Saturday, March 29, 2014

Post #91 "Unfoldng Reality"

Reality exists! Because creation is image, Reality exists. Image is a reflection...a reflection of what?..... if not that which it reflects. The reflection of Reality, which is creation, is very distorted to the point of being opposite to that which it reflects. Humanity is of creation. We exist in the possibility of our choice. What of consciousness? Consciousness is what chooses. The action of consciousness is choosing. Is it possible to move beyond the reflection to its reality? It is possible only if we so choose. What is possible for consciousness? Is the act of choosing that which enables consciousness to choose Reality or to choose non-reality?

Reality unfolds. The unfolding begins with individual choice. Who chooses? What would cause choice for Reality? What would cause consciousness to choose Reality? More than likely choice would result through the frustration of trial and error. What works? Does existence seem to be more image than Reality? As the realization that non-reality is not Reality, that creation is just what it is............image, a certain disconnect occurs. Consciousness begins to question what our created reality is all about. There is hope that other answers can be found. Humanity of creation strives for a life of perfection. The consciousness of humanity strives to be perfect, maybe even, to be perfect as God is perfect. When perfection seems unattainable....then what?  What about religion? What happens when faith fails? Faith, after all, depends on the testimony of others, their judgement, their opinions, and their purpose. What is left when even science and technology fail; when the casualties far outweigh the benefits? This is where the search for Reality begins. If this creation is what it is there must be something more.The search for Reality begins when we realize that 'nothingness' exists, but beyond that to understanding the reality of non-reality, and consequently, the reality of Reality. This is where the search for Reality begins. When what is real cannot be found or even described the problem is that the search was in the wrong place. Science and religion search for Reality in the wrong place.

But what do we do? There is no formula, or plan, or blueprint, no classes to take or anything to join. Those who choose have the implanted memory that predates creation. We become as we choose.
The choice must permeate all we have become and all we have created. Reality is not a reward for how good we are or for what we have accomplished for as we move through the process we become changed. We allow our choice for Reality to change us. The choice admits to no sin and is not about rules and commandments. It's not about the God religion has created nor the God science and technology are creating. We will realize that all we thought important is not important. We will watch and see all our many gods come down.

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