Thursday, July 14, 2016

Post #236, "The Autonomous Self"

Reality----Self and Other
Non-reality/Creation----Self and Other of Self,
Upon denial/removal of the Singular Reality of Other, Self divides.
The division of Self from Other becomes the First Level of Creation as the Self
of Consciousness departs Reality.
The denial/obliteration of Reality results in creation of an existence best described as
The existence of Non-reality necessitates the realization of the Reality of Non-reality.
The Second Level of Creation accepts the reality of Non-reality, basically,
accepting the realization of 'Nothingness'.
Through the Choice of Consciousness, the reality of Non-reality and the
existence of Nothingness become actuality.
This actuality now exists in the Awareness of Consciousness.
Consciousness is Aware of Non-Reality,
Consciousness is Aware of Nothingness.
Non-Reality and 'Nothingness' are the same.
Into 'Nothingness', into Non-reality, the Self of Consciousness must create a pseudo-existence
for it-Self to exist in outside of Reality.
The Self of Consciousness dreams its existence as out of a reality that does not exist in Reality,
so its dream becomes a dream of Becoming.
It's dream must be a dream of Becoming Real.
The dream could only be a dream of Becoming Reality.

The dream of Becoming can be viewed from the Observation of First Cause
and can be viewed from where we have arrived today, many levels later in our dream
of Becoming.
How did the Self of Consciousness react to its Choice to eliminate Reality that it could
Become Autonomous,
-----that it could begin to Feel and to Think?
------to begin to Feel and Think What?------

Did Self Feel alone?
How did/does the Self Feel about alone-ness?
Alone-ness can only be the absence of Other.
How does one cope with the absence of Other and, hence, with alone-ness?
How does one 'become' without the defining and acceptance of Other as to the
transference of essence?
but, how can there be a transference of essence, or more exactly, a transference of what one
is for what one dreams of 'becoming'?
At First Cause, before the process of division set in, what could Consciousness dream of Becoming that would bring it-Self from what it was and what it is to what it dreams of becoming?
Would not the dream be of what the Self of Consciousness was not.....but of what it
could Become?
----and at First Cause was there not the Awareness of Self and Reality----
and the Choice to accept that Self and that Reality or to dream of an alternative?
----and what other alternative but to transfer essence meaning 'Being' with the Singular Other
of Reality?

To put this into 21st century understanding, would this not be symbolically,
creating and dreaming of 'Becoming' what we refer to as God?
Would 'Other' not be necessary to the creation of God as God needs and demands
Worship to be God.
So, in the division of Self, into Self and into the Other of Self, do we not see the need to create
within Self that which needs Worship to define it-Self through its dream of 'Becoming',
that which would Perceive Self as indeed Becoming its dream?
and would not the need for the source of Worship be Perceivers, that would Witness and, consequently, Validate the transference?
Would we not need Worshippers?
Would Worshippers not be essential as Perceivers, Witnesses, and thereby, Validators,
of the move of Consciousness from Pseudo-reality to Reality?

Looks like Self is made up, in Creation, of the Self of 'Worshipped' and the Self
of 'Worshipper'.
-----of God and those who call God into Being through Perception, through
Winess of Perception, and Validation of the Witness of the Perception.

There is little need to ask which of the two, one would rather be.
Well, no wonder things are sticky and getting stickier.
Does it all really come down to alone-ness?
----meaning, does Self break it-Self apart into many parts and pieces to Feel not alone?
Why would the Self that has established autonomy for it-Self, want to create Other,
to create Other parts of it-Self,
out of it-Self?

Obviously Self has a need of Other, but that Other must be of it-Self.
No wonder Creation is a process of division, when the Self of Consciousness, is created
through division, of it-Self.
It-Self is its own Creator.
Self is Creator.

How does Self Feel about its Creation?
How does Self Think about its Creation?
Does Self Feel that it has eliminated Reality?
What does Self Think it has To Do about about the removal of Reality and
what does Self Feel about the removal of Reality through removal of the Singularity,
that along with Self of Reality, defines Reality?
Well, at least at this point, (side point) we seem to have established that Thinking comes
out of Feeling,
----that Thinking seems to be about coping with how we Feel about what we have Chosen.

So, Self of Consciousness divides it-Self to cope with its Feelings about the Choice
to remove Reality and exist on its own.
So what has happened with this plan?
We witness the results of our own dreaming.
The Self of Consciousness not only broke it-Self down into parts and pieces of it-Self,
but seems to have overdone it.
We are on the verge of wiping ourselves out.
---as in over-population,
---as in over-use and abusive use of resources

This all looks like quite a conundrum.
In trying to define ourselves, to better understand who we are and what we are about,
we need to be aware that we seem to have problems with needing Other and needing
to remove/eliminate/destroy, etc. Other.
We seem to be about Creating and destroying or is it destroying first, and then
creating, that we can continue destroying?
We seem to be Creator and Destroyer.
What conflict!

How do we Feel about the Other of our-Self?
How do we Think about what we have Created?
What of our repressed memory of Reality?
There is a prevailing sense a perplexing doubt and resulting malaise----
like we have lost the dream and don't know where to go.
----that we started something we don't know how to handle.
----that we Feel obscurely afraid and project those fears onto those parts of
Consciousness we Think of as Other than ourselves.
We create that Other out of our-Self by creating enemies out of our-Selves and revenging
conspiracies against our-Self by our-Self.
We need Other and we fear and despise Other.

Of course, practically speaking, any middle class must be eliminated, when all that is necessary to accomplish the dream is the Worshipped and the Worshipper.

Basically, Elite and Slave.
But who wants to be Slave?
Who wants to Perceive that which needs Worship to be God?
Who wants to Witness that dream of Becoming?
Who wants to Validate that part of Self that demands Worship to Become God?


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