Sunday, November 6, 2016

Post #276 "From Inside Creation"

Consciousness Chooses Collectively as the Self of the Collective Consciousness,
Consciousness Chooses Individually, as 'self'-of self, within the Collective.
Collective Choice and Individual Choice, from within the Collective,
increase and accelerate the process of division,
 breaking down its parts and pieces into smaller and smaller parts and pieces of itself,
thereby creating, through division, further levels of division,
as years into months into weeks, etc..
These divisions mark history,
and in Time, are referred to as levels or layers,
These levels range, in Time, from seconds to millenniums.

These levels, in Time, mark all creation as to the durability of their particular images.
The breakdown marked by the passing of Time affects all of creation including humanity.
This division is most noted in the divisions of humanity,
not only into the divisions that mark humanity in Time,
but also into the divisions that empower and thereby selectively increase the essence of
humanity or,
diminish the essence of humanity into levels of existence that are sub-human,
all the way to non-human.

In attempting to 'Become', humanity sacrifices self through division,
into self-of-self and other-of-self.
Other-of-self looses Essence to Self-of-self, thereby loosing Essence of self to itself,
Self loses self as self divides, over and over again throughout the levels of history.
The Choice of Self Choosing to remain within the Collective,
or of Self Choosing to emerge from the Collective
causes chaos within Consciousness,
 as well as within the Creating Self of the Collective and the Emerging Self of Reality .
There is chaos when survival is threatened.
The Creating  Self of the Collective is threatened by the emergence from the Collective of the Self of Reality.
The Emergence divides the Self of Consciousness into selfness and the 'otherness' of the Emerging Self.
Thus the Self of Consciousness, divided, is in conflict with itself.

Conflict is the result of fear of extinction.
The Self of Consciousness fears extinction.
The Self of the Collective Consciousness deals with this fear of extinction through comparison.
To compare, one must set itself against another.
Comparison calls for self and other-than-self.
Because of the Dream of 'Becoming',
Comparison is a characteristic of the Collective.
The parts and pieces of the Collective, compare to the other parts and pieces, thereby
betraying the Self of the Collective

Conscquently, Consciousness, as self, as a self of Consciousness, compares self to the parts
and pieces of the Collective Consciousness
That which divides, fears extinction as one part compares itself to the 'other'.
This is complicated because the other is known by the Self as it was one before division.
This fear causes the Self of Consciousness, indeed causes all the selves of Consciousness
to try to make up within itself that which has been lost through and in itself.
Consciousness experiences guilt at the deception of self to self.
Consciousness feels guilt at the divisiveness of itself and of the divisiveness of the self within
the parts and pieces.

Itself Perceives its Opposite as having been broken off from itself.
The breaking off originates in the self as the created 'other' becomes the victim to the self.
Self Perceives its opposite from within itself as self desires other to be
Perception creates an opposite as the reflection of the object of its Dream.
Perception Creates the Image.

The Image now exists along with the Desired object.
In non-reality, one becomes two,
while dreaming that all become One.
Non-reality creates multiples in the effort to become one.
Creating multiples is an effect of the process of division.

The Dream of Becoming, however, remains, and seems less obtainable as division creates
smaller and smaller parts and pieces, never seeming to be the dreamed Entity of One.
Consciousness basically is fighting against its Dream to Become.
Consciousness, certainly, is not Dreaming of becoming parts and pieces of it-self.

The fear of annihilation, brought on by the division into parts and pieces of itself,
provokes greater chaotic pulsation that moves energy at greater
speeds within Consciousness, draining essence from one part to saturate or gorge another
part or piece.
Some parts gorge on other parts and become huge and powerful.
Others are drained of their essence and cannot survive.

There is chaos as self determines self-of-self from other-of-self,
Self makes determinations through comparison.
Stronger parts challenge weaker parts that essence may be drained off
and fed into the winner of the challenge
Challenge results from comparison, when one part seems larger and stronger
than another.
The loser is considered 'other-than-self'.
Actually, the loser is feared as a possible threat to the loss of Essence.
The loser must be controlled.
All must be controlled, for all has the potential threat to the loss of Essence.
Consequently, all become other-than-self.
All become foreign.
All become stranger.
All become enemy. 
The Self of Consciousness is threatened by the self-of-self,
 and the self-of-self is threatened by the Self of the Collective Consciousness.
There is further chaos when the self-of-self divides down into further divisions of its self,
 and from these creates further levels of other-than-self.
Each creation of its other-than-self, further divides it-self,
and then robs itself of its own parts and pieces,
----of its own Essence.

Each layer of division, steps up the rate of division
and speeds up the passing of Time.
In the process of division, the breakdown of parts and pieces, accelerates as does Time itself,
 as the parts and pieces continue to divided,
until loosing all form,
just fade away.

