Friday, January 10, 2014

Post #53 "So...What About God"

Let's return to Carl Sagan's questions on two conflicting or alternative hypothesis which are representative of one of science's profound theological questions. "....if we say that God made the universe, it is reasonable to ask, "And who made God?" The answer to the afore noted query lies in the understanding of Reality and non-reality. The answer must begin with establishing just what we are talking about when we say "God". We seemingly have, according to several ancient gospels and writings, two Gods, one of which is the God of Creation. Who or What was the gospels referring to as 'The Other' ....the One which is not the God of Creation? The Reality? The Reality, as previously discussed, surely did not create non-reality. The Reality, (which must by quality of Entity be un-named) surely did not "make the universe". This is the Reality that was hidden by the walls of creation. How could science possibly know about or, more accurately, admit to "This which is" as of Reality, which is not and cannot be admitted to by a mechanical world of mechanical thinkers thinking mechanical thoughts? For that matter, how could anyone know about or admit to 'That which Is'? For 'That Which Is' makes anything 'other', 'that which is not'. For many, many years, Truth has been hidden. Lies have been told, over and over again, lies on top of lies on top of lies. Each lie added to all the other lies, creating a great mound made up of layers of non-reality all piled on top of each other, each additional layer getting farther and farther away from any grasp of Truth at all. For what is Truth anyway, if not Reality?

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