Saturday, January 11, 2014

Post #55 "Naming"

We cannot name that which we do not know. We cannot name that which we do not possess. The act of naming is an act of exerting power over and of claiming ownership. Who could ever know Reality to name Reality? Who could ever assume such power over Reality? Who could ever name Reality 'God' or refer to Reality as god, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, or Buddha, or by any other title or name? The word 'God' really can't apply to that which is unclaimable, unattainable, and certainly, unnameable. The word 'God' or 'god' describes that which has the qualities of creation. These are our words that describe our reality. We don't have and we cannot even 'image-in' words to describe Reality. Creation has built walls blocking Reality. The names we have chosen for 'God' assume that Reality exists in creation and is known to creation. To bestow a name on Reality is to ascribe human qualities of non-existence on Reality thereby creating the image of who or what we need ourselves to be. Through the act of naming, intelligence deifies itself to bring about the act of transference with Reality. Here intelligence creates its own description of itself and names itself  'God'. To name, to dream, or to fantasize is to create. We cannot name, dream or fantasize Reality into existence without creating, without creating image. We cannot create Reality. We cannot possess Reality. The name 'God' in our created reality means all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing, all-merciful, and all this and all that, and on and on. These attributes that intelligence gives to its God are the attributes intelligence would bestow on itself. These attribute signify power because that is what creation is all about.

Reality exists. The Choice of Intellect allows Reality to exist for those who so choose. In so choosing, those too exist through the Generation of Reality. Reality is not, nor can be, stagnant. Reality exists-Reality Generates. As the function of intellect chooses, choice causes Reality to exist for those that so choose.In so choosing, these too exist through the Generation of Reality.

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