Sunday, July 6, 2014

Post #103 "Reality Lost"

Somewhere, sometime, somehow, beyond the stirring of the void of pre-creation, before the creation of the atoms that slammed the big bang into existence, beyond all the creation stories of myth and religion, Intelligence knew and experienced Reality. It seems however that somehow Reality is lost, at least to Intelligence. At least to Intelligence of the the human variety. How was Reality lost? How was Reality lost to human Intelligence and consequently to all human Intelligence creates? How is Reality lost to Intelligence? How is Reality lost to human Intelligence? Is Reality lost because Reality has ceased to exist? Does Reality choose? Better yet, does Reality have a need to choose? As entity, Reality probably has no need to choose. Intelligence chooses though, for choosing is the action of Intelligence. Through its choice of creating or not creating, Intelligence chooses. The consciousness of Intelligence inhabits and owns its creation. Intelligence chooses to create an existence outside of Reality. Intelligence exists in or is conscious of its own created reality, thereby obliterating for itself the reality or the consciousness of Reality. Intelligence thinks, dreams, and thereby creates. Intelligence is made up of individuality and of collectiveness, thereby choosing is effective individually and collectively. There is collective consciousness and individual
consciousness. Whatever choice Intelligence makes, consciousness of that choice occurs to the loss of consciousness of Reality.

Intelligence becomes conscious of what or where it creates. Consciousness thereby lives in its creation and looses consciousness of any other existence. Individually it is possible for Intelligence to choose not to create which allows that individual Intelligence to retain some remembrance of Reality. Total recall is not possible because, although individual choice is possible, the influence of creation or the collective consciousness itself  has strong influence and a strong pull. If this pull can be overcome, and to what extent, by Individual Intelligence, remains to be seen. Intelligence is consciousness of its own created reality to the obliteration of Reality itself. Intelligence cannot define or explain Reality because it chooses not to remember Reality. As creation passes its zenith and approaches its decline, as it will, Intelligence will, and is, becoming frustrated with its choice and churns the void of pre-creation, struggling to create a new existence or giving up and searching  for the lost Reality.

Creation is the distorted, fragmented, and up-side down memory of Reality. An crude example would be that what is light to creation is dark to Reality or what is light to Reality is dark to creation possibly explaining some of the mystery of dark matter, dark holes,  negative energy, and so on.
What is a process of division (creation) has no knowledge of entity. What has beginning and ending has no knowledge of infinity.

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