Monday, November 18, 2013

Post #21 "Pursuit of Perfection"

What of Perfection? Does the word 'perfection' allow for that which does not last, that which runs its cycle and then dies? Of coursse, anything in Creation, which is everything, soon becomes old and outdated. Out-datedness is when the state of perfection fails, when the state of perfection is elusive; when the action of the power of the desire for perfection no longer gives hope that it can overcome death. Out-datedness is when the state of perfection fails and must be reinvented and then reinvented again, as often as necessary. What fails to achieve perfection becomes old and out-dated, thus it must be destroyed to make room for the 'new' and up-dated. The process of failed perfection thereby creates death. Death calls forth the need to recreate and then repeats itself over and over again throughout the cycles of history. The cycles begin with birth, the attempt for perfection fails, the old and out-dated is replaced by the new through death. The plan is to replace the old with new and improved models (mechanical models of a mechanical world) through the levels of history thereby lessening the effects of death until death is eventually defeated. This supposes that each successive level is an improvement over the one before, but as noted at an earlier post, the succeeding levels become more blurred and boken as each moves farther and farther away into the accumulating brokenness, debris, and lies of history. Each upcoming generation sees itself as great improvement, as the generation that will conquer death, thereby achieving Perfection/Godhood, on the preceeding generations. But it is not so, as each generation becomes more broken and moves farther into the nothing-ness of Non-Reality. Thus results the false idea of humanity approaching super status-overcoming Death, through advancements from mechanical brains to an increasingly mechanical world seeking mechanical answers to mechanical questions....until the question is finally asked---'what is Real?'

Indeed it is this process of life to death that called forth and created that element of Creation-Time. Thus the patterns of Time are established as nature repeats itself over and over again trying once more to achieve Perfection, to achieve Godhood. These are the patterns that create life's cycles.These cycles become the history of Creation. Anything less of attaining the goal of Perfection creates death. The perpetual theme runing through Creation seems to be 'we must try again and again until we reach our destiny of Perfection/Godhood. If we think we have problems now, just try to deal with this one-what would a world be like when there is no death; when nothing dies? Would it be heaven? Or would it be hell? Where lies that state of perfection?

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