Sunday, March 2, 2014

Post #79 "The Law; Good or Evil?"

A close and unbiased examination of history will not fail to raise questions to that which religion, as the determinate and enforcement of the moral code, has declared as God-directed truth. These truths of religion could indeed be seen as perceptions, as the manipulated and contrived interpretations of occurrences, persons, and events throughout history.These perceptions became interpretations that brought forth measures that gave rise to The Law; as in commandments, rules, tenets, rites, and creeds, and so forth, that was needed and used to establish and then to enforce authority which was a building block of civilization. Civilization does not come without hierarchy, and hierarchy does not come without its Law. Perceptions of hierarchy determined the Law and the Law, in turn, also influenced and served interpretation. The Law separated good from bad and bad from good. The Law separated grace from sin and sin from grace. Unfortunately the Law also separated the good person from the bad person and the saint from the sinner. The Law enforced the quest for power and thus established vulnerability and servitude. Civilization can now be seen in its place in the process of division that is the function of creation. The law not only separated but also defined. The Law defines and consequently the law labels. Sin is presented as opposite grace, as the 'down' compared to the 'up', as the opposite of being under God's blessing or not being not even in relationship to God. The Law therefore defines and separates out those whom God has chosen from those whom God condemns and casts out. One could rightly wonder whether bad or sin existed before the Law came into being. It seems doubtful. The Law, therefore, created sin. Would the Law be of Reality or non-reality?

Structured belief and law-enforcing systems, based on early religious moral codes were used and are being used to empower and provide a means of control. Are these systems and institutions that derive from religious/moral values and control our beliefs, values, and life choices what they claim to be? It seems that spiritual power could be seen as ultimate power which would give these institutions and systems total power as history certainly supports. How often in history have horrendous crimes been committed because "God told me to do it.". Power systems mostly operate very covertly making it almost impossible to grasp the full impact of all under its control.   

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