It does not just 'seem' that Time is moving faster,
Time IS moving faster, due to the process of division that is the common
denominator of all of Creation.
Consciousness breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces of itself
as Time spins faster and faster,
each year moving faster than the year before,
---30 years moving as 10.
 We think we are living longer,
but the opposite is more like it.
Like-wise humanity continues to breakdown into smaller pieces, on diminished cycles,
at ever increasing speeds of Time.
 This explains the chaos we all experience.
Consciousness seeks solutions in Dream and Image.
From these images,
Consciousness seeks survival.
Consequently, Self, as humanity, also seeks survival
in the Dream of its Collective Consciousness,
 which is reflected in the Dream and images of each 'self'.
The Dream, as does creation itself, divides.
The Dream, cannot survive it-self as Dream,
and so breaks down,
  Out of desperation, that which breaks down;--------
seeks to regroup with the Self, only to break down again
and regroup again throughout history----
Always seeking Self, yet always dividing self down into non-existence.

Wilderness fades into Civilization, as humanity strives to group itself into larger
images of itself
----seeking to remove from itself any and all traces of 'other' and 'otherness',
including otherness-of-self---
and then creating and recreating 'otherness' from itself as the means to survival.

Consciousness betrays it-self.
When the Choice of the Collective Consciousness is to
remove the Singular Other of Reality,
consequently, also removing it-self from Reality,
Consciousness creates the process of division
The process of division sets off Time and puts 'beginning' and 'ending' into place
within itself.
This process of division that parallels Reality with Non-reality,
causes Consciousness to divides within it-self.
Meaning Consciousness must provide within it-self the image of the Singular Self
and the Singular Other of Reality----
---Consciousness divides into the Self of it-self and into the Other of it-self.

Now, let's apply this to the Consciousness of humanity.
How does Consciousness, how does humanity, divide it-self into Self-of-self
and other-of-self and not violate its 'selfness'?
How does Consciousness, how does humanity, deal with that part of itself that is made
that it may serve the survival needs of the Collective or in humanity,
as sacrifice to the Dream of 'Becoming'?
It can no longer Dream of Becoming because it has lost the potential for Authority.
Authority either exists or is lost to the Dream.
Some parts of the Collective Consciousness Dream Authority or have lost the
Essence of the Dream to Become and end up serving the Dream.
This sacrifice means that the 'other', even though it is the 'other of self''
can no longer Dream of 'Becoming'.
The Dream of Becoming is lost when the Other-of-self Worships the Self-of-self.

As human, some part or piece is Perceived as its Dream, is witnessed as its Dream,
and is Validated as its Dream thereby 'Becoming', to the Perceiver, the accomplishment
of the Dream.
This part  of humanity perceives itself as the Dream awaiting accomplishment.
But Self cannot Perceive,
cannot Witness self in its selfness,
nor Validate its Dream, as existing,
even though the existence is in Non-reality.

Humanity creates other-than-self by annihilating, through division, parts and pieces of itself.
This act of division changes parts and pieces of humanity into sub-humans or non-humans,
as in; Reality-Non-reality,
Humanity; Sub-humanity, Non-humanity.
----that the self-of-self moves towards the top of the pyramid while the other-than-self
is removed from the grid or from the pyramid and is broken down into a sub-type
or a non-type of humanity.

Sub-humans and Non-humans are removed, by perception, from the status of humanity
to the status of Worshipper.
Worshippers are Perceived as in need of control by the Selves of status in the Collective Consciousness.
When those of enlarged or gorged Essence compare themselves to sub-humanity or to those of
non-humanity, they Perceives themselves in Dreams as attaining Perfection. 
Only that Perfection is elusive.
What frustration, trying to Become what is not in the created, image, Non-reality.
This unattainable 'something' is necessary to survival.
There is no survival in creation. 

Each Self of humanity Dreams,
Each one Dreams the Dream of 'Becoming'.
Each one Dreams the Dream of Perfection.
Each one Images the Dream of self-of-self,
dividing itself only to eliminate that other-than-self which
is non-perfection,
that is contrary to,
that is enemy to
----that which must be eliminated before Perfection can be attained.
This sub-force, this non-force is eliminated from humanity that it can serve humanity
in its nothingness.
It is made to be food for the survival of the Self.
The self divides, uses and discards
creating Power from the food of itself.
Religion is the story of humanity's division of itself into human and other-than human
for its consumption of itself as food for survival-----that One may remain.

The Dreams exist beyond Time and as such provide an inherent knowledge
of a future as yet uncreated.
These Dreams are not for those who have been robbed of the ability
to Dream,
by those made to Worship,
by those whose Dreams have been drained away
with the very Essence of their being------
by those 'others' deprived of existence as humans,
All those 'others'----
the sub-humans,
the non-humans.


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