 16, 2013

Post #18 "The Story"

The drama of Creation is about to unfold, has unfolded, and is unfolding. The stage is set. The characters are about to fall in place. What has begun can only end, but we knew that. We have always known that. This is, was, and will be the result of the failure and the resultant frustration of the purpse to begin with. Images are fleeting and have no staying power. Immortality/Entity has always been the goal. Power is enviable. Power is, was, and always will be the means to achieve the unreachable goal. But what is the story? What is the story about? This is the story of 'The Reality of Non-Reality'. This is the story of  'The Creation of Non-Creation'. This is the Story of the 'Desire to Become God'. This is not the story of 'who we are' but the story of 'who or what we desire to become'. Consequently, this is the story of 'becoming'; a story that creates its own beginning and its own end. The story has already begun, is in process, and has already ended. This is the story of the 'great deception'. It is above all else, a story of Power, a quest for Power to attain Immortality/ Entity, the Essence of God.

Let's attempt to recover First Cause here at the creation of creation-the newly created pseudo-reality. Recall, please, that Reality has been blocked out, the remembrance of Reality has being greatly distorted. Choice creates image. As Time moves through its cycles, each succeeding image becomes more distorted, fainter, and more blurred. Science would describe this distortion as interference. Interference increases as Time moves through the continuing breakdown of each layer of created energy (the energy of creation) and uncreated energy, (energy of Reality) collectively and individually. Keep in mind that the goal and focus of creation is immortality (immortality depends on entity as division brings about death).. 

Our created reality is a game of "Let's Pretend"; let's pretend that Reality will fade away. At a basic definition, Creation is a wall; whatever parameters we care to put on the wall as galaxy, cosmos, or universe. Within this wall, at the next level which is a smaller piece of itself, is world. "World' is a wall. The purpose of walls is to keep in or keep out- to define 'me' from 'you'. Walls kep Reality out of sight of Non-Reality, and of course, much distortion or interference results. How can something be imaged if it is not in view? As creators we not only create non-Reality but, more basic, we totally created our own notion of what we have no idea of.

BECOMING GOD-Beyond Religion and Science

There lies deep within humanity the desire to 'become God'. The desire touches all aspects of created life. The desire to 'become God' is behind all choices and determinations and is the very basis of human thought, dreams, and aspirations. It establishes life cycles, patterns, customs, alliance; the very structures of created life. The desire to 'become God' determines human behavior. The desire is rooted in the consciousness and in unconsciousness. Every phase, every level, every step, is a piece of the unfolding of the movement to 'become God as is every stage of evolution. The desire is the force of, and the actuality for, the perpetual search for Perfection. Humanity seekd perfection. But what is perfection anyway, but being God? God and Perfection are One.

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