Saturday, December 7, 2013

Post #28 "The Root Exposed"

The act of Choice or of Choosing resulting from the desire to 'Become God' activates the void of Pre-creation producing a black or negative type energy that is the source of the creative energy that set the initial wheels of the creation of Creation in motion. This energy has purpose. This energy sets about a process-an action. In the first example of the story of the Battle in the Heavens, the thought presents itself, then the dream and desire, and-the Choice is made. The Choice is for the transference of Intelligence/humanity into God, in other words, humanity Becoming God. However, if humanity becomes God, then, what happens to God? Humanity and God are one? In transference, only one can remain. In order for the transference of humanity into God-God must be removed!Intelligence/humanity cannot Become God if God remains. Hence.....the reason for Creation. The womb of Creation hides the presence of God so the image can dream its dream. The dream cannot be fulfilled until God is removed. But how does one remove God?.....God cannot be removed so walls must be built to block the presence of God. Walls must be built as in the womb of Creation. What is not seen does not exist and image pretends that the transference has taken place. But we all really know.....God is One!

The Choice of Consciousness to become God is energy for many forces are involved with the act of Choosing. Actually, Choosing is the basic energy from which all other energies that result from and precede Creation are derived. Choosing can create positive and negative energy which plays out on the stage of Creation as good and evil. Becoming Perfect, Becoming God is the purpose of the Choice made by Consciousness. The action and resulting drama of the Choice is portrayed in the afore-noted mythological story form as the heavenly battle between 'Good', represented by the Archangel Michael and the 'good' angels and by the 'Bad' as represented by Archangel Lucifer and the evil spirits. The energy of Choice in the heavenly battle ignites the energy that rises from the struggle portrayed in the story. Scientifically, this is the pre-creation energy of empty space. Empty space is potential energy. The void of pre-creation is potential energy.

In the second story that occurs in the Garden of Eden; nothing actually changes. The thought, the dream presents itself of what it would be like to be other than oneself. Desire follows. The process unfolds. And then, again, the Choice is made. Power/energy is appropriated as in the Heavenly Battle account. In this story the energy or action to achieve its purpose is expressed in the eating of an apple. The act of eating the apple is the mythological representation of the act of Becoming God through consumption of the qualities of God. Eating the apple protrays the act of taking on God's persona, in other words the symbolic eating brings about the symbolic transference of humanity into God. The profound insight of these creation myths is that desiring to be like God, desiring to take on God's essence, created what is known as original sin and, consequently, set up the dichotomy of Good-Evil, up-down, high-low, hot-cold, Grace-Sin.

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