Sunday, December 8, 2013

Post #29 "Developement of the Root"

The biblical/mythological stories are expressing the thought that the dream, desire , and choice to become God lead ultimately to death. Death is loss of life and is comparable to the absence/loss of God. The Choice to become God leads to loss which is loss of life, or basically-Death. Choice  creates Death through Creation. Lucifer, Adam and Eve represent Intelligence. As the characters in the stories leave the presence of God, they enter Creation-the Creation they create. They bring about, through their choice-Creation. Intelligence Chooses and through Choice created and creates. Death results. Entering Creation is entering Death for Creation is the process of Division. But who loses? Does God disappear through transference? Yes, God disappears but disappears behind the created walls of Creation. God does not become lost. God does not leave. God does not leave heaven or the garden. The characters depart. Lucifer and his accomplices depart from heaven; Adam and Eve depsrt from the garden. The loss is on the characters who have dreamed, desired, and Chosen to Become God. The loss is the loss of name, place, status, identity, and substance. Lucifer, Adam and Eve no longer exist in Reality. Lucifer is no longer God's right hand. Adam and Eve no longer walk and talk with God. Chaos. Agitation. Frenetic stirring. Heat. Water. Atoms releasing. Atoms smashing-colliding-dividing down. Time pulses. Matter forms and congeals. Shapes appear that are called earth, and planet and universe. Intelligence takes form and is called humanity. Humanity divides down into male and female. At first-a garden. Now-a lost garden. Will our chaotic, agitated, frenetic, planet ever be able to find that garden under all the cement, wars, and destruction?

It is interesting to note that what the ancient myths were presenting as evil is now in our present culture swung to the compete other side of the pendlum and is pursued as ultimate good. What was considered as evil in antiquity is now our ideal that we strive to attain. Where desiring to become God was considered as the root cause of all evil, humanity is now tuned to and striving to become Perfect, to become like God-to become God.

The path unfolds.

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