Monday, July 11, 2016

Post #235 "Can We 'Become' our Dream?"

The Collective Consciousness has Chosen to Perceive it-Self as Reality
through and of it-Self by removing Reality.
Of course, Reality cannot be removed as Reality IS, so the Choice of Consciousness
results in Consciousness creating its own reality that exists as a dream of Becoming.
The very fact of Choosing is outside Reality, creating a state of non-existence.
Consciousness can exist in a created state of non-existence.
Consciousness can Create!

Consciousness can create because Consciousness Thinks and Feels.
Does Consciusness Think because it Feels
or does Consciousness Feel because it Thinks?
Either way or both ways-----
Consciousness moves it-Self out of existence, as Consciousness
Thinks or Feels it-Self out of existence,
and so, using its energy of Choosing, Creates
------bringing its-Self into its own existence.
Basically this means, Self existing within Self.
For Self to exist within Self, Self must divide.
This is not suprising as creation is a process of division.
Consciousness can create anything in any way that it wants, in any way that it Chooses,
according to how it Thinks and Feels.
But creating is not Real.
Creation does not exist outside of it-Self
Real Exists!
Reality Exists!
Creating brings 'about'.
Creating is about Becoming,
and of course, Becoming is never accomplished,
as it is always Becoming, and because it is always 'becoming', it is not of Reality,
it never comes to be.

Consciousness creates and enters its creation----its created existence,
----then wonders why there is so much chaos!
W ell, of course there is chaos when each and every part and piece of Consciousness
can and does exert its own individual power of Choice that takes precedent over the
Collective, and chooses, as collective, but also within its own dream of Becoming,
-------Becoming meaning survival.
Do we have to Become to survive?
Of course!
When the dream of 'Becoming" ends so does survival cease to exist.
The parts and pieces of Consciousness must survive to Become.
The parts and pieces of Consciousness must not loose the dream of Becoming.
As history moves on, these parts and pieces become more focused on their own
individual survival, beyond that of the Collective.

Politically, we see opinions supportive of individual survival rather than
concern for the whole.
More and more, individuals sacrifice the whole for their own particular part
or piece.
What better recipe for Chaos?
So history moves from a collective approach to civilization to an individual and personal
History once depended on collective survival.
History now moves to individual survival with more and more parts and pieces making up
the Collective-----all struggling for survival.
 ------all Competing for survival.
All Competing on how each Thinks and/or Feels
Thinks or Feels about What?-------at First Cause there is only Awareness
of Self and Reality of Self and Other.
So, is this the bases of all that we are, have Become, and will continue to Become?
Does it all come from the basic human attributes of Thinking and Feeling that lie behind
the Dream of Becoming----that Impetus that set off Creation?

Is this where all the Knowledge that we claim roots from......
not from Reality, but from the non-acceptence of Reality?
Have we allowed, or better yet, Chosen, our basic instincts of Compare,
Feel, Think, Eliminate, proved who we, as Collective Consciousness?
Has Consciousness lost sight of the First Cause, that first awareness of the Self
and the Other of Reality?
Reality has not changed.
Reality is still here or should we say still 'there'?
Consciousness has changed.
We have changed,
or, have we?
We distorted and manipulated Reality into a bad dream.
It would seem that we are very capable of still doing this, no matter where we are
in our dream of Becoming.
Is not Reality really what we all long for?
Is Reality not what we have given all different interpretations, descriptions, movements,
 and names and claims to,
------ that vagueness that remains elusive, beyond, and certainly, out-of-our-touch?
Is Reality not that vague, unsatifiable desire for Perfection?
-----that Something we can not seem to grab in our hands or consume
as our food or buy as our possession or use for our pleasure?
-------that Something we both Fear and Yearn for?
That Something beyond our Feeling and our Thinking?
That Something beyond all our religions and sciences?


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