Thursday, March 13, 2014

Post #86 "Knowledge of Faith and Reason"


Pre-creation. Timelessness. Here began the desire to become God. Division. We have arrived at the gate of the Garden, (Genesis) at the gate of Creation. Here began the choice to become God. Here Time began its journey. Here the Knowledge that has been lost, that pure primal extra awareness, that knowledge that was negated that Reason could become enthroned, for God is One. Reason is the knowledge of the forbidden tree in the biblical Genesis account of creation. Reason is the action to gain immortality, in other words, reason is the knowledge of how to become God. Becoming God is the process that demands rationality. Here begins the process of becoming God for becoming God is process. Here begins the journey, not only of Time, but also here begins the journey that has an ending as now it finally has a beginning. Here begins religion. Here begins science and technology. Here begins the path we have chosen to travel that leads away from the Garden. From the Garden we travel the path to civilization, from nomadic/tribal life to early agriculture, to trading, to mining, to fishing, to metallurgy, to colonization, to urbanization, to industrialization, to technology, and beyond. The path continues, a struggle for power, for power through perfection, for perfection and God are One.

The biblical story of Cain and Abel propel the story of civilization forward for here we see Cain, who represents the development of agriculture, killing his brother, Abel, who represents the nomadic life style---civilization killing wilderness. History has proved that wilderness and civilization cannot exist together but that is the way of Power. Power will find innocence and beat it into weakness and then devour its beauty. This ancient battle of deriving power from the spoils of war and destruction is the basic battle that wages fiercely today world wide but especially in the Middle East between remnants of tribal life and civilized life styles, between Arab and Jew, between Jew and Christian. These power struggles are so ancient that all layers and levels between them have become blurred and interwoven. One can hardly tell one form another. These ancient stories have all told the same story of life and death, of jealousy, greed, hatred, and the desire to devour anything and anyone that is not its own.

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