Saturday, January 9, 2016

Post#207 "Consciousness and Reality"

Consciousness is aware of Reality as it is aware of itself.
Consciousness plays a game of 'Hide and Seek' with Reality.
 Consciousness is very aware of Reality.
Consciousness plays the game of  'I am You' and creates itself in the image of Reality.
The image Consciousness creates of itself as Reality, is God.
Out of frustration of getting it right, God is created many times over.
Being that Consciousness is made up of many parts, many cells of its own being,
each of these cells creates God, creates god and gods.
Of course, god and gods are under and owe obedience to the One God, and here is a problem.
Maybe here, is The Problem, for each cell, as a part of the Collective Consciousness,
feels that its God is The God.
Now, as we know, Creation is made up of division.
Division creates Bits and pieces, parts of itself that float around seeking cohesion.
None wants to be alone and yet none can stop the urge to break apart, for that is what
Creation does.
Creation divides.
Now you put this all together, the need to Become The God, the divisiveness of
creation, followed by the need to group, basically the need to Become One----
What a mess!
How to survive such inherent tendencies?
As much as Consciousness runs away and plays games with Reality, Consciousness is
highly attracted to Reality.
In fact, Consciousness very much wants to be Reality.
Consciousness wants to Become Reality.
The idea of Becoming causes the problem.
Consciousness has Choice, after all, Intelligence is the action of Consciousness Choosing.
What does Consciousness do??
Consciousness Chooses.
Consciousness has Intelligence!

Consciousness chooses between Reality or non-reality which is refered to as the chaotic
void of precreation.
If Consciousness Chooses non-reality over Reality, Consciousness creates.
Consciousness creates its own Reality-----guess why----that it can Become its own God!
Obviously Consciousness cannot Become God in Reality.
Why not? 
Well, its because Reality IS.
Now this is a profound thought, that Reality IS.
Reality does not BECOME.
What Becomes is Creation and that is why Creation has beginning and ending.
It ends because it cannot enter Reality and BE.
Being IS Reality, and Reality was and is not the Choice of the Collective Consciousness.
How do we know this?
Heck! we can see it.
We know there is nothing Infinite in Creation.
Science tells us there is no solidity in Creation----all is reducable to energy.

Now back to the Choice of Consciousness------As cells of the Collective Consciousness,
do we each have a choice in the matter?
Actually we do.
We each have Intelligence.
We each have a Choice.
We each can choose Individually to BE or to BECOME.
This means that if we choose to BE, to accept Reality, we can and must emerge
from the Collective.
Now this is not an easy thing to do.
We can't do it ourself.
We can only Choose.
But if we Choose, our gods, our God will come down.
All that we thought important and essential, meaning all the gods and the God that we
created and served will come down.
Our lives will change.
We will feel alone at times.
We will feel that we do not fit in. 
There is no religion. to join.
There are no financial obligations, dues to pay, homage to pay, or rules or commandments.
There is no membership or membership drives.
There is no recruitment.
There are no meetings to attend or classes to take.
There are no plans, formulas, blueprints, or mathematical equations.
No test tubes, labs, telescopes, or formulas are necessary.
Its just a Choice.
 Its just the Choice made by the Individual Consciousness that is an Intelligent cell of
Consciousness that has the ability to accept Reality and emerge from the
Collective Consciousness.  

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