Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Post #239 "The 'Other' Than Self"

It's all about Self and Other.
When Self destroys Other,
Self creates another 'Other' in its place.

Is there existence outside of Self?
Can anything exist that is beyond, or outside of, or vaster than, Self?
Can Self allow anything that is outside of it-Self to exist?
And if that 'Other' did exist, what could Self do about it?
What would be the First Cause/basic reaction of Self to 'Other'?
What could Self do?
Self, being Consciousness would probably Feel a reaction.
So it would become crucial as to how Consciousness/Self Felt/Feels about 'Other'.

What is 'Other' anyways?
Other must be Consciousness that is not Self.
Actually, is this not the basis of who we are as humanity within the history humanity has
created of  it-Self.
History could hardly be history if it were the story of it-Self.
History is the story of Self and Other------
and history has, basically, been a struggle.
-----basically that struggle is and has been a struggle for survival.
What has survival to do with history?
Survival has absolutely everything to do with the story of who we are
and what we do and what we see as our purpose.

What if we have been and are, totally responsible for who we are, because of what we do,
out of what we see as our purpose?
After-all, who could possible determine this but our-Self/Selves?
other than 'Other'?
In First-Cause Awareness would not Self be Aware of Self as-------what?
That 'What' could only be determined at Awareness of Other.
Three reactions immediately present:
Determining Action-----the 'so what do I do about this?'

Here, one could note the 'Second Cause'
the development of the Self through Feeling, Thinking, and Choosing.
Feeling, Thinking, and Choosing, not so mucn about it-Self but about Self and 'Other'.
----about Self because of Other.
Self is begining to see Self inspite of Other, or because of Other, or through Other-----??
How does Self see Other>
'Seeing' is determined by Feeling, Thinking, and Choosing
Seeing is Awareness, Awareness is Consciousness.
Consciousness is Aware.
Consciousness is Aware of Self,
so------Consciousness to Awareness to Self.
Self is Aware of Self, Self Awareness is Consciousness.
Self is Aware of Self, Self is Aware of Other.
Can Self be Conscious if Self is not Aware of 'Other'?
It seems that Self cannot be Consciusness without being Aware of 'Other'.
It has to do with Feeling.
Once Self is Aware that Self Feels,
Self Thinks about what it Feels.
Thinking begins the process of doing.
Thinking of Doing begins the process of Choosing.
Self Feels, Self Thinks, Self Chooses.-----
What Self Feels, what Self Thinks, and what Self Chooses has everything to do with
As Self and the Singularity of 'Other' is of Reality,
'Other' has everything to do with Self,
----not so much Other as Entity but how Self Feels, Thinks, and consequently Choose
regarding the Self and Other of Reality.
All about Self and Other boiling down to how Self  Feels, Thinks, and Chooses,
regarding Reality.
How Self Feels, Thinks, and Chooses regarding Other determines Self and Reality.
Self can and does Feel, Think, and Choose Reality or, consequently, Non-Reality.
Its an either/or Choice----
Self Chooses Reality or Non-Reality results.
As Self becomes aware of its Choice, Self Feels.
We/humanity know this Feeling.
We are immersed in this Feeling.
We are devoured by this Feeling.
We try to escape this Feeling.
We begin to Think survival.
How do we survive what we have Chosen?
We could have Chosen 'Other'.
We could have Chosen Reality
We, as Collective Consciousness divided into the parts and pieces of the Whole.
The Whole being the Collective Consciousness.
Each part, each piece having collective and individual Choice,
for or not for Reality.
Do we accept and embrace Reality or do we Become Creator?
Self knows that Self needs Other to call Self into it-Self.
Self knows, in its dreams of 'Becoming', that only 'Other' can Witness and Validate
the created Self into the fulfillment of the dream.
The accomplishment cannot occur without Other to Witness and Validate,
without Other to witness Self as having 'Become' it-Self.
When the Other of Reality is removed, Self divides Self into Self and
Other of Self.
This diminishes Self, as Self has destroyed a part of it-Self to Become that Self
that  does not exist in Reality.  
Whatever does not exist in Reality but exists in its own creation breaks down into smaller
and smaller parts and pieces of itself until all exists in the void of 'Nothingness',
that all exists in the 'Nothing 'void that churns itself into the elementary particles that
make-up creation.
Creation does not exist in Reality but in the dream of the Self of Consciousness,
and so, as Self, is a process of division.
Self will divide itself down until One remains and that One will no longer be able
to find Other within it-Self and so will fade, as will creation into the Void  
But we always knew this.
We always knew that only One would survive,
for One had a dream that could and would not come about.
This One, this Self, could not accept 'What Is'
and traded Being (What Is) for 'Becoming'.
As it turns out, 'Becoming' is 'What Isn't'.
"What Isn't exists within it-Self and survives within what it has brought about
until it ends in basically, eating itself.
Becoming could not occur without the Observation of Other, Witnessing that it had indeed effected
the transfer of Essence.
This Essence was to be the Essence of the 'Other' of Reality, which is and was the Essence of Entity.
Only the Essence of Entity can exist Infinitely.
Self is Entity because Other of Reality Observes the Entity of Self
and so brings it into Being,
brings it into the 'What IS', the PRESENT, the NOW of Reality.
Self is Entity because Other of Reality Witnesses Self as Infinite Entity.
Only that which is 'Other' can Witness the BEING of Self.
Only that Other that is the Other of Reality can Validate what Is Real.
Self is Infinite because Other of Reality Validates Reality, its Entity and therefore calls Self
into the Reality of it-Self.
Self would die without the Essence of Other.
Where was Other when the Other of Reality was banished,
when the Other had been negated, when the Other was not in the same
existence, or in the same dimension as the Collective Consciousness?. 

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