Saturday, January 23, 2016

Post #210 "Theory of Interconectiveness & Reality"

Understanding Interconnectiveness begins with Time.
Perception is seeing in Time.
As Consciousness is made up of its parts, most of these parts or these cells belong in Time.
These cells together form a whole that is the Collective Consciousness.
The Collective Consciousness creates Creation.
Creation is image.
Image is not Reality.
Reality is not of Time.
When the cells of the Collective Consciousness Chose, the Choice, collectively, was/is
to Become.
The Choice of Becoming began and set in motion the element of Time.

Every facet of creation exists in that creation for an extremely small speck of Time as
an extremely small speck of matter in an extremely small speck of space.
The whole is always totally represented in each of its cells so that the cell resembles, or even
on a much smaller scale, duplicates the whole, as each piece of Consciousness makes up
 the whole of the Collective.
There still remains, however, choice within each cell.
Choice is determined by the degree that cell carries Intelligence
which is the action or the work of Consciousness.
These choices can and do influence our particular cell that in turn influences
the whole.

In this capacity, we determine that which determines us
This means that every person enters its particular Time and Place as a product of
that Time and Place, but then, through the ability of Intelligence makes choices that
influence that particular Time and Place.
Applied to Consciousness this means that as Consciousness divides itself into
'itselfness' and its 'otherness', it brings about creation.
The very act of division is and births creation.
Creation is a process of division.
Creation begins with a pulse that sets off and initiates the act of division.
It immediately establishes this creation's period of existence in itself.
As it exists within itself, it dreams within its  'otherness' of what it thinks
it will Become.
The propulsion of dreaming of Becoming are the ticks of Time.
Time ends when the dream no longer exists.
One is often able to glimpse scenes or people from the past and the future as Time
begins to relax its beat as a dream crashes.
(This explains the 'ghost' phenomina)

This degree of Intelligence determines the species the cells/cells will choose or
be attracted to.
Cells are attracted to group within their Intelligence levels.
Cells are either repelled or attracted to other cells by positive and negative electrical
charges within each cell.

The Collective Consciousness is made up of cells of Consciousness that function
according to each cell's capacity to Choose, Choosing being the action of Intelligence.
Cells, according to the action of Creation, choose under conditions of division.
Creation divides-----cells divide
A necessary requirement of division as division, is formation, as division can only
divide that which has form.
The cells of the Collective Consciousness divide that they can re-form, that they can
divide, over and over again-------that formation becomes an essential aspect of division.

Human Consciousness is Consciousness within Consciousness.
It creates.
It creates other species through its ability to dream and desire.
It creates through its interaction with the division within itself.
In its ability to choose to Become, it divides itself into its selfness
and its otherness.
Its otherness is its dream self of Becoming.
This is the part of the Collective Con. that becomes religion, that becomes God.
Its selfness is the part that dreams the dreams and desires the desire.

All species evolve but the human species also developes.
It develops through its desire to Become other than what it is, other than what we are.
Humanity is the only species to create through its ability to dream.
It dreams creation and then dreams options for itself to choose from----
options being opportunities to continue dreaming
Humanity is the part of Consciousness that groups, through its Choice to Become,
into the Collective Consciousness.
It dreams, it Chooses and then Becomes its Choice
that then creates opportunities to continue creating as the dreams
to Become are never fulfilled within itself.
The relationship of 'itselfness' to its 'otherness' within itself and then
within the Collective as to its selfness, is profound.

The whole, the Collective, determines that we exist but within that existence
we have choice through proximity and relationship to other cells.
Those choices can and do influence a particular cell that in turn influences the whole.
In this capacity, we determine that which determines us.
Cells group with that which they have identity and thus feel comfortable, like a
positive electrical charge attracting a like electrical charge which can
merge into a larger charge.

This means that every person, every species, in its particular Matter formation and Matter
division, enters its particular Time and its particular Place as as a product of the make up,
the attraction to, or the rejection of that particular cell or on a larger plain,
that particular species.

Each cell, each species, which, through the ability of Intelligence, makes choices that
influence Time and  Place, that in-turn, influences the cell itself or the species itself.
So Time and Place, within the creation of Consciousness that continually chooses,
influence the bits and pieces of itself that have Intelligence, that pair off, group together,
break apart, and regroup, or break off and destroy their selves and others that interfere
with their dream to Become; always seeking Perfection that brings about the
dream of Becoming.

The cells within Consciousness form as creation forms, from the
breaking apart of elementary particles under fields of pressure in the formation of the
creation process.
These cells then begin to divide and separate from each other.
Intelligence chooses.
Cells, as Intelligence, Choose and are positive to and negative to each other,
consequently, they attract and avoid

Reality Observes and is able to be Observed.
Observation is seeing without the restrictions of Time-------when Individual cells of
Consciousness Choose to Observe rather than to Perceive by Choosing To Be,
rather than Choosing to Become.
Reality Observes.
Creation Perceives

          (continued post #211)


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