Saturday, January 25, 2014

Post #65 "God or God Substitute?"

Being the determination and the products of creation, we are always, as is creation itself, in the process of division. As we divide, we find ourselves increasingly and constantly needing. We are increasingly and constantly aware of our multiplying insufficencies. We need deity and a defining God for each segment of division, for each purpose, for each possible situation; from a general God, as in our early history, to today's search for a personal God. It becomes rather clear from this that 'God' becomes sectioned off and also divided up as is humanity and as creation itself; to suit any people, any period in history, any circumstance and any situation.

If anything has a history of division, it is religion. It seems there is a religion for every possible, imaginable need. These needs are often in conflict with each other. In fact, conflict, which results from creation's process of division, is the basis for the division of one religion into many. Religion, that claims and advertises unity, actually is, as every thing else in creation, divisive. Each segment claims God in one way or another. Each religion, creates God according to its own particular need. This created God, as each God of created non-reality, is named, given a history, programed into ritual that recounts many heroic deeds and accomplishments. As in the case of the world's great religions, each of these religions claims One God or at least one primal God, for entity is a requirement of Godhood. Each religion is rooted to and in this One God. These religions also claim a common heritage, in most cases through a holy person, holy place, or holy object. Each religion claims its own unique Choosiness. Each religion feels its duty as 'The Chosen' to remove all other interference, meaning all other Gods of all other religions or beliefs, resulting in our stormy and violent history. As each segment claims the One God, God is divided into the God of this people or the God of that people or of this group or that group, of this country or that country, of this denomination or that denomination, and on and on the division continues, until God, as image, just fades away.

Can God ever be denied--- really denied? Can non-attendance or non-membership in a worshiping community or just outright denial demonstrate or prove a person's denial of God? Is not God that which we worship and depend on----that primary, primal, underlying force in our life; no matter who, what, or where? If this God is not found in the admitted to and accepted forms or places of worship, then is this God deniable? Is God not much more present in that which we would never admit to? Is God, more often than not, that which we most deny, that which we refuse to recognize? Is this denied God, that is the object that is worshipped and absolutely depended on, not found in unrecognizable places of worship, such as: sport arenas, as on playing fields, as in shopping malls, beauty salons, in political arenas, in alcohol consumption, in drug use, in abuse, in competitiveness, and hostilities and outright war, and on and on...............................? Are we not face-to-face with The God of Creation, ----------The God of Non-reality?

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