Friday, March 14, 2014

Post #87 "Can we Know Reality?"


The essential questions must be returned to for the way to truth is an unfolding. Who is the God of Creation? Where did this God come from? And most importantly....What is this God's Purpose? If it is agreed (as to previous entries) that the God of Creation is the archetype of humanity, the questions of  Who are we? and Where did we come from? and What is our purpose? are outstandingly unanswered. Our quest must extend beyond creation, for creation is image.The quest must come to rest in Reality and this can only occur if the choice  to do so is made. We are of creation. Creation is non-reality. Creation is Nothingness. Can that of creation, that of non-reality, that of nothingness,
seek Reality? Seems contradictory. There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God, consequently there also lies deep within humanity an imprint, as in an ancient memory which reflects on the surface of creation creating image. This 'reflection'  as previously discussed, is distorted to the point of  being inverted, of being opposite. We know Reality through knowing ourselves as distorted image, as opposite that which we desire to become. Because we are behind the walls we have created, the walls of creation, our view of Reality is blocked by what we ourselves have created.

Reality is outside the walls of creation. What we know of ourselves, we can know the opposite of Reality. If we are imprisoned within the walls of creation. ..Reality is transcendent. If we are mortal....Reality is  immortality. We are broken and in pieces....Reality is entity. Get the idea? To know ones-self as non-reality is to allow Reality to be. This Knowledge is the knowledge of a pure, primal, outside of one's self, awareness. If this choice is made, creation will no longer be able to impose its gods. For those choosing, there will be no more imaging. One, so choosing, will know that there can be no image admittance of Reality and the reality of non-reality, the Reality, that is, that is distorted, inverted image. The admittance of image is the proof of Reality. And we do not need any more than that.

There lies deep within humanity the desire to become God. There also lies deep within humanity the Knowledge to choose Reality or non-reality. But how do we choose? By what process? Where do we go to find out how to choose? Is there a plan? Who holds the plan? Who holds the strategy? Can anyone choose? Is choosing Reality from non-reality limited to one group; as race, culture, religion, denomination, sex, or whatever? Are there directions; a blueprint, a college course, special membership, secret codes or words?

The answer to all these questions also lies deep within humanity for each individual and every individual to access for them self. Everyone has access to that special Knowledge. No conditions are necessary and are, in fact, a hindrance. Its just Choice, really.

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