Monday, July 25, 2016

Post #238, "The Divided Self"

There are two Selves.
There is the Self
and there is the Self within the Self.
The Self within the Self is the basic Self that forms and is formed by the whole Self,
-----the Collective Self.
Self is Self because it is Consciousness,
Self is Consciousness because Self is Aware.
Self's Awareness functions through either Observing or through Perceiving.
All is dependent on and all determines 'Selfness'.
The inner Self seeks either:
1) to immerse it-Self in the Collective Self,
 2) to control the Collective Self,
 3) to emerge from the Collective Self.
Each determination, each Choice is the Self's approach to Self and to Self survival.
In this understanding of two Selves, is the answer to the questions of 'why is there
Good and Evil?',
to 'why is there Love and Hate?',
to 'how do I Feel and how do I Think about my-Self and my Other-than Self, Self?,
to 'why is there war?', to 'why is there 'sickness and death?'
Because Self Feels and Self Thinks, Self devises systems to deal with Self
and Self-Within-Self.
Because Self Feels and Self Thinks, Self Chooses the Self and Other of Reality or
Chooses to create its own reality outside Reality.
Self devises systems that insure survival even at the cost of destroying
another part or piece of it-Self.
Self will sacrifice the Whole to save it-Self,
directly or indirectly
Because Self Feels and Self Thinks, Self devises conflicting systems,
all depending on how Self Feels or how Self Thinks; about:
immersing in the Collective Self,
or controlling the Collective Self,
or emerging from the Collective Self.
Now, we can begin to see how humanity acts or reacts to Self in Singularity
and to Self in the Collective.
How is Self Aware of it-Self?
Does Self Observe Self or does Self Perceive Self?
How able is Self to Choose Awareness as Observation or as Perception?
Can this Choice depend entirely on Awareness of Self
or does Self's Awareness of 'Other' play into or even determine its Awareness of it-Self?
We can't seem to get away from 'Other'.
So----where does Self find 'Other'
---------as 'Other' than it-Self or as
'Other' of it-Self?
Self is 'other' than Self within the Collective as the Collective is the Whole of Consciousness
that has divided it-Self into parts and pieces of It-Self,
thereby creating 'other-than-Self within it-Self, creating many 'Others' who are
dependant, independent, and interdependent with it-Self.
Consequently Self cannot see 'Other' as 'Other' IS.
Self can only see 'Other' through its Perception, through its Vision of it-Self.
Each part and piece of Consciousness is a total mini-replica of the Whole,
Each part dependent, independent, and inter-dependent with it-Self.
Each Feeling, Thinking, and Choosing as Self and as Other-of Self.
Each Feeling and Thinking Other not as Other but as Self determines Other to Become.
Let's dig in further-----
The Perceiving Self is not able to Observe it-Self or to Observe the Other of Reality.
Because this Self cannot Observe, it sees or it is Aware of Self, outside of Reality.
What is outside Reality is Creation.
The Perception of Self by Self is the basis of Creation.
Self enters a state of Becoming as it departs from 'what IS'.
Self 'Feels' Fear upon departing Reality.
Self Thinks Survival.
Self plans survival.
Self's plan for survival is through Creation of what is Perceived as 'Saving'
it-Self from annihilation.
Annihilation, meaning absorption by the Chaos of 'Nothingness'
to Becoming Nothing, as in not existing.
Self Perceives the Singular Other of Reality through its Feeling of Fear.
Self becomes vulnerable through Fear,
Self becomes vulnerable through Fear of extinction.
 Self realizes that in Becoming, it has created Beginning and Ending.
Its only hope of survival is in the 'Becoming'.
What can Self 'Become' that will insure survival?
If Self and Other are the Reality of Reality, the only hope of survival is the 'Other'
of Reality.
But, in a sense, the Other of Reality no longer exists for Self as Self has removed
it-Self from Reality.
Answer-------Self must Create Other from it-Self!
Self must divide it-Self that Self and Other can be maintained.
Self must divide into Self and Other, for only Other can call Self into its Self-ness.
Only Other can Witness and Validate Self as Self. 
thereby saving Self from non-existence.
The only validation of Self as Self is through Observation of the Self and the Other
of Reality.
This Self is caught into the Collective as a part of the whole of Consciousness.
This Self Observes Self and the Singular Other of Reality as Self IS
and as Other IS.
This Individual Self exists in Reality by being called into the Reality of its Self
through the Witness and consequent Validation of 'Other'.
To be Self, Self must be Witnessed and Validated as Self by that which it IS NOT.
Self is Self through Other.
Self remains Self and Other remains Other in the total lack of chaos of Reality.
Self and Other must remain Self and Other to call each other into Being.
The outcome is that Self IS as Other IS,
each in Entity in the Infiniteness of Being.

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