Monday, January 4, 2016

Post #205, "How to Create a Religion"

Religion occurs way beyond its own First Cause as told by the Genesis Account in the
Old Testament.
The roots can be found with the awareness of Consciousness to itself and to the Other of Reality. Religion comes from Perception.
As the Collective Consciousness Perceives Other as beyondness, as vagueness, as vastness;
religion, as the Collective Consciousness, Perceives Other.
In the dream and desire to Become Reality, beyondness, vagueness, and vastness, become
a means of Power.
In its quest for Power, religion seeks the beyondness, the vagueness, the vastness, and so
must seek for Power that is beyond Creation.
This source of Power must be seen as vague and as beyond comprehension, and as vaster than anything imaginable.
So religion creates that dream of the source of ultimate Power.
This Power must be seen as beyond anything of Creation, beyond the human mind to comprehend, and in doing so puts limits on Creation.
Creation must fit into the boundaries this Ultimate Power allows.
Creation stretches as far as Consciousness dreams itself.
This dream extends to limits and dimensions beyond the present.
Religion is of Creation.
Religion is the basic expression of Creation to itself.
Anything that religion encompasses is within Creation.
Religion can never, as science, penetrate the beyondness, the vagueness, the vastness, of Reality.
In fact, these very words are totally unable to express Reality as these words are of Creation.

This puts Reality completely out of the realm and comprehension of Creation in all ways. 
That of Creation cannot comprehend Reality.
This means that Intelligence has no Power over Reality.
It cannot represent Reality in a person.
It cannot confine Reality.
It cannot claim Reality.
It cannot name or, in any way, possess Reality.

The dream, the desire of the Collective Consciousness expressed through religion is a dream,
a desire, for Power.
The search for power is security from what is Perceived as the Other of Reality.
Security, to the Collective, is the possession of Entity and Infiniteness-----the possession
of the Entity and Infiniteness of Reality.
Creation has absolutely no effect on Reality.
Creation does not even exist to Reality, for it is not Real or of Reality. 
All reduces down to Entity and Infiniteness.
 Creation is threatened by the Entity and Infiniteness of the Other of Reality that IS
what Consciousness dreams and desires TO BECOME.
This is the root of religion.
Religion is the attempt to create a Second or Third Cause in which to claim the reality
 of Reality.
All is encapsulated in the dream and desire to Become Reality.
Religion, however, as the persuasive product of  Creation, is not aware of the real First Cause
and is only Aware of Creation as First Cause and consequently determines and writes
its history beginning with its God, the God of Creation, creating the heavens and the earth.

Because Creation is the process of division, the creation of heaven and earth
immediately divides Creation from Reality.
Creation becomes the means to achieving the reward of heaven which is the attainment
of the Entity and Infiniteness of Reality.
Heaven becomes the abode of its God.
This God creates humanity, sets itself above humanity and then enters the process of
Becoming one with humanity that humanity can Become one with this God, thereby
achieving the 'beyondness', the 'vagueness', the 'vastness', of its own Perception
of the Otherness of Reality.


It begins with a dream, a dream of Possession, Identity, and Authority
The dream becomes desire.
It is a dream and desire for Power, Power way beyond Creation.
This dream and desire cannot be contained in Creation because it cannot be fulfilled in
Time, Place, and Matter-----the elements of Creation.
This dream is not meant to be fulfilled for then the promises would have to be fulfilled.
The dream is of a memory of Consciousness' own Perception of Reality.
How to Create this memory within Creation?------
It must be within Creation for Consciousness is enclosed in its own Choice to remove
Reality that it could take its place within its own created dimensions.
These boundaries are its protection from Reality but also its curse for it cannot
comprehend Reality from the walls of its own Creation.
Consciousness must create its own 'beyondness', its own 'vagueness,' its own 'vastness".
The religion must go outside its own created pseudo-reality into an unseeable,
untouchable, promise of beyondness, of vagueness, of vastness into a dream that
was not meant to be fulfilled.
This is the promise that this religion makes that it cannot be held to for fulfillment
of its promises.
Again, these promises are not meant to be fulfilled.
These promises are what is needed to gather the masses of humanity,
and if promises do not go far enough, threats of excruciating pain and torture will do
the job, for people are needed to provide for the rewards of
Possession, Identity, and Authority.

("How to Create a Religion" will continue on Post #206)

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