Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Post #107 "Our Created Reality"

We just cannot seem to get beyond thinking that Reality is under our control; that existence is within the parameters of our definitions and within our mental if not physical compasses. There is, by some, the feeling that if somethings are impossible to even imagine, they are quite easily described mathematically. Our mechanically trained minds lock us into accepting rational propositions about the early universe. But mechanical thinking was also present in stories of  biblical nature. Although these stories are to be accepted on faith, they originated out of a rationality, and often politically, motivated determination, a mechanical and  rational mindset,.....contrived to initiate and set in place the control necessary to form and shape civilization, for living under control of the powerful was what civilization was and is all about. History is redolent with intricate systems and constructions that showed and show a lot of mechanical intelligence and theoretical consistency which in the end collapsed and will collapse because its all our reality, but it is our reality, our created reality which we are so locked into that if we can't compute it one way or another it just doesn't exist. We have created our own existence and cannot see or think beyond it. We are the Creator. We even dreamed up a place that we were allowing to exist outside of our world. We name it heaven. We have ideas about heaven and what is in heaven and what is out of heaven. Can't we see that heaven is our creation and within our creation? Can't we allow that there is the Reality of existence that is totally beyond our control, totally beyond our computations and research?

We can't accept as mechanical thinkers of mechanical thoughts in a mechanical world that existence is and it is beyond and outside of our demand for evidence. This existence just doesn't give a damn about our need for evidence. We are so intellectual trapped by our own limited definition of intelligence. Our intelligence is so limited by Reason that sets in place and determines our rational, mechanical world that is destroying itself.

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