Monday, December 30, 2013

Post #39 "The Transference"

It's no wonder there has been over four centuries of hostility and outright war between religion and science-between Faith and Reason. In order for the transference of humanity into God (mythologized by the biblical accounts of the transference of the Archangel Lucifer into God or the transference of Adam into God to take place), God must be done away with. God cannot exist for this transference to take place, for, as noted, there can only be one god to be God, the assumption being, of course, that God is entity. Entity cannot destroy itself or be destroyed. Consequently Entity does not and cannot reproduce itself for that which reproduces must be self-destructive to reproduce itself.

The gods of mythology are only images competing for the reality of the ultimate 'Oneness'. Non-reality can occur only when and where 'God' does not exist. But when and where does this 'God' not exist? How can this 'God' be done away with? Just what needs to be done away with.....God or Reality? The answer lies in the Choice to create. If creation cannot occur within Reality, the God of Creation would need to create a place outside of Reality, a place where Reality cannot exist. Non-reality will provide the 'when' and the 'where' God does not exist. In both mythological stories, the Choice to image God was made. In each story the choice to become God not only occurred in the heavens before Time began or in the Garden of Eden in biblical Genesis Account, but with a thought  and then a dream and finally a Choice.

